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Displaying posts with tag: document-store (reset)
Develop By Example – Document Store: Working with documents using Node.js

In the previous blog post we explained how work with the collection CRUD operations. In this blog post we are going to explain other functions that are related to document management.

We already know how to create collections, as well as how to add, delete, update and retrieve documents from them. But, how can we add a new field to a document or documents that are in a collection?

The following code demonstrates how to do it:

var mysqlx = require('mysqlx');
  host: 'host',
  port: '33060',
  dbUser: 'root',
  dbPassword: 'my pass'
}).then(function (session) {
  var schema = session.getSchema('mySchema');
  var coll = schema.getCollection('myColl');
  var query = "$.name == 'NewField'";
  var newDoc = { name: 'NewField', description: 'a new field', 
                 extra: ['hello', 'world'] …
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Develop By Example – Document Store: working with collections using Node.js

In the previous blog post we explained how to create schemas and collections. In this one we are going to explain how to work with collections: adding, updating and deleting documents.

The following code demonstrates how to add a single document to an existing collection:

var mysqlx = require('mysqlx');
  host: 'host',
  port: '33060',
  dbUser: 'root',
  dbPassword: 'my pass'
}).then(function (session) {
  var schema = session.getSchema('mySchema');
  var coll = schema.getCollection('myColl');
  var newDoc = { name: 'Test Name', description: 'Test Description' };

  coll.add(newDoc).execute().then(function (added) {
    console.log('Document(s) added: '
                + added.getAffectedItemsCount());
  .catch(function (err) {
    console.log(err.stack); …
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Develop By Example – Creating schemas and collections using Node.js

In a previous post we explained how to connect to a MySQL server configured as a document store using the new MySQL Connector/Node.js. In this post we are going to explain how to create a schema, create a collection and add documents to the collection.

Creating a new schema is very easy; the following code demonstrates how to do it:

var mysqlx = require('mysqlx');
  host: 'host',
  port: '33060',
  dbUser: 'root',
  dbPassword: 'my pass'
}).then(function (session) {
    console.log('Schema created');
}).catch(function (err) {

In the previous code example we created a connection and then used the XSession object to create a schema, finally we closed the connection.

The first …

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Develop By Example – Document Store Connections using Node.js

In this post we are going to explain how to connect a Node.js application to a MySQL server using the new MySQL Connector/Node.js; needless to say that we will be using the MySQL server as a document store.

There are two types of session that a connection can provide: XSession and NodeSession.
An XSession encapsulates access to a single MySQL server running the X Plugin or
multiple MySQL Cluster nodes; and the NodeSession serves as an abstraction for a physical connection to exactly one MySQL server running the X Plugin. To enable the XPlugin in the MySQL server using the MySQL Client command line you need to use the root account or an account with INSERT privilege to mysql.plugin table:

  • Invoke the MySQL command-line client: mysql -u user –p
  • Run the following command: INSTALL PLUGIN mysqlx SONAME …
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Develop By Example – New MySQL Document Store Series

Examples are a great way to learn new things. As many of you may or may not know we’ve added some new things to MySQL Server 5.7.12  and the ecosystem around it, extending it  to allow you to use the MySQL as a Document Store. Meeting the challenge meant expanding Developer Interfaces and Database tools.

  • Addressing information with a both classic and modern data architectures
  • For all types of data – structured, semi, and unstructured
  • Empowering developers – Simpler, Faster, Flexible
  • Leveraging latest NoSQL oriented tools/methods – JavaScript, Node.js, JSON, CRUD, Methods chaining, and more

From the developer side the MySQL Document Store new APIs by …

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Custom commands during MySQL Sandbox installation

MySQL Sandbox 3.1.07 adds several options to execute shell or SQL commands during the sandbox installation.

Figure 1: MySQL Sandbox states and where you can run the hooks

There are 3 options to run shell commands, 2 to run SQL queries, and 2 to run SQL files.

## Shell commands
--pre_start_exec=command : runs 'command' after the installation, before the server starts
--pre_grants_exec=command : runs 'command' after the server starts, before loading the grants.
--post_grants_exec=command : runs 'command' after the loading the grants.

## SQL statements
--pre_grants_sql=query : runs 'query' before loading the grants.
--pre_grants_file=filename : runs SQL file 'filename' before loading the grants.
--post_grants_sql=query : runs 'query' …
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Taking the MySQL document store for a spin

This is not a comprehensive review, nor an user guide. It's a step-by-step account of my initial impressions while trying the new MySQL XProtocol and the document store capabilities. In fact, I am barely scratching the surface here: more articles will come as time allows.

MySQL 5.7 has been GA for several months, as it was released in October 2015. Among the many features and improvements, I was surprised to see the MySQL team emphasizing the JSON data type. While it is an interesting feature per se, I failed to see the reason why so many articles and conference talks were focused around this single feature. Everything became clear when, with the release of MySQL 5.7.12, the MySQL team announced a new release model.


In …

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Announcing MySQL Connector/J 6.0

We are pleased to announce the first release of MySQL Connector/J 6.0! This is a new branch of development, which breaks from some of the traditions of the very stable and very mature Connector/J 5.1 branch. We have combed through lots of code and refactored it in order to support development of future features including our X DevAPI implementation and support for X Protocol. This work manifests in a number of visible changes, including revising the growing set of connection and build properties.

Beginning with Connector/J 6.0, we are moving away from having one jar that supports all versions of Java. Instead we are building one jar/package for every supported version of Java. This simplifies the build process as well as lots of code that was required to …

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MySQL Connector/Net 7.0.2 has been released

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/Net 7.0.2 M1 is the first development release that adds support for the new X DevAPI.  The X DevAPI enables application developers to write code that combines the strengths of the relational and document models using a modern, NoSQL-like syntax that does not assume previous experience writing traditional SQL.

To learn more about how to write applications using the X DevAPI, see this User Guide. For more information about how the X DevAPI is implemented in Connector/Net, please check the official product documentation.

Also note that the X DevAPI requires at least MySQL Server version 5.7.12 or higher with the X Plugin enabled. For general documentation about how to get started using MySQL as a …

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