A question has cropped up recently: how does one install Galera Cluster 4 with MySQL 8 on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa)? This quick guide will get you started.
Install 3 Galera Cluster nodes with the base OS being Ubuntu 20.04. Remember to run apt update and apt upgrade.
Once this is done, edit: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/galera.list and add the following lines:
deb https://releases.galeracluster.com/galera-4/ubuntu focal main
deb https://releases.galeracluster.com/mysql-wsrep-8.0/ubuntu focal main
Once that is done, don’t forget to also pin the preference to the Galera Cluster repository. To do this, edit: /etc/apt/preferences.d/galera.pref and have it read:
# Prefer the Codership repository
Package: *
Pin: origin releases.galeracluster.com
Pin-Priority: 1001
Once you are done, run apt update yet again. Now you are ready to install Galera Cluster 4 with MySQL 8, just by …
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