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Displaying posts with tag: open world (reset)
MySQL 101 - Creating your first database

In our last episode we found out how to connect to a MySQL server.  This time we learn how to lay out a database and start creating it. For this, and following episodes, we will be looking at creating a database to support an online bookshop.

Creating the database

Using the mysql command line client, you can connect to the server and then create the database.  We need a name for the database, and in this case we'll call it 'bookshop'.   We'll also create a user who is specifically allowed to add and update the database, but not alter its structure:

mysql> CREATE DATABASE `bookshop`;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> GRANT INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE ON `bookshop`.* to 'bookuser'@'localhost' identified by 'bookpass';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) …
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MySQL 101 - Connecting to a MySQL server

In our last episode we looked at getting MySQL, today we will be looking at how you connect to a MySQL server and what that implies.

Connection basics

Before a client can connect to a MySQL server it needs a path by which that connection can be made. One method that is almost universal is the 'socket'.  As its name implies it is a way of plugging two (or more) applications together.  Sockets can either be end points for a network connection (for instance a TCP socket) or can use the same system-level functions but use a local connection.  This is sometimes called a UNIX socket, and relies on there being a special file that the two applications can use to initiate a connection.  MySQL can use both.

For a network connection you need a number of pieces of information.  As a connection …

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MySQL 101 - Getting MySQL

This is the first in a series of posts on MySQL® for those new to the database, or those migrating from another DBMS.

So you've made the decision to try MySQL.  Now you just have to get it installed. Luckily for most purposes MySQL is quite often already available.  If you have a Linux installation then chances are that both the server and client are installed.  If you are planning on using MySQL for your website, chances are the hosting provider gives you several MySQL databases for your use.

Before diving in too deep though, let's get some background and terminology out of the way.

What is MySQL?

This depends.  MySQL was a company, is a trademark, is an ecosystem and is the name of arguably the most popular relational database management system (RDBMS) on the planet.  Originally developed by MySQL AB, MySQL (both the database and the trademark) are now owned by Oracle Corporation. But …

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The First Day of the Rest of My Life

I always remember the saying that tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life.  It refers to taking each day as it comes and making the best of it, and not concerning yourself with what you can no longer change - the past. This has new resonance for me today as tomorrow I start on a new job, as Webmaster for SkySQL Ab.

For the last five and a half years I've worked for MySQL in all its forms.  Initially MySQL AB, then the Database Group in Sun Microsystems, and finally the Open Source business unit in Oracle. (For anyone still at Oracle, forgive me if I get the names wrong, I don't think I ever fully worked out what our group's official name was).  For most of that time I've loved every minute of it, working with great people on a great product and bringing it to the world (or at least the World Wide Web in my case).

Now I get to work with some great people, …

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One down, one to go

The Memcached talk went down well and I was pleased that a number of people said how they could now understand how memcached could help them in their applications. This is really why I do these things - so that others can see the benefits of tools like memcached. It has worked well for us at and it obviously worked well for its originators at livejournal.

Original post blogged on b2evolution.

Memcached and

Seems like more secrets are being let out of the bag. MySQL Enterprise provides support for Memcached - a distributed memory-based caching system, and I've been asked to present a webinar discussing how we've used memcached in the architecture.

Once again it may come as a surprise that the websites have been using memcached well before MySQL started providing support. We were starting to have growing pains, with now 20 million page impressions and 3 million visitors per month, and needed to figure out how to effectively scale without throwing heaps of hardware at the problem. Memcached was a perfect solution and gives us a toolkit that is easily integrated into our …

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MySQL 5.1 - Pssst! The secret is out!

MySQL 5.1 went GA (Generally Available) recently. Can I let you in on a secret? Promise you won't tell anyone? The websites have been using 5.1 for 18 months now. It is a little known fact that quite often before even beta testers get hold of our software that little bunch of anarchists that is the web team get their grubby paws on it. But we aren't the only ones. In fact there were over 2 million downloads of 5.1 before it went GA. And 11 point releases.

Why do we do this? Well for one thing the web team is like any team of highly motivated, intelligent computer geeks and we love new toys. More than that we like to try and break them. But we are also responsible and don't like software that breaks and brings our websites down. It is a delicate balancing act, but one which we are committed to in order to
improve the product and as a side benefit get to play with all the new features.

MySQL depends a lot on its web …

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Sheeri Cabral Speaks at Oracle Open World

An event truly fitting an “open world” — I will be speaking at Oracle Open World.

How does a wild-mannered MySQL DBA like me get to speak at an Oracle conference? Well, after I received the MySQL Community Award two years in a row, Dan Norris contacted me, and encouraged me to submit a proposal with him on how to contribute to the community.

Oracle has a formal program for recognizing community members at two levels: the Oracle ACE Director, and the Oracle ACE. An Oracle ACE Director is expected to make a 12-month commitment to working with the community, while an Oracle ACE is bestowed upon folks to recognize their volunteer efforts in the past. More information about the program can be found on …

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