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Displaying posts with tag: errors (reset)
More IE7 fixes – header.php

Fixed a lingering JS issue with the ExtJS code in header.php file that was preventing IE7 from loading the main.php page. It was….. an extra comma! If you are inclined to edit one file here is the diff change, otherwise like other bug fixes it will be included with the next release. The file is system/application/views/header.php and the change is for line #327 for revision 42+.

< {id: 'innodb_total', header: "innodb_total", width: 75, sortable: true, renderer: 'fileSize', dataIndex: 'innodb_total'},
> {id: 'innodb_total', header: "innodb_total", width: 75, sortable: true, renderer: 'fileSize', dataIndex: 'innodb_total'}

Kontrollbase – IE7 login error fixed

If you run IE7 and have tried Kontrollbase you may have noticed an infinite progress bar for the authentication. While login works on all other browsers, it was broken on IE7. The change has been committed to the repo and will be available in the next release. If you are inclined to edit one file here is the diff change. The file is system/application/controllers/login.php and the change is for line #68.

< $user_system_user_id = $this->session->userdata('user_system_user_id');
> $user_system_user_id = $this->phpsession->get('user_system_user_id');

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