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Displaying posts with tag: Apache (reset)
How to Install MySQL Server with phpMyAdmin on FreeBSD 11

In this tutorial, we will install MySQL with phpMyAdmin along with Apache web server with PHP 5.6. MySQL is a free and open source relational management system. It stores data in tabular format. It is the most popular way of storing the data into the database. phpMyAdmin is also a free and open source application used to administrate a MySQL server instance through a rich graphical user interface.

How to Install LAMP on Ubuntu 16.04

We’ll show you How to Install LAMP on Ubuntu 16.04. LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) is a combination of open ...

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The post How to Install LAMP on Ubuntu 16.04 appeared first on RoseHosting.

How to Password-Protect Directories with mod_authn_dbd and MySQL on Apache (Debian 8)

This guide explains how to password-protect web directories (with users from a MySQL database) with mod_authn_dbd on Apache2 on a Debian 8 (Jessie) server. It is an alternative to the plain-text password files provided by mod_auth and allows you to use normal SQL syntax to create/modify delete users.

Installing the Open Source Xavier XML/A client on the Jedox Premium OLAP Suite

Jedox is a software vendor that specializes in OLAP services and solutions. The company has been around quite a while and is probably best known for their PALO MOLAP engine and the matching add-in for Microsoft Excel.

Jedox' flagship product, Jedox Premium comprises the Palo MOLAP engine, API's, a REST server, and ETL server, and client tools. It also comes with a MDX interpreter and a XML for Analysis server. An interesting tidbit is that the MDX layer is not considered native, and Jedox' own clients use a lower level API, or address it via the REST service.

In this blog post I will explain how to install and configure the Open Source browser-based ad-hoc query and analysis tool Xavier to use it with Jedox. A video of the process is embedded below:

Here's a …

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MySQL OOM'ed, But Pelican Lives

I use Pingdom's free service to monitor Apparently, late Friday night, oom-killer decided that the server needed more memory and took out the MySQL server. To make matters worse, I missed the alarm from Pingdom, and was down for pretty much all of Saturday. The fact that oom-killer was invoked is annoying, but more on that later.

The beauty of using Pelican rather than Wordpress (or any other database-driven content engine) is one less point of failure for the site. Obviously, I don't have all of converted to Pelican yet (and perhaps never will), but at least parts of the site were up and working despite MySQL being down. If nothing else, this incident is enough to convince me that moving to Pelican was a good idea.


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Install GLPI on Debian 7

In this article we will show you how to install GLPI with Apache, PHP and MySQL on a Debian 7 VPS. GLPI is an IT software management package developed in PHP. It offers many functionalities one of which is to build up a database with an inventory for your company (computer, monitors, software, printers…). GLPI has enhanced functions to make the daily life for the administrators easier, like a job-tracking-system with mail-notification and methods to build a database with basic information about your network-topology. Below are the functions of this application: Inventory of computers, peripherals, network printers and associated components […]

Fedora LAMP Steps

I posted earlier in the year how to configure a Fedora instance to test PHP code on a local VM. However, I’ve got a few questions on how to find those posts. Here’s a consolidation with links on those steps:

  1. Go to this blog post and install the httpd and php libraries with the yum installer.
  2. In the same blog post as step 1 (you can put the sample PHP code into the /var/www/html directory for testing), connect to the yum shell and remove the php-mysql library and then install the mysqlnd library.
  3. Go to this blog …
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How to install LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL & PHP) and phpMyAdmin on a Debian 8 VPS

In this article we will walk you through the steps on how to install LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP-FPM) on a Debian 8 VPS. A LAMP stack is a synonym of LAMP server or LAMP web server. It refers to a set-up which includes Linux, Apache, MySQL (MariaDB) and PHP. REQUIREMENTS We will be using our SSD 1 Linux VPS hosting plan for this tutorial. UPDATE THE SYSTEM Make sure your server is fully up to date using: # apt-get update && apt-get upgrade INSTALL APACHE To install Apache on your Debian 8 server, you need to execute the […]

Tungsten Replicator moved to GitHub with Apache license

It had been in the making for long time. Google announced that Google Code would be closing, and since then the Continuent team has been hard at work to handle the transition. You can guess it: this operation would have been quicker if it had been done by a small company like we were one year ago, but being part of a large corporation introduces some constraints that have affected our schedule.

However, our wish has always been, and still is, to keep Tungsten Replicator as an open source product, with full functionalities and with the full benefits that the open source development model offers.

Today, Tungsten Replicator is available on GitHub as …

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9 easy performance tips for your Linux environment

For the majority of us who have grown accustomed to a Windows environment over the years, Linux can seem like another world. In essence, Linux is a free open-source operating system that has gained increasing popularity since its release in 1991. Linux is based on the whole Unix ecosystem of operating systems that grew out of Bell Laboratories in the early 1970s. Linux has been around for almost 25 years and grew immensely in the late 1990s and early 2000s when it became associated with the LAMP web development stack; Linux stands for the ‘L’ in the acronym of popular tools, along with Apache, MySQL, and PHP/Perl/Python.





The main difference that …

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