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Displaying posts with tag: Utilities (reset)
Announcing MySQL Utilities release-1.5.4 GA!

The MySQL Utilities Team is pleased to announce the general availability (GA) release of MySQL Utilities. This release includes a number of improvements for useabilty, stability, and a few enhancements. A complete list of all improvements can be found in our release notes.

New Enhancements!   This release represents a stable release of the product. Along with several defect patches, we also include the following enhancements.

  • Improved support for MySQL 5.7 early releases
  • Improved output for mysqldbcompare
  • Improved SSL support

How Can I Download MySQL Utilities?
You can download MySQL Utilities 1.5.2 GA from the following link using one of the pre-built installation repositories including a source download.

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Announcing MySQL Utilities release-1.5.2!

The MySQL Utilities Team is pleased to announce the general availability (GA) release of MySQL Utilities. This release includes a number of improvements for useabilty, stability, and a few enhancements. A complete list of all improvements can be found in our release_notes.
New Enhancements! This release represents a stable release of the product. Along with several defect patches, we also include the following enhancements.

  • The mysqlserverclone utility now checks diskspace as a prerequisite to cloning the server.
  • The --force option was removed from the mysqlfailover utility to remove confusion on its purpose.
  • A warning is issued if the mysqld --skip-innodb option is used because this option is ignored in MySQL 5.7 and later.
  • Utilities can correctly parse and display the PROXY …
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Announcing MySQL Utilities release-1.6.0-alpha

The MySQL Utilities Team is pleased to announce the alpha release of MySQL Utilities. This release represents a new evolution of the product including the following enhancements.

  • The mysqlprocgrep utility now displays the processes and connections killed during a --kill operation. The displayed rows come from the appropriate SHOW PROCESSLIST entries.
  • The mysqlbinlogmove utility was added. It relocates binary log files, and moves files based on their sequence number or modified date.
  • The mysqlgrants utility was added. It displays grants per object, and produces reports by user, user with grants, and GRANT statement.
  • Health reports can now be generated for a list of slaves without a master specified. In this case, "No master specified" appears for connection status for each slave, instead of an error.

How Can I Download MySQL Utilities? You can download MySQL …

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Do you want to learn more about DevOps and MySQL?

Are you attending Oracle Open World? Would you like to know more about Oracle DevOps products for managing your MySQL servers? If so, stop by Tuesday, September 30 at 10:15 in the Hotel Nikko - Bay View and join us for a hands on lab (HOL9234) for MySQL Utilities and Connector/Python.

We will present the basics for getting started using Python to manage your MySQL servers. MySQL Utilities includes utilities for a wide variety of operations from displaying GRANT statements to setting up automatic failover for replication.

Check out the abstract for the HOL here.

MySQL Utilities Make a DBA More Efficient and Productive

MySQL Utilities provide a collection of command line utilities that make it easy for database administrators to maintain and administer MySQL servers. The utilities perform a range of otherwise complex operations via a simple command, making DBAs more efficient and productive.

There are utilities for copying databases, comparing databases running on different servers, checking disk usage and for redundant or duplicate indexes, automatic failover, verifying replication configuration, cloning a running server, and working with audit logs. You can use all these utilities either standalone or with MySQL Workbench.

You can learn about MySQL Utilities and much more by taking the …

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New! MySQL Utilities release-1.4.2-RC

The MySQL Utilities Team is pleased to announce the latest release candidate (RC) release of MySQL Utilities. This release includes a number of improvements for useabilty, stability, and a few enhancements. A complete list of all improvements can be found in our release_notes.

New Utilities!
We have also included two new utilities.

  • The mysqlrplsync utility was added, which checks data consistency between servers in a replicated setup. 
  • The mysqlrplms utility was added, which provides round-robin multi-source replication (a slave server continually cycles through multiple masters in order to store a consolidated data set).

How Can I Download MySQL Utilities?
You can download MySQL Utilities 1.4.2 from the following link using one of the pre-built …

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MySQL Enterprise Backup: parallel config & backup n restore results.

In this post I go into some performance metrics and time spent on using MySQL Enterprise Backup instead of mysqldump, and seeing how far I could go with some parallel configuration.


It’s on an old laptop:

–Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, 32bit Intel Pentium M 1.86Ghz, 2Gb –Source disk:  internal 80Gb ATA ST9808211A –Destination:  external 1Tb SAMSUNG HD103SI –MySQL Enterprise Edition 5.6.15 –MySQL Enterprise Backup 3.9.0 –Employees sample database duplicated via MySQL Utilities 1.3.6 (on Win7 PC) to generate a ~5Gb MySQL Server. And to simulate data size, I used the MySQL Utilities:

mysqldbcopy --source=root:pass@host:3356 --destination=root:pass@host:3356 employees:employees1 \
employees:employees2 employees:employees3 employees:employees4 ... employees:employees18 \
employees:employees19 employees:employees20

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MySQL Enterprise Backup: parallel config & backup n restore results.

In this post I go into some performance metrics and time spent on using MySQL Enterprise Backup instead of mysqldump, and seeing how far I could go with some parallel configuration.


It’s on an old laptop:

–Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, 32bit Intel Pentium M 1.86Ghz, 2Gb –Source disk:  internal 80Gb ATA ST9808211A –Destination:  external 1Tb SAMSUNG HD103SI –MySQL Enterprise Edition 5.6.15 –MySQL Enterprise Backup 3.9.0 –Employees sample database duplicated via MySQL Utilities 1.3.6 (on Win7 PC) to generate a ~5Gb MySQL Server. And to simulate data size, I used the MySQL Utilities:

mysqldbcopy --source=root:pass@host:3356 --destination=root:pass@host:3356 employees:employees1 \
employees:employees2 employees:employees3 employees:employees4 ... employees:employees18 \
employees:employees19 employees:employees20

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New! MySQL Utilities release-1.3.6 GA

The MySQL Utilities Team is pleased to announce the latest GA release of MySQL Utilities. This release includes a number of improvements for usability, stability, and a few enhancements. We have also included a performance upgrade for exporting, importing, and copying databases.

The following highlights a few of the more significant improvements.

* mysqldbexport, mysqldbimport, and mysqldbcopy have multiprocessing support that allows for much improved performance
* mysqlfrm can now generate a .frm file with storage engine substitution
* Mac OS X packages added!
* mysqlserverinfo now includes the log files (error, general, slow)
* mysqlprocgrep can now search and kill processes by id
* mysqlmetagrep can now search the body of routines with the new --body option
* all utilities report license type with --version and --help
* all utilities have the new …

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MySQL Connect 2013: ps_tools

During my talk and hands on labs at MySQL Connect 2013 I used several views, functions, and procedures from ps_helper and ps_tools.

The slides from the two talks can be downloaded from Thanks For Attending MySQL Connect or from the MySQL Connect 2013 Content Catalogue.

You can read more about ps_helper on Mark Leith’s blog and you can download ps_helper from github.

To get ps_tools, download …

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