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Displaying posts with tag: Amazon EC2 (reset)
Tungsten University: Configure & Provision Continuent Tungsten Clusters

Are you unsure of the steps needed to get your Continuent Tungsten cluster up-and-running? In this virtual course, we teach you how to get from a single database server to a scalable cluster, or from a brittle MySQL replication system to a transparent, manageable Tungsten cluster. 

We discuss the benefits of leveraging Continuent Tungsten clustering with MySQL, and walk you through the steps

Tungsten University: Introduction to Continuent Tungsten 2.0

Continuent Tungsten 2.0 is a major step forward that includes key feature improvements to help you manage very large datasets on MySQL. It also sets the stage for operation in cloud environments like Amazon.

We cover the following details to help you plan for using the new release:

Major improvements in Continuent Tungsten 2.0, including replication and connectivity upgrades Major improvements

Tungsten University: Configure & provision Continuent Tungsten clusters

Are you unsure of the steps needed to get your Continuent Tungsten cluster up-and-running? In this virtual course, we will teach you how to get from a single database server to a scalable cluster, or from a brittle MySQL replication system to a transparent, manageable Tungsten cluster. 

We will discuss the benefits of leveraging Continuent Tungsten clustering with MySQL, and walk you through the

Avoiding a MySQL Data Blackout in Amazon

MySQL data rules the cloud, but recent experience shows us that there's no substitute for maintaining copies of data, across availability zones, when it comes to Amazon Web Services (AWS) data resilience.

In this video (recording of our 8/23/12 webcast), we survey technologies for maintaining real-time copies of your data and the pros & cons of each. We conclude with a live demonstration of a

Webinar 5/31: Building a multi-master, multi-region MySQL solution in the Cloud

Growth is good, right? Yes, unless you are the one building and managing a MySQL database tier to handle all this growth!

Your company has built a great new app and launched it in the cloud. And now you are seeing what many wish for: an exponential adoption of your app. 

But is your database tier really up to the job? 

What happens if your MySQL server fails? Can you fail over to a replica

Autoscaling MySQL on Amazon EC2

Read the original article at Autoscaling MySQL on Amazon EC2

Autoscaling your webserver tier is typically straightforward. Image your apache server with source code or without, then sync down files from S3 upon spinup. Roll that image into the autoscale configuration and you’re all set.

With the database tier though, things can be a bit tricky. The typical configuration we see is to have a single master database where your application writes. But scaling out or horizontally on Amazon EC2 should be as easy as adding more slaves, right? Why not automate that process?

Below we’ve set out to answer some of the questions you’re likely to face when setting up slaves against your master. We’ve included …

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Deploy MySQL Cluster 7.2 GA in 288 seconds

It seems that our friends at Oracle have been pretty busy with the GA release of MySQL Cluster 7.2.

This is not just old wine in new bottles.

While it may be a dot release, it does appear to be a more significant step forward than a dot release would imply.

First off, we are very excited to announce that the Severalnines Cluster Configurator now includes support for 7.2 GA.

As the title of this blog suggests, it is possible, as we have experienced, to deploy 7.2 GA in 288 seconds, i.e. just a few minutes. This was done on m1.large instances on Amazon. We have published a quick how-to deployment guide for Amazon here:

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MySQL Clusters on Amazon EC2 - verified AMIs

We regularly receive questions from our user community with regards to which AMIs to use when deploying database clusters on Amazon EC2.

As part of our ongoing development work on the Severalnines Configurator and ClusterControl, we have recently done some testing on deploying MySQL Cluster on EC2 using Severalnines on three different AMIs. We thought we should share the results of these tests, hence the reason for this week's blog!

If you would like to test such a deployment yourself, feel free to use the parameters and guidelines below to do so. You can also check out these new videos to see Severalnines technology in …

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Open Source Enables the Cloud

With the fast growth of virtualized data centers, and companies like Google, Amazon and Facebook, it's easy to forget how much is built on open-source components, aka commodity software.  In a very real way open-source has enabled the huge explosion of commodity hardware, the fast growth of the internet itself, and now the further acceleration through cloud services, cloud infrastructure, and virtualization of data centers.

Your typical internet stack and application now stands on the shoulders of tens of thousands of open source developers and projects.  Let's look at a few of them.

1. Operating System - Linux

The commodity hardware craze would never have happened without the help of an open-source operating system to run on it.  Linux is an old story now, nonetheless everything else stands on it's shoulders.

2. Multi-purpose Webserver - Apache

As of July …

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3 Ways to Boost Cloud Scalability

Deploying in the Amazon cloud is touted as a great way to achieve high scalability while paying only for the computing power you use. How do you get the best scalability from the technology?

1. Use Auto-scaling

Auto-scaling is a unique feature of cloud computing and Amazon's EC2 offering. Setup a load balancer and a couple of webservers for your application as you normally would. Design your webserver based on a template AMI that you'll reuse over and over. Then setup auto-scaling and set thresholds based on the traffic you forecast. When a threshold is passed, AWS will spinup a new instance of your webserver, and roll it into the load balancer pool automatically. Once traffic falls below the scale back threshold, Amazon will take a server out of the pool for you.

Be sure to monitor this …

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