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Displaying posts with tag: null (reset)
How to avoid an extra index scan in MySQL

Is your MySQL server doing an extra index scan on queries that need to check a key for matches or NULL? It's easy for this to happen accidentally, but it's also easy to fix, especially in MySQL 5.0 and up. Here's how.

What's New in BlueDragon 7?

New Atlanta, just released Beta 1 of version 7 of thier BlueDragon CFML application server.

Below is a list of the new features - I think the IsNull function and null keyword will prove to be quite handy.

  • Multi-threaded programming (CFTHREAD, and related tags and functions)
  • Interfaces and Abstract CFCs
  • null keyword and IsNull() function
  • CFQUERY Enhancements
    • BACKGROUND attribute
  • Application.cfc
    • onClientStart() handler
    • onMissingTemplate() handler
  • CFSEARCH Enhancements
    • support for Word and PDF documents …
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