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Displaying posts with tag: order by (reset)
Multi Direction Sorts and avoiding a file sort

There are two PRIMARY directions to sort data in SQL: Ascending (ASC) and Descending DESC.
When these two sort definitions are put together in a single statement a filesort is produced.

Why do we want to avoid filesorts?

Filesorts are bad. 1st they tickle a thread based buffer called sort_buffer_size. Additionally filesorts reads the data twice, unless max_length_for_sort_data limit is reached and as a result the Filesort runs slower to reduce disk I/O. If you want filesorts to run faster at the expense of the disk increase the default max_length_for_sort_data. You can read the filesort algorithm here.

So, here is an example

`A` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`B` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`C` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL …
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Old challenges, new synthax ...

I've blogged before about the new SQL synthax which is becoming available in databases and how it helps solving questions which are increasingly common.Now it's time for another example, something which doesn't come up often in a reporting environment as most tools have this feature, but can be a problem if you're building your output with a scipting language.Adding a "Total" row at the end of

How to pick indexes for order by and group by queries

First some of the things that you need to use and understand

Explain Syntax

Order by Optimization

Group by Optimization

Update: Updated errors.

Now some details that are usually missed. GROUP BY does sorting unless you tell mysql not to. GROUP BY has two optimization methods, loose index scan, and tight index scan.

Loose index scan, scans the entire table index, while tight index scan uses some sort of constraint. For large datasets that are accessed often and require some sort of group by, tight index scans are better.

So how to pick columns to create …

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