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Displaying posts with tag: eZ systems (reset)
A Fantastic Week Is (Finally) Over

From Monday to Wednesday we at eZ systems AS had our internal developers conference in Skien, Norway.

Since I joined eZ systems only recently, this was the opportunity for me to get to know all employees that gathered from all over the world. Most of the Tuesday was reserved for a "Crew Day" with some "team-building" which took place in a forest nearby.

On Thursday and Friday the eZ publish conference 2006 took place.

During the conference I met with …

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A Fantastic Week Is (Finally) Over

From Monday to Wednesday we at eZ Systems AS had our internal developers conference in Skien, Norway.

Since I joined eZ systems only recently, this was the opportunity for me to get to know all employees that gathered from all over the world. Most of the Tuesday was reserved for a "Crew Day" with some "team-building" which took place in a forest nearby.

On Thursday and Friday the eZ publish conference 2006 took place.

During the conference I met with Sébastien Hordeaux of WaterProof SARL, the …

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European Commission softening stance on software patents? reports:

The European Commission this week appeared to take a step back from its earlier position on the patentability of software, stating that computer programs are not patentable, and that patents on them may be struck down by the courts.

For the full story, see:

?Guerilla Evangelism: Opening Closed Environments? talk at EuroOSCON

At the 2004 Foo Camp, Danese Cooper, a few other FLOSS advocates (forgive me, Foo Camp is a blur and I don’t remember who you were) and myself gave an ad hoc session on the methods and strategies that we each used to advocate FLOSS and to help people working closed environments become more open.

The session was a blast (and well-received), so much so that Danese and I proposed the session for last year’s OSCON. We didn’t make the cut, but I still tried again for this year’s EuroOSCON and, this time, the session was accepted.

The session should be fun to present, but a bit of a bear to write. I have only 45 minutes to try to fit in the most …

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Steal This PHP Vikinger Announcement

The PHP Vikinger is a community-driven PHP event that will be held in Skien, Norway from June 24th to 25th. Like the famous Foo Camp and Bar Camp, PHP Vikinger is driven by its attendees. The people who come choose and present the sessions at the event.

Attendance is by a mix of invitation and registration. 50 invitations have been sent to various PEAR and PHP contributors and 50 spots are open for people who register. Additionally, the invitees have been asked to nominate another 50 people who should be invited to the event.

The event is meant to be as affordable as possible; registration is only 20 Euros, and simple food and a place to sleep are …

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FrOSCon 2006 - Call for {Papers|Projects}

If you want to submit a talk for FrOSCon in June, you will have to hurry: The deadline for the call for papers is approaching.

Talks can be submitted until March, 15th 2006. The organizers ask for talks about free software and open source. Expert knowledge on programming languages, free software on the desktop, security, administration and networks is in demand. Talks about the philosophy of free software and experience with free software in business settings is another focus of the conference.

Besides the conference program, the organizers have a special offer for open source projects: Projects can apply for a developer room at FrOSCon. This room is managed by the project and can for example be used for developer meetings. Members of the project can meet in this room, exchange ideas, …

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$5,701,201 worth of eZ publish code?

I just ran David Wheeler’s SLOCCount tool on a copy of eZ publish 3.7.3.

SLOCCount is:

a set of tools for counting physical Source Lines of Code (SLOC) in a large number of languages of a potentially large set of programs.


The tool generated a bunch of interesting stats, including an estimated cost to develop the eZ publish codebase: $5,701,201 USD.

Of course, it is always good to take stats with a grain of salt - as the saying goes, “There are lies, damn lies and statistics.” These stats would be most interesting if we could compare the output of SLOCCount with records of what we actually did.

eZ …

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