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Displaying posts with tag: date (reset)
Date handling in MySQL

I see my collague Anders wrote some thoughts on date handling in MySQL. I recently had to explain this really down to fine details for a customer, so Anders, everyone else, here's my conclusions...

All the fine details of allowed ways to enter dates are explained here:

With dates, just as in many other cases, MySQL is very flexible in how you can input data. But one thing is that, between the multitudes of formats that are allowed, MySQL does *not* by default allow you to enter a non-existant date, e.g. "31st of February 2009". I know some other DB products allow that - they then store it as a correct date automatically (3rd of March 2009). This is mentioned at the end of …

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Date handling in MySQL

I see my collague Anders wrote some thoughts on date handling in MySQL. I recently had to explain this really down to fine details for a customer, so Anders, everyone else, here's my conclusions...

All the fine details of allowed ways to enter dates are explained here:

With dates, just as in many other cases, MySQL is very flexible in how you can input data. But one thing is that, between the multitudes of formats that are allowed, MySQL does \*not\* by default allow you to enter a non-existant date, e.g. "31st of February 2009". I know some other DB products allow that - they then store it as a correct date automatically (3rd of March 2009). This is mentioned at the end of …

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Date handling in MySQL

I see my collague Anders wrote some thoughts on date handling in MySQL. I recently had to explain this really down to fine details for a customer, so Anders, everyone else, here's my conclusions...

All the fine details of allowed ways to enter dates are explained here:

With dates, just as in many other cases, MySQL is very flexible in how you can input data. But one thing is that, between the multitudes of formats that are allowed, MySQL does \*not\* by default allow you to enter a non-existant date, e.g. "31st of February 2009". I know some other DB products allow that - they then store it as a correct date automatically (3rd of March 2009). This is mentioned at the end of …

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Pear::Date Returned Timezone is Wrong

Background Knowledge

I’m trying to determine the difference in minutes between two timestamps. I’m using Pear::Date to do this. The issue comes into play when I noticed that the wrong timezone was being used by Pear::Date, UTC. If I do not use Pear::Date the timezone is set correctly.

I have tried using date_default_timezone_set() and it does set the timezone back, however I feel this shouldn’t be necessary as the default timezone should be used. I have been using date_default_timezone_get() to determine what timezone is being used.

It’s my understanding that Pear::Date uses UTC when it is unable to determine the default timezone. As far as I know I have the default timezone set correctly and with a …

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How To - Convert MySQL Timestamp/Datetime to Unix Timestamp

Background Knowledge

Since MySQL v4.1 timestamp and datetime data types are formatted “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS”. Prior to MySQL v4.1 the timestamp was formatted as YYYYMMDDHHMMSS” and datetime formatted as “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS”. Refer to MySQL Reference Manual for further details.

The Unix timestamp differs from MySQL. Unix’s timestamp is a integer value of seconds since January 1, 1970. For further explanation of Unix timestamps refer to Wikiepedia or


In MySQL you can use Unix_Timestamp() function.

Query Example: SELECT …

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