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Displaying posts with tag: Ubuntu Server meeting minutes (reset)
Server Team 20110405 meeting minutes

Here are the minutes of the server team meeting. They can also be found online with the irc log here.

Meeting Actions

  • Daviey to submit UDS-O topic for translations and docs
  • jamespage to helpout with verification of euca-dhcp bug
  • jamespage to discover process/location for fixing ubuntu server documentation

Review ACTION points from previous meeting

  • Daviey to talk with wider docs team regarding translations (deferred, carry over)
  • Daviey to talk with docs team about new submissions (New documentation for cluster stack)
    • Daviey has discussed this with the documentation team; most Ubuntu documentation is facing the same issue that the server documentation set is (i.e. lack of resource).
    • [ACTION] Daviey actioned to raise a UDS-O …
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Server Team 20110322 meeting minutes

Here are the minutes of the meeting. They can also be found online
with the irc logs here.

Meeting Actions

  • Daviey to talk with wider docs team regarding translations (deferred)
  • Daviey to post another followup one euca-dhcp bug.
  • SpamapS to put his version of ubuntuserver-minutes in directions for writing minutes

Natty Development

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Server Team 20100414 meeting minutes

Here are the minutes of the meeting. They can also be found online
with the irc logs here.

Review ACTION points from previous meeting

  • mathiaz to fix a broken script with bug reporting link above (not done)
  • ttx to follow up with ivoks/RoaKSoax on cluster stack state (done, but needs refresh)
  • mathiaz to propose removal of dovecot-postfix on MLs (not done)

[ACTION] mathiaz to fix the “server fixed bugs” broken script

[ACTION] ttx to follow up with ivoks/RoaKSoax on cluster stack state

[ACTION] mathiaz to propose removal of dovecot-postfix on MLs

Lucid release status

FinalFreeze will hit us tomorrow, and then all uploads will need …

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Server Team 20100331 meeting minutes

Here are the minutes of the meeting. They can also be found online
with the irc logs here.

Beta2 status

ttx reminded everyone that Beta2 Freeze was around the corner.

There are a few beta2-targeted bugs:

Most of the Work Items targeted for beta2 are not …

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Server Team 20100303 meeting minutes

Here are the minutes of the meeting. They can also be found online
with the irc logs here.

Review ACTION points from previous meeting

  • kirkland to publish tentative bugzapping roadmap: Done, will be updated.

Beta1 status review

ttx informed everyone that we are at the beginning of the beta1 subcycle… but not very far from the end of it. Thursday next week is Beta1Freeze, a hard freeze before the Beta1 release, so most uploads should be made before that date. For reference, the beta1-targeted blueprints are tracked at

smoser reported …

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Server Team 20100210 meeting minutes

Here are the minutes of the meeting. They can also be found online
with the irc logs here.

Review ACTION points from previous meeting (jib)

  • ACTION: ttx to announce papercuts nominations
    • ttx: done
  • ACTION: zul to do another call to action for the apport hooks involvement
    • zul: will do today
  • ACTION: zul to raise php5.3 update on -server and -devel mailinglist, outline which apps are currently not working with 5.3
    • zul: done

Alpha3 progress review (ttx)

  • Make sure status is updated on each of your blueprint whiteboards EOD on Tuesdays !
  • Prio 1 specs < 70% completed: …

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Server Team 20090818 meeting minutes

Here are the minutes of the meeting. They can also be found online
with the irc logs here.


jmdault reported he had built all packages relevant to the Asterisk stack in his PPA. This update would bring Asterisk to the latest version: 1.6. Testing is welcome.

ACTION: jmdault to ask sponsorship for pwlib -> openh323 -> dahdi* -> asterisk* packages

Update Ebox to 1.3

foolano stated that packages were already in a PPA and debdiffs had been attached to bugs.

ACTION: zul to review ebox 1.3 packages

SRU weekly review

mathiaz added the list of nominated bugs relevant to packages interesting to the ubuntu-server team to the list of bugs fixed during last week. Both lists were …

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Server Team 20090728 meeting minutes

Here are the minutes of the meeting. They can also be found online
with the irc logs here.

SRU tracking on server-related packages

mathiaz had a chat with bdmurray about a way to generate a list of bugs that have been fix for a previous week. bdmurray has a script that almost does the job.

ACTION: mathiaz to follow up with bdmurray about the list of fixed released bugs related to the ubuntu-server team.

Ubuntu HA team: Cluster stack update

mathiaz reported that the latest version of drbd had been uploaded to Debian. It was using DKMS as suggested by ivoks. The drbd package has been synced in Ubuntu Karmic.

RoAkSoAx updated the Ubuntu HA …

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Server Team 20090120 meeting minutes

Here are the minutes of the meeting. They can also be found online
with the irc logs here.

Screen profiles

kirkland reported that he had uploaded a new version of the screen-profiles package to universe which changes the default escape sequence back to ctrl-a. nijaba also implemented a new functionality to allow to customize the escape sequence when choosing the screen profile. Now that the main inclusion report has been accepted kirkland is planning to seed the screen-profile by making it a dependency of the screen package.

kirkland plans to start a discussion about enabling screen by default on server installs. He will outline the implementation details in a post to the ubuntu-server mailing list to …

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Server Team 20090113 meeting minutes

Here are the minutes of the meeting. They can also be found online
with the irc logs here.

Screen Profiles

kirland announced that he uploaded a new version of the screen-profiles package to jaunty. Versions for hardy and intrepid are also available from his PPA. He stated that it was totally awesome now and posted a screenshot. He is looking for more testers.

ACTION: kirkland to write a blog post about screen-profile

SRU for ebox

sommer reported that all the bugs had been updated and submitted to the motu-sru team. zul uploaded relevant packages to intrepid-proposed which are waiting for the ACK from the motu-sru team.

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Showing entries 1 to 10 of 11
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