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Displaying posts with tag: How Tos (reset)
Example of a Basic ODBC (MSSQL Server) Query using PHP

An example of a basic ODBC (MSSQL Server/DSN-Less) query using PHP.

Example of Result Set Returning One Row

      $szDBConn="DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=SQLServerNameHere;DATABASE=DatabaseNameHere";
$szDBQuery="SELECT FooBar, Foo_Bar, Foo_ID FROM FoobarSubscribers WHERE FooID=777";
$rDBConnect = odbc_connect($szDBConn, $szDBUsername, $szDBPswd);  
$rDBRes = odbc_exec($rDBConnect, $szDBQuery);
$szLastCheck = odbc_result($rDBRes, "LastCheck");

Example of Result Set Returning Multiple Rows in an Object

      $szDBConn="DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=SQLServerNameHere;DATABASE=DatabaseNameHere";
$szDBUsername="UsernameHere"; …
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How To – Find The Version of Shockwave/Flash Player Installed

The following links load a flash file that will report what version is installed for Adobe Flash and Adobe Shockwave.

Source: Version test for Adobe Flash Player

Source: Test Adobe Shockwave & Flash Players

How To – Change your ringtone on a Blackberry Curve
  1. Go to Profiles
  2. Click on Advanced
  3. Highlight Active profile
  4. Click on Menu and select Edit
  5. SMS Text/Phone/MMS etc.
  6. Select Tone
  7. Ring Tone: Change as desired
  8. Volume: High/Medium/Low
  9. Click back button
  10. Select Save
How To – Resolve Adobe PDF Printer is Not Bound to Adobe PDF Port

Background Knowledge

I have Windows Vista with Adobe Acrobat Professional v8.1.3 installed and I was trying to covert to Adobe PDF within Microsoft Publisher 2007.

Error Message

Acrobat PDFMaker reported the following error message dialog, “Adobe PDF Printer is not bound to Adobe PDF Port. Cannot proceed further. Kindly change the PDF Port to Adobe PDF Port in Adobe PDF Printer Settings”.


  1. Go to Control Panel -> Printers.
  2. Right mouse click on “Adobe PDF” and left click on “Properties”.
  3. Left mouse click on “Ports” tab.
  4. Uncheck mark the current port that is presently check marked. Place a checkmark on either “Desktop\*.pdf” or “Documents\*.pdf”. Ensure the description is “Adobe PDF Port”.
  5. Left …
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How To – Resolve Unable to Retrieve MSN Address Book using Pidgin

Background Knowledge

Today (2008-01-12) I loaded Pidgin and discovered that I was no longer able to connect to MSN. It appears either Microsoft is blocking the connection or a new version has been release. What the cause of the matter is I have not been able to verify with certainty at this time.

UPDATE: Pidgin v2.5.4 has been released that temporarily fixes the problem.

Error Message

“Unable to Retrieve MSN Address Book using Pidgin”. See screen shot of the error message below.


  1. Close Pidgin application.
  2. Download and install “msn-pecan“.
  3. Run Pidgin application.
  4. In Pidgin “Show Buddy List” and go to the menu “Accounts” -> “Manage Accounts”.
  5. Modify your MSN account, ensure the protocol shows “MSN”.
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How To – Access Files on Windows from Mac OS X

Background Knowledge

With the use of Samba we are able to share files through a local network and make it appear as if the files are on the Mac OS X locally. The instructions below will step you through step by step on how to access files from the Mac OS X to a Windows XP/Vista™ system through the network.

NOTE: Instructions to unblock network traffic through a software/hardware firewall are not provided. Refer to your software/network manual or support web site for details.

NOTE: These instructions will not allow for sharing via the Internet.


Setting up a file share in Windows XP

  1. Open Windows Explorer/My Computer (press Windows Key+E) or go to the Windows Start Menu -> Programs -> Accessories -> Windows Explorer.
  2. Browse to a folder you wish to share and right mouse click on it and left mouse click on “Properties”. …
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How To - Remove Leading Zeros


Using PHP function intval().

Code example: echo intval(”05″);
Returned value: 5

Using PHP function ltrim().

Code example: echo ltrim(”005″,”0″);
Returned value: 5


How To - Convert MySQL Timestamp/Datetime to Unix Timestamp

Background Knowledge

Since MySQL v4.1 timestamp and datetime data types are formatted “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS”. Prior to MySQL v4.1 the timestamp was formatted as YYYYMMDDHHMMSS” and datetime formatted as “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS”. Refer to MySQL Reference Manual for further details.

The Unix timestamp differs from MySQL. Unix’s timestamp is a integer value of seconds since January 1, 1970. For further explanation of Unix timestamps refer to Wikiepedia or


In MySQL you can use Unix_Timestamp() function.

Query Example: SELECT …

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