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Displaying posts with tag: Intermediate (reset)
Replicating from MySQL to *

Recently I needed to replicate between MySQL and another database technology. You might say, why on earth would you want to do something like that, but believe me there are reasons and definitely not (to go away from MySQL to some other DB technology like Oracle or SQL server). Unsurprisingly there are quite a few different tools to do it from any platform towards MySQL but very few which do it the other way round, just to name a couple: Golden Gate and DSCallards.

MCDBA Certification – KPIs

A few interesting KPIs about certified people and their current location (the fact that many people travel from one country to the other for work is very popular these days especially in the IT sector): Before starting to read, I am hereby assuming the MySQL list of MCDBAs is on a residence basis not citizenship. There are [...]

MySQL HA – Let’s take a look at Sequoia

MySQL HA: 1. Desirable – most of the time, 2. Needed – often enough, 3. Available – there are some good options out there. Typical solutions consist of: Heartbeat with DRBD on Linux. Although HB was introduced to Linux, it can be used on Solaris, FreeBSD and others without the DRBD but with other solutions. Sun Cluster, Veritas (commercial), MySQL Proxy (still in [...]

Save time and energy: How to …

Save time and energy: How to:

Listening to “Highway to Hell” in an Oxford University computer lab on a sunday afternoon writing a MySQL blog can be legitimally defined by some as sick but thats what a geek calls a relaxing yet productive sunday afternoon.

For the sake of all those CLI ambassadors like myself, I wanted to share a couple of tips and tricks I use quite often when doing my mysql db administration work / scripting. I strongly suggest any mysql dba / dev use CLI simply because thats the one thing you should always have on any machine on which mysql is installed, be it Unix, Linux, Mac, Microsoft or whatever platform you are using.

Cancelling a query you are typing without exiting to the terminal:
`\c` – How many times you ended up hitting `CTRL+C` (default process kill in most OSes) in order to cancel a command, finding yourself going back to the console and having to connect again? Nuisence? Hell …

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Giving a bunch of mysql instances something you do everyday and you might think ….. how should I do it? Write a bunch of selects and inserts manually? nahh that takes s**tload of time, should I run binlogs collected from a live system on my test server? nahh thats not practical nor is it real since it doesn’t contain selects, should I gather the general query log and try that out? nahhh  …..

MySQL has been kind enough to supply us with their mysql_slap which does the job for us and given I needed to do a proof of concept on monitoring a group of 4 circular replicated servers I wrote a small script which does the job of slapping them with a varying level of concurrancy, iterations, number of queries and connections for as long as you like.

Here it is and I hope some of you might find it useful for slapping their own test servers :).



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Circular Replication Implementation / Testing using MySQL Sandbox

This is a simple mysql circular replication implementation on a single machine (just a proof of concept) which can easily be done on a broader scale. Just be aware of the cons of circular replication which mainly gets down to: once a node freaks out or stops for one reason or the other, it’s a bitch and you need to take care of IMMEDIATELY.

Download Sandbox from
Download MySQL from

Copy the downloaded software onto the your *nix box onto any folder of your preference called $BASEDIR



gunzip mysql_sandbox_X.X.XX.tar.gz
tar -xf mysql_sandbox_X.X.XX.tar

ln -s mysql_sandbox_X.X.XX sandbox

time /$BASEDIR/sandbox/make_replication_sandbox –circular=4 –topology=circular /$BASEDIR/mysql-5.1.30-linux-x86_64-glibc23.tar.gz

user@hostname $ time …

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MySQL Installing: Binary tarball (.tar.gz) *nix based platforms

Installing MySQL is quite an easy thing to do, especially when done using pkgs, dmgs or exes. It gets just a tad more time consuming and brain intensive when installing a .tar.gz binary package. It is when you’re compiling MySQL source directly that you’ll need some planning and playing, but the latter is only done in particular cases such as when you’ll need a particular engine not shipped with a pre-compiled package etc.

Today we’re going through the steps required for a typical MySQL installation from a .tar.gz package on a *nix based platform, including the download, installation, configuration and securing.

Steps involved:
1. Download MySQL binary tarball from
2. Create a folder structure where the installation will be held.
3. Install the package
4. Secure the installation

Step 1: Download MySQL

Go to and choose the particular …

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