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Displaying posts with tag: sql_mode (reset)
MySQL and Quoting

MySQL does not follow the ANSI SQL standard for quoting. MySQL’s default quoting behavior is that either single or double quotes can be used to quote a string (this gets me into trouble when I work with Oracle databases, as double quotes do not indicate a string!).

mysql> SELECT 'alive';
| alive |
| alive |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT "alive";
| alive |
| alive |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Bare words are dealt with in context; in this case, a bare word would be parsed as a column name:

mysql> SELECT alive;
ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'alive' in 'field list'

Backquotes are the way MySQL escapes table names. So, if you want a reserved word, number or operator to be the name of an object (ie, a table named “1″ or a column named “date”) you need to use backquotes to avoid a syntax error….for example:

mysql> …
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Good Practice / Bad Practice: CREATE TABLE and the Storage Engine

When you write your create table statements, always make sure that you make them non-ambiguous. That way even though other servers might have different configurations, you make sure your table will be created in the same way.
Imagine for instance you are developing an application on a development server, nicely storing all the scripts you need to create the same database on your production server. If the same script creates a table differently on both servers, that might cause you a lot of headache later on. At Open Query, we strive to minimise (or preferrably eliminate) headaches.

One of the parts of the create table statement that has the largest impact is the storage engine specification. When you omit the storage engine from the create table statement, your table is automatically created with the default storage engine type configured for the server. Since the storage engine is a very important choice when designing your tables, …

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MySQL's sql_mode: My Suggestions

Just the previous week, Anders mentioned the sql_mode with regard to Joomla. Past week, Shlomi's started a nice discussion pertaining to MySQL's sql_mode. He offers the suggestion to modify the installation procedure so MySQL is by default installed using a so-called "strict" sql_mode. In addition, he suggest it would be better if it would not be allowed to change …

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Mind the SQL_MODE when running ALTER TABLE

The other day, a client mentioned they were getting strange results when running ALTER TABLE. The episode involved modifying an existing primary key to add an auto_increment primary key: it was “shifting” values. Say what?!

As it turns out, it was a very special value getting changed: zero. Some fiddling revealed the underlying reason. Care to join me?

To understand what’s going on, follow the example below as we start with an empty database, create a table and insert a few rows:

mysql> use test;
Database changed
mysql> show tables;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> create table test_table (id int not null primary key) engine=innodb;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> desc test_table;
| Field | Type    | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id    | …
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SQL commands for a fresh install

As a rule I always execute the following commands on a fresh database installation. Then for each user that is granted privileges, of course they are given a password and the host permissions are locked down as much as possible for their needs, alternately table and column privs as well. I’m not going to get into the parts the manual covers, but rather mention a couple of things on my mind.

First the initial commands:

mysql> use mysql
mysql> delete from user where User='';
mysql> delete from db where User='';
mysql> update user set Password=password('password_here') where User=’root’;
mysql> flush privileges;

However, one thing I’ve noticed is that when you hand over a server to someone that doesn’t necessarily follow your same understanding or regard to user privilege security, bad things can happen. Such as users created without a password. …

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