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Displaying posts with tag: Database Administration & Monitoring (reset)
ODA : Do You Know The MOVE Table In MySQL DB Repository

By Mouhamadou Diaw

During a consulting on a customer, we faced the following issue when trying to delete a dbhome

Message:  DCS-10001:Internal error encountered: PRGO-2470 : Working copy “OraDB19000_home1” is involved in an incomplete move or upgrade operation

The result of the job is shown below

[2022-11-08 10:53:35 root@odaserverb]# odacli describe-job -i 671b5899-02ac-45ff-b5af-ee254ef0bc72

Job details
                     ID:  671b5899-02ac-45ff-b5af-ee254ef0bc72
            Description:  Database Home OraDB19000_home1 Deletion with id a1bfe23e-2569-407b-8b87-7af9f9f586bf
                 Status:  Failure
                Created:  October 26, 2022 6:45:49 AM CEST
                Message:  DCS-10001:Internal error encountered: PRGO-2470 : Working copy "OraDB19000_home1" is involved in an incomplete move or upgrade …
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Installing MySQL InnoDB Cluster in OKE using a MySQL Operator

During previous months, I’ve had some time to satisfy my curiosity about databases in containers and I started to test a little bit MySQL in Kubernetes.
This is how it all began…

In January I had the chance to be trained on Kubernetes attending the Docker and Kubernetes essentials Workshop of dbi services. So I decided to prepare a session on this topic at our internal dbi xChange event. And as if by magic, at the same time, a customer asked for our support to migrate a MySQL database to their Kubernetes cluster.

In general, I would like to raise two points before going into …

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Installing MySQL InnoDB Cluster in OKE using a MySQL Operator

During previous months, I’ve had some time to satisfy my curiosity about databases in containers and I started to test a little bit MySQL in Kubernetes.
This is how it all began…

In January I had the chance to be trained on Kubernetes attending the Docker and Kubernetes essentials Workshop of dbi services. So I decided to prepare a session on this topic at our internal dbi xChange event. And as if by magic, at the same time, a customer asked for our support to migrate a MySQL database to their Kubernetes cluster.

In general, I would like to raise two points before going into …

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Convert private key generated via OCI Console to ppk

I am pretty new on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure technology, so maybe I am talking about something you already know. But anyway I prefer to share this case: it can help if you encounter the same problem as me. Let’s take the risk to have too much information rather than nothing!

The problem

I was doing some tests on the new MySQL Database Service and during the setup I decided to generate my ssh keys via the OCI console:

When I tried to connect via PuTTY or MobaXterm to my compute instance using the opc account and my private key (generated previously), I got the following …

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Convert private key generated via OCI Console to ppk

I am pretty new on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure technology, so maybe I am talking about something you already know. But anyway I prefer to share this case: it can help if you encounter the same problem as me. Let’s take the risk to have too much information rather than nothing!

The problem

I was doing some tests on the new MySQL Database Service and during the setup I decided to generate my ssh keys via the OCI console:

When I tried to connect via PuTTY or MobaXterm to my compute instance using the opc account and my private key (generated previously), I got the …

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Installing MySQL Database Service (MDS)

On a previous blog post, we saw how to create an account on the Oracle OCI using the Oracle Cloud Free Tier offer and then how to instal MySQL Server on the Compute instance.
Some weeks later, the new MySQL Database Service (MDS) was out and I can show you now how to install and configure it.

We are talking about the MySQL 8.0 Enterprise Edition on the on Oracle Generation 2 Cloud Infrastructure. For the moment it’s only available on some of the data regions (Frankfurt and London for the EMEA zone), but normally others will be activated …

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Installing MySQL Database Service (MDS)

On a previous blog post, we saw how to create an account on the Oracle OCI using the Oracle Cloud Free Tier offer and then how to instal MySQL Server on the Compute instance.
Some weeks later, the new MySQL Database Service (MDS) was out and I can show you now how to install and configure it.

We are talking about the MySQL 8.0 Enterprise Edition on the on Oracle Generation 2 Cloud Infrastructure. For the moment it’s only available on some of the data regions (Frankfurt and London for the EMEA zone), but normally others will be …

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Installing MySQL Server on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute

If you are thinking about to move your MySQL databases to the Cloud but you are still reticent, you can maybe use the “Oracle Cloud Free Tier” offer to test it.

Oracle Cloud Free Tier offers you 2 Oracle Autonomous Databases and 2 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute VMs as Always Free services and in addition a 30-day Free Trial with US$300 in free credits.
On these VMs instances (provisioned and managed by Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute) you can install your MySQL server. Let’s see how…

Oracle Cloud account creation

Connect to the Oracle Cloud page and fill in your credentials:

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Changes that I like in the new MySQL 8.0.21

A new release of MySQL was out on July 13 (8.0.21).
Among all the changes, there are some that I have already tested and that I really appreciate.

Who stopped the MySQL server?

In previous releases, I can already see in the error log file who stopped the MySQL server if this was done through the shutdown statement.
In MySQL 8.0.20:

mysql> shutdown;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> exit;
# tail -2 /u01/app/mysql/admin/mysqld2/log/mysqld2.err
2020-07-23T20:39:08.049064+02:00 9 [System] [MY-013172] [Server] Received SHUTDOWN from user root. Shutting down mysqld (Version: 8.0.20).
2020-07-23T20:39:09.796726+02:00 0 [System] [MY-010910] [Server] /u01/app/mysql/product/mysql-8.0.20/bin/mysqld: Shutdown complete (mysqld 8.0.20)  MySQL Community Server - GPL.

In MySQL 8.0.21:

mysql> …
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Changes that I like in the new MySQL 8.0.21

A new release of MySQL was out on July 13 (8.0.21).
Among all the changes, there are some that I have already tested and that I really appreciate.

Who stopped the MySQL server?

In previous releases, I can already see in the error log file who stopped the MySQL server if this was done through the shutdown statement.
In MySQL 8.0.20:

mysql> shutdown;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> exit;
# tail -2 /u01/app/mysql/admin/mysqld2/log/mysqld2.err
2020-07-23T20:39:08.049064+02:00 9 [System] [MY-013172] [Server] Received SHUTDOWN from user root. Shutting down mysqld (Version: 8.0.20).
2020-07-23T20:39:09.796726+02:00 0 [System] [MY-010910] [Server] /u01/app/mysql/product/mysql-8.0.20/bin/mysqld: Shutdown complete (mysqld 8.0.20)  MySQL Community Server - GPL.

In MySQL 8.0.21:

mysql> …
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Showing entries 1 to 10 of 24
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