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Displaying posts with tag: router (reset)
Testing MySQL Database Service without VPN

Please note that this is not recommended for any production purpose, don’t expose MySQL traffic to the Internet !

MySQL Database Service is now available, take a look at this nice introduction video:

It is usually a very bad idea to expose a database on a public IP (MySQL or any other database ). MDS doesn’t allow you to implement such bad security practice.

The best way to use your MySQL instance is to use a VPN as I explained in this article.

However, this can be restrictive for a simple test. In this post I will illustrate how you can setup a MDS instance and test it without having to setup any kind of VPN. Of course I recommend you to use such practice only for testing …

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From MySQL Group Replication to MySQL InnoDB Cluster

I wanted to be brave and I installed MySQL Group Replication manually…. it was painful !

Then I realized that managing those servers and especially deal with MySQL Routers was even more painful !

What are my options now ? Is there a solution or do I need to restart from scratch ?

Asking the answer is already answering it… and once again MySQL Shell at the rescue.

MySQL Group Replication

I’ve configured everything manually. I also loaded group_replication and clone plugins and finally after having bootstrapped my Group here is what I have:

mysql> select member_host, member_port port, member_state state, 
       member_role role, member_version version 
       from performance_schema.replication_group_members;
| member_host | port | state  | role      | version | …
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Hiding instances on MySQL InnoDB Cluster/ReplicaSet

MySQL Router is a core component of InnoDB Cluster/ReplicaSet that enables the automatic routing of client traffic to the right instances of your database architecture. Router can automatically adapt to topology changes, however, there are some scenarios on which one would certainly benefit from having the possibility to tag an instance with a certain attribute that indicates a specific behavior change to Router’s default behavior.…

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MySQL 8.0 InnoDB Cluster with WordPress in OCI – part III

With this post we are reaching the end of our journey to HA for WordPress & MySQL 8.0 on OCI.

If you have not read the two previous articles, this is just the right time.

We started this trip using the MySQL InnoDB ReplicaSet where only 2 servers are sufficient but doesn’t provide automatic fail-over.

In this article we will upgrade our InnoDB ReplicaSet to …

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MySQL 8.0 InnoDB ReplicaSet with WordPress in OCI – part II

This article is the second part of our journey to WordPress and MySQL 8.0 High Availability on OCI. The first part can be read here.

We ended part I with one webserver hosting WordPress. This WordPress was connecting locally to MySQL Router using HyperDB add-on. This add-on allows to split the reads & writes on MySQL Servers using replication. And finally we had one MySQL InnoDB ReplicaSet of two members …

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MySQL 8.0 InnoDB ReplicaSet with WordPress in OCI

Today’s article is again related to WordPress and MySQL 8.0. We will see how we can setup MySQL InnoDB ReplicaSet and configure WordPress to split the load using both MySQL Instances: we will split reads and writes between the Primary and the Secondary member of our ReplicaSet.

This will be the first part of our journey to achieve HA for our WordPress site on OCI and using all MySQL Servers we have deployed. We don’t want to have a server idle just waiting to take over in case of an incident.

MySQL InnoDB ReplicaSet

First some words about MySQL InnoDB ReplicaSet.

The ease of use of

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HA for our website’s database in OCI with MySQL InnoDB Cluster

In the previous post, we setup a Drupal website with MySQL as backend on a different compute instance in a different subnet.

Today we will increase the High Availability of our Database by transforming this single MySQL instance into a MySQL InnoDB Cluster!

The architecture will be the following:

We will use 2 different Availability Domains (AD), of course we could have used 3, it’s up to you.

We will install MySQL Router on the Application Server as advised, and we will modify our Drupal’s configuration to connect locally on the R/W port of the MySQL Router.

You will see that this is very easy to achieve, the most …

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Deploy MySQL InnoDB Cluster in OCI with Terraform

As you know, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (aka OCI) becomes more and more popular. You can find OCI data centers almost everywhere and the price is very attractive.

Something very interesting is the possibility to have different availability domains but also different fault-domains in the same availability one !

Oracle provides a lot of modules to deploy your architecture on OCI using Terraform. Those are called oracle-quickstart repos. You can find them on Github.

There is an official Reference Architecture for MySQL InnoDB Cluster in OCI that I encourage you to read before deploying your MySQL HA solution …

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The all new MySQL InnoDB ReplicaSet

Following MySQL InnoDB Cluster as our first, fully integrated MySQL High Availability solution based on Group Replication, MySQL Shell 8.0.19 includes MySQL InnoDB ReplicaSet which delivers another complete solution, this time based on MySQL Replication.

The basic idea for InnoDB ReplicaSet is to do the same for classic MySQL Replication as InnoDB Cluster did for Group Replication.…

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preFOSDEM 2020 MySQL Days: the schedule

The schedule of the preFOSDEM Day is now available !

We had a lot of proposals to deal with. Also this is a MySQL event where we, the MySQL Team has the possibility to show to you, our Community, all what we have working on to improve MySQL but also new stuff. We also invite some of our friends from the MySQL Community to talk about their experience.

I think we did a good selection and propose you new content. We are extremely happy to have Saverio Miroddi from TicketSolve talking about MySQL 8.0, Uber talking about InnoDB Cluster, and Facebook about Binlog.

As you can see, we will have 2 rooms, where one will be dedicated mostly to SQL and Optimizer topics but also tutorials.

You can also see that this year we also want to put some spot lights to MySQL NDB Cluster. You will see what is it, how is it used and what’s new. We will also have 2 community speakers sharing their MySQL NDB knowledge: Giuseppe Maxia, …

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