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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL News (reset)
MySQL community recognition

On behalf of myself and the MySQL Engineering team, I’d like to thank everyone for naming Oracle the Corporate Contributor of the year at the MySQL Community awards ceremony at Percona Live 2014.

I’d also like to thank everyone who have come up to me and my fellow colleagues in person to thank us for the great work they have seen in MySQL 5.6 as well as 5.7. I only wish that more people in the MySQL Engineering team would be able to share that experience.

Therefore I cannot stress enough how important it is for my team to hear such positive feedback through talks, blogs, and tweets. Thank you for doing so, and please continue sharing your positive experience with MySQL openly. Why not read about the latest mysql engineering work and leave a comment on, it is a huge motivator.


Announcing new Yum repositories for MySQL

The MySQL Engineering Team at Oracle is excited to announce availability of Yum repositories for MySQL, making new releases of MySQL Database and related products easily accessible using Yum.  This initial release is focused on EL6-based distros as well as Fedora 18 and 19, and provides easy access to the most recent GA releases of our most popular products:

  • MySQL Database 5.6
  • MySQL Workbench 6.0
  • MySQL Connector/ODBC 5.2

We expect to expand this in the future to offer additional MySQL products and versions using these repositories, as well as repositories for additional Linux distributions.

This effort benefits both end users and Linux distributions.  Users will have additional choice in deploying specific versions of MySQL products using …

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Join us at MySQL Connect

I’m excited about this year’s MySQL Connect in San Francisco. It’s bigger than ever, with 3 days of sessions, tutorials, and hands on labs.  We have more MySQL engineers going there than ever before. Looking at the keynote we are preparing, we have a lot of great news, and exciting benchmark numbers to share.

If you have a chance, make sure you join us this year. Learn about the latest MySQL engineering development, and use this opportunity to talk to the MySQL engineers themselves.

Hope to see you there, Tomas


MySQL Server 5.6.13 Community Release Notes

MySQL Server 5.6.13 has been released, and is available (as always) in GPL-licensed Community builds as well as commercial-license builds for evaluation and customer use. By my count, the release notes show just over 100 bugs fixed, improving user experiences both for community and customer users of MySQL 5.6 alike. The MySQL community was an integral part of that effort, submitting almost 40 of the bug reports fixed in 5.6.13. I’m taking this opportunity to express my gratitude on behalf of the MySQL Engineering team at Oracle for these efforts.

  • Po-Chun Chang has identified a series of code optimizations, frequently providing patches. In Bug#69377, this comes in the form of an optimization by eliminating needless work in an internal InnoDB function.
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The MySQL Man Pages ARE Available under the GPL

Due to a bug in our release packaging scripts, the wrong version of the man pages, with the wrong license text, were copied into the MySQL Server GPL packages. The MySQL Man Pages continue to be available under GPL. The MySQL Server GPL packages will be corrected ASAP. You can read and follow the public bug here.

We apologize for the confusion this has caused. As always, please feel free to contact us, to ask about changes that you are wondering about.  Reporting a bug is always a good way to communicate with us.

Have a Happy GPL Midsummer, Tomas

April MySQL Engineering News

On a regular basis I plan to summarize the latest news from MySQL Engineering. I hope you find it useful.

April highlights were the DMR’s coming out for both MySQL Cluster 7.3.2 and MySQL Server 5.7.1. For those that have been missing the launchpad versions of those, I apologize for the delay, but they should be there now if you want to dig into the changeset details. And to repeat what I’ve said in the past, there should not be a delay between releases on launchpad and src tar balls, so please keep bugging me when you see glitches there. Personally I also very much enjoyed the April Percona conference where I met a lot of old good friends and gave a keynote. You can …

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5.6.11 out

New 5.6.11 out

Celebrating 10 years @MySQL

In early Spring 2003 I called Erik Granström @MySQL, wanting to discuss if we could work with MySQL on a new storage engine.  He directed me to Mårten Mickos, the CEO of MySQL. After a brief call with Mårten, we were to take up the discussion later in the Spring.  Mårten was very busy, and did not have time to take the discussion further, he did not tell me why, but I learned it a few months later.

At the time I was heading up a database start-up.  We had struggled for some time with customers, as they all wanted a “standard interface” to access the data, and all we could offer was a proprietary C++ interface. The answer lay in SQL, and we had done some initial work on an ODBC driver, where the parser and query execution was all done in the api.  It was tedious work, and clearly not where our key differentiator was.  Reading in the Linux Journal that Winter about MySQL seemed to present a solution to our …

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MySQL steps up

MySQL steps up to #2, passing SQL Server.

Keynote Percona Live

I’ll be at Percona Live to give a keynote on the latest innovations we are doing with MySQL. Also learn about the latest from the MySQL Engineers on InnoDB, Replication, and Performance

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