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Displaying posts with tag: mysql_planet (reset)
#DBHangOps 4/10/13 (pre-Percona Conference!)

Annnnnd here’s the recording:

Hey all!

The Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo is coming up in 2 weeks, meaning the last of preparations are under way. In the meantime, #DBHangOps is coming your way on Wednesday at 12:00pm PDT (19:00 GMT) with:

  • Talk about Performance Schema from Mark Leith
  • Some discussion on how people use and manage MySQL slow query logs in their environments
  • Filesystems and MySQL — which do you use, why, and how
  • What you’re excited about at Percona Live!

As always, hit up this twitter search or this blog post to grab the google hangout link to join!

See y’all on Wednesday!

#DBHangOps 3/27/13!

Hi everyone!

Here’s a video of this week’s #DBHangOps:

March 27th at 12:00pm PDT (19:00 GMT) is when the next #DBHangOps is gonna go down. Check out the twitter search and hop on the google hangout to contribute some discussion! This week’s topics are:

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#DBHangOps Madness! 3/13/13

Here’s the recording!


March 13th at 12:00pm PDT (19:00 GMT) is the time to check in and hop online for #DBHangOps this week. Keep an ever watchful eye on the twitter search and hop on the google hangout to contribute some discussion! This week’s topics are:

  • Monitoring
    • What do you consider to be “standard” nagios checks for MySQL
  • Demos of Anemometer and MySQL Enterprise Monitor
  • Daily pain MySQL Bugs and Gotchas (e.g. show table status being cached)
  • MySQL 5.6

See all of ya on the google hangout!

#DBHangOps 02/27/13

EDIT: Video from today’s #DBHangOps!

Hey there peeps!

February 27th at 12:00pm PST it is! Check back here for more info and keep a watchful eye on the twitter search (and feel free to join the conversation!). The topics we’re looking to cover this week are:

  • Day-to-day pain points (what takes more time than it should?)
    • rolling restarts and upgrades
    • Performing checksums on your data
      $ /usr/bin/pt-table-checksum \
      --quiet \
      formance_schema \
      --lock-wait-time=50 \
      --chunk-size-limit=0 \
      --no-check-plan \
      --no-check-binlog-format \
      --max-lag=1 \
      --replicate percona.checksums \
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#DBHangOps on 1/30/13 \o/

UPDATE: Here’s the recording, enjoy!

Hello everybody!

#DBHangOps coming at you this week, Wednesday 1/30/12 at 12:00pm PST. Be sure to check out this blog post tomorrow or check this twitter search to grab the link to join the Google Hangout.

This week’s topics were:
* bug fixes in recent versions
* Plugins
** authorization plugins (e.g. LDAP)
** audit plugin API —
*** state transitions of records in MySQL with a plugin?
* InnoDB Status variables from twitter —
* Table alters/schema changes
** Twitter patch for non-blocking alter table (throws a different error than “lock_wait_timeout”) — …

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#DBHangOps on 01/16/13!

Update: Recording!

Finally, the end of year madness is over and we’re in a fresh new year. That must mean it’s time to get back into #DBHangops! Tune in on Wednesday, 1/16/13 at 5:00pm PST to get in on the fun and share your experiences.

Check back on this blog post tomorrow or check this twitter search to grab the link to join the Google Hangout.

Topics for this weeks hangout include:
* triggers: maintenance, problems, etc.
* Oracle MySQL utilities (similar to Percona toolkit)
** Slideshow of MySQL utilities
* Database caching and cache expiration
* InnoDB log file size
** …

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#DBHangOps 11/28/12

Now that the thanksgiving holiday is over, it seems like the perfect time to have another #DBHangOps. If you’re interested, check this twitter search or check back on my blog here for a link to the google hangout.

Items currently on our agenda for today:
* Data corruption!
* Monitoring — what do you monitor, why, etc.
* Query killing — do you kill queries in production regularly, or in emergencies?
* Fun or useful configurations

Looking forward to chatting about MySQL stuff today!
Fun time hitting these topics this week. Check out the recording:


Woooo, just wrapped up another night of #DBHangOps, check out the video:

For those of you who aren’t familiar with this awesome series of videos, it’s a bi-weekly meeting of MySQL DBAs via a Google Hangout to simply talk about databases (specifically MySQL). The discussions range anywhere from silly stories to awesome learnings and even little gotchas to know about when working with MySQL operationally. If you’re interested in catching when the next #DBHangops will happen, check MySQL planet for a blog post about it, or check this twitter search.

We look forward to talking with you!

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