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Displaying posts with tag: mysqlbinlog (reset)
Part 2 – Simple lessons in improving scalability

Given the popular response from my first lesson in improving scalability where I detailed simple ways to eliminate unnecessary SQL, let me share another common bottleneck with MySQL scalability that can be instantly overcome.

Analyzing the writes that occur on a system can expose obvious potential bottlenecks. The MySQL Binary Log is a wealth of information that can be mined. Simple DML Counts per table can be achieved by a single line command.

Let’s look at the following example output of a production system:

mysqlbinlog /path/to/mysql-bin.000999 |  \
   grep -i -e "^update" -e "^insert" -e "^delete" -e "^replace" -e "^alter"  | \
   cut -c1-100 | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' |  \
   sed -e "s/\t/ /g;s/\`//g;s/(.*$//;s/ set …
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How analysing your binlogs can be quite informative

If you have used MySQL for some time you know that mysqld can write binlogs. This is usually used for backup purposes and JITR or for replication purposes so a slave can collect the changes made on the master and apply them locally.

Most of the time apart from configuring how long you keep these binlogs they are pretty much ignored.

Recently I came across an issue.  I have a slave server which is NOT configured read only and which has an additional database used to collect statistics from the replicated database and provided aggregation and business information. The typical sales per country, per product, per day, week, month, year, per whatever etc.  This is the usual datawarehouse type functionality.  It’s done on a slave and not the master so that the load is not passed on down stream to all boxes. …

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Applying binary logs without adding to the binary log

Applying binary logs to a MySQL instance is not particularly difficult, using the mysqlbinlog command line utility:

$> mysqlbinlog mysql-bin.000003 > 03.sql
$> mysql < 03.sql

Turning off binary logging for a session is not difficult, from the MySQL commandline, if you authenticate as a user with the SUPER privilege:

mysql> SET SESSION sql_log_bin=0;

However, sometimes you want to apply binary logs to a MySQL instance, without having those changes applied to the binary logs themselves. One option is to restart the server binary logging disabled, and after the load is finished, restart the server with binary logging re-enabled. This is not always possible nor desirable, so there’s a better way, that works in at least versions 4.1 and up:

The mysqlbinlog utility has the --disable-log-bin option. All the option does is add the SET …

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Replicating from MySQL to *

Recently I needed to replicate between MySQL and another database technology. You might say, why on earth would you want to do something like that, but believe me there are reasons and definitely not (to go away from MySQL to some other DB technology like Oracle or SQL server). Unsurprisingly there are quite a few different tools to do it from any platform towards MySQL but very few which do it the other way round, just to name a couple: Golden Gate and DSCallards.

mysqlbinlog --server-id before MySQL 5.1? awk to the rescue!

Recently I had an interesting issue crop up. Due to an unfortunate migration incident in which involved master/master replication and not checking to see if replication was caught up, we ended up with an infinite replication loop of a number of SQL statements. awk helped immensely in the aftermath cleanup.

The basics of the replication infinite loop were (more…)

mysqlbinlog Tips and Tricks

So, you have a binlog. You want to find out something specific that happened inside of it. What to do? mysqlbinlog has some neat features, which I thought we would look at here.

I should first explain what mysqlbinlog really is. It is a tool that lets you analyze and view the binlogs/relaylogs from mysql, which are stored in binary format. This tool converts them to plaintext, so that they’re human-readable.

For the first tip, let’s start with the --read-from-remote-server option, which allows you to examine a binlog on a master server in order, perhaps, to dump it onto your slave and compare master/slave logs for potential problems*.

$ mysqlbinlog --read-from-remote-server -uwesterlund -p mysql-bin.000001 -h -P 3306 | head -5
Enter password:
/*!40019 SET …
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