UPDATE: Several people have commented that decimal(10,2) is not correct for money, since sometimes currencies go out to more than 2 decimal places. Others claimed that storing cents (or base unit) as integers make it simpler to perform calculations (thanks, Kevin Farley for your comment). Regardless of what you choose – don’t use floats for money. If you do use integers, I would include the base unit in the name to avoid confusion (AmountInCents).
Data types make all the difference in the world when you’re designing your database. The choices you make now will affect the quality of your data, as well as application performance. I’m going to focus on one issue in this article: why you should always use decimals to represent money. Let’s jump in and see why that’s true.
An example of floats gone wrong
Let’s use a really, really simplified accounting ledger. It’s just three fields, an entry id, …
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