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Displaying posts with tag: client (reset)
nanomysql – tiny MySQL client lib

I recently got pointed towards which is a tiny (less than 400 lines of C++) MySQL client library which is GPL licensed.

If you need to link into non-GPL compatible code, there is the (slightly larger and full featured) libdrizzle library. But if you want something *tiny* and are okay with GPL, then nanomysql may be something to look at.

MariaDB C client libraries and the end of dual-licensing

Finally there is an LGPL C client library for MariaDB, and thus also for MySQL. Monty Program and SkySQL have been working on this for some time. Admittedly there was already the BSD licensed Drizzle client library which was also able to talk to a MySQL/MariaDB server, however its API is different. The C client library for MariaDB has exactly the same API existing applications are used to, so you can just re-link and keep going! There is also a new LGPL Java client library for MariaDB.

In case you don’t quite realise: this is actually a major thing.

At MySQL AB, the client library was made GPL and this flowed through to Sun Microsystems and then Oracle Corp. This licensing choice for the client library was the basis of the …

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Perl is probably a fine scripting language, but on Windows...

Please do not assume Perl is always installed on all platforms. In particular not on Windows! Just as it is probably a bad idea to assume that Windows DOS commands work on Linux! Come on now!

Why am I making a fuzz you ask, do I have a problem with you writing stuff in Perl (personally, I don't even like Perl, but that's another issue)? Nope. But somewhat modern software really should not assume that you have Perl, or DOS, or some other arcane, not terribly standardized piece of software around for a server to do it's job. And MySQL still have a way to go to be reasonably good on Windows. Downloading the lastest RC, 5.5.7, MySQLhas managed to screw up at least two things, at least, in my mind. But maybe that's just me:

  • The optimzied. non debug libraries, are now in /lib under the distribution, not in /lib/opt where they used to be. I see no good reason for this, to be honest (place the libraries where you …
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mysql hostname prompt when host is localhost

I manage several mysql servers and often on these servers for security reasons the SUPER account is not allowed external network access, so access is made to localhost. When connecting to several hosts at the same time, for example from different ssh sessions, this can be inconvenient as the \h prompt only ever shows localhost and not the hostname of the server to which I’m connected.

The following small patch against 5.1.36 which can also be found here adds a new \H option which behaves the same as \h except in this case the hostname is shown.

diff --git a/Docs/ b/Docs/
index 7747201..dffacfd 100644
--- a/Docs/
+++ b/Docs/
@@ -20512,6 +20512,8 @@ sequences.
 `\D'        The full current date
 `\d'        The default database
 `\h'        The server host
+`\H'        Same as `\h' except that if the server host is …
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The Little Things

It’s always the little things in life. One of the things that has been a very “little thing” that causes a lot of frustration while writing The MySQL Administrator’s Bible is the prompt. Specifically, the fact that you can only change the first line of the prompt, but not the subsequent lines.

The default prompt that appears on the first line of the prompt is:
The default (and unchangeable) second line of the prompt is four spaces followed by an ASCII arrow:


The second line of the prompt is hard-coded to match up very nicely with the first line in a fixed-width font:

mysql> SELECT
    -> 1+2;

However, you can change the prompt, which is pretty handy:

mysql> prompt \d:
PROMPT set to '\d: '
(none): use test;
Database …
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Top 10 Reasons Why Digsby ROCKS

If you haven't heard of Digsby yet, you have probably been living in some kind of a virtual cave or have no friends. Digsby is a multi-network instant messenger application, similar to Trillian, Pidgin (GAIM), or Miranda. I said 'similar', so what makes Digsy special? Reviews I read so far don't give the real reasons and don't dive into the features in depth. Instead, you get a standard load of marketing BS and in the end to you, the user, Digsby may end up being "yet another IM program." Some reviews describe certain features, but so far I haven't seen one that highlighted THE MAIN REASON why Digsby is different. And may I preface it with: finally somebody got a clue. I never before wanted to write about any other IM client, which already indicates that on the "this is the most awesome meter ever" meter, Digsby is floating somewhere at the top. …

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