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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL 8.0 (reset)
MySQL 8.0.26: thank you for the contributions

MySQL 8.0.26 has been released last week !

As usual, it’s highly advised to read the release notes to get informed about the changes and bug fixed.

MySQL is Open Source and each release contains contributions from our great Community. Let me thanks all the contributors on behalf of the entire MySQL Team: Thank you !

MySQL 8.0.26 includes contributions from Venkatesh Prasad Venugopal, Zhai Weixiang, Miron Balcerzak, Marc Fletcher, Zheng Lai, Huqing Yan, Lee William, Brian Yue, Marcus Ekström, Adam, Cable, Garen Chan, Xiaoyu Wang, Marcelo Altmann and Facebook.

Once again, thank you all for your great contributions.

Here is the list of the above contributions and related bugs:

Replication …

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MDS, PHP and authentication

Recently I blogged about how to easily deploy a LAMP application to MDS.

Using the Terraform module (OCI Resource Manager’s Stack) you also have the possibility to choose the PHP version to install:

But as you should already know, not all versions support the latest default authentication method in MySQL 8.0: caching_sha2_password [1], [2], [3].

Most of the PHP applications are using mysqli and mysqlnd

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MySQL dump & load InnoDB Buffer Pool

For performance, having a warm InnoDB Buffer Pool is very important. What does that mean ?

A warm buffer pool means that the most used pages (working set) required by the production workload are already loaded in memory (in the buffer pool). If so, MySQL doesn’t need to read the pages from disk every time it requires the most used page and speeds up the process when the needed data is already in memory.

When you start MySQL, by default the InnoDB Buffer Pool is cold and the warm up process can even take days sometimes…

So, you can already deduce that restarting mysqld is a source of having a cold Buffer Pool as it will start empty. Another reason to have a non optimal Buffer Pool is to load it unnecessary pages. This can happen during a logical dump or load. If you regularly do a mysqldump for example (don’t forget that MySQL Shell dump & load is better if you do logical dumps, but introduces also the …

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Deploy your own PHP application on OCI and MDS

Recently, I wrote several articles about how to deploy popular Open Source applications on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and MySQL Database Service.

Today we will see how you can deploy your own LAMP stack application using the same technique where L will stand for a compute instance (and why not the Ampere always free trier?), A stays Apache and will run in that compute instance. M stands for MySQL Database Service and P for PHP.

As usual we start by deploying a Stack by just clicking on the deploy button from GitHub:

The we are directly redirected to OCI’s dashboard and we need to accept the Terms of Use:

As soon …

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Use Matomo Website Analytics on OCI with MDS

Matomo is a Google Analytics alternative for your websites. If you follow my blog, you know how easy it’s to deploy popular Open Source web solutions like WordPress, Joomla!, Drupal, Moodle, Magento on OCI. If this is not yet your case, please check this page: deploy on OCI.

All these solutions are using MySQL Database Service to store their data.

I’ve recently added a new stack to also deploy Matomo. Of course this can be a standalone installation to collect all your analytics from self-hosted websites, but today I will describe you how to use it with an existing stack we already deployed on OCI.

For this example, I deployed WordPress using the following stack: …

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Deploy Moodle on OCI with MDS

Moodle is the world’s most popular learning management system. Moodle is Open Source and of course it’s compatible with the most popular Open Source Database : MySQL !

I’ve already posted an article on how to install Moodle on OCI before we released MySQL Database Service. In this article we will see how to deploy Moodle very easily in OCI and using MDS.

Once again we will use the easiest way to deploy an complete architecture on OCI: Resource Manager.

We will then use a stack I’ve created that is available on GitHub This stack includes Terraform code allowing to deploy different architectures that we can use for Moodle. I’ve tried to cover the main possible architecture directly in the stack. …

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Deploy Magento on MDS & HeatWave

Magento is an Open-Source e-commerce platform written in PHP using multiple other PHP frameworks such as Laminas and Symphony. Magento source code is distributed under Open Software License v3.0.

Deploying Magento is not always easy as it often requires registration. However the source code is also availble on GitHub.

Magento supports MySQL 8.0 since version 2.4.0 (July 28th 2020).

In Magento’s documentation, there is a warning about GTID support:

This is not anymore a …

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Deploying Joomla! on OCI and MDS

The easiest way to deploy Joomla! on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and MySQL Database Service, is to use OCI Resource Manager’s stack.

Let’s see how easy it’s to deploy such solution.

If you don’t have already an OCI account, you can get Free Tier at

The easiest way to deploy all the required resources (vcn, subnets, gateways, compute and MySQL instances, security lists, …) is to use a stack for Resource Manager. It consists in Terraform modules and information to easily deploy the architecture on OCI.

To deploy Joomla! and a MDS instance, we go then on this GitHub repo and click on button to deploy on OCI:

The Oracle Cloud Dashboard will be open and the stack creation form will be loaded like …

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MySQL Shell : send SQL statements to syslog

From MySQL Shell 8.0.24, it’s possible to log all the SQL statements issued in MySQL Shell.

Everything is well documented in the dedicated manual section: System Logging for SQL Statements.

Let’s see it in action. We will first start MySQL Shell with --syslog option:

$ mysqlsh --syslog --sql root@localhost

We enter a statement:

MySQL  localhost:33060+   2021-04-30 09:18:39 
SQL  show databases;
| Database                      |
| bookstore                     |
| clusterdemo                   |

And we can verify in syslog if something has been logged. I use Systemd and Journald therefor I will …

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MySQL Shell 8.0.24 Dump now supports array arguments in non-interactive mode

Recently I posted an article on how to deal with arrays when trying to use MySQL Shell Dump Utility in command line.

Of course, this proposed solution was a workaround for MySQL Shell <= 8.0.23. The new version of MySQL Shell 8.0.24 supports now arrays \o/ !

So if we take the same example of the previous post, we can now use the following syntax:

$ mysqlsh root@localhost -- util dump-instance /tmp/dump \
    --excludeSchemas=["mysql_innodb_cluster_metadata","fred_test"] \
    --threads=8 --showProgress

Please mind that lack of <space> between the elements of the array. If you use …

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