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Displaying posts with tag: benchmark (reset)
MySQL and Kickfire Break Records (Again)

Following on from the announcement at the MySQL conference where Sun and Kickfire jointly announced data warehousing benchmark records, we have just announced new TPC-H benchmark records. Specifically, the Kickfire Database Appliance 2400 is the highest price/performance offering at 300GB, again breaking the $1 barrier for the first time coming in at 89 cents per QphH (Queries per hour on the TPC-H benchmark). The 2400 is also the highest performance (non-clustered) offering at 300GB.

I’m not going to further dwell on the numbers in this post other than to quickly point out another aspect of this achievement that Justin noted in his blog related to the energy savings the Kickfire …

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MySQL Conference Liveblogging: Benchmarking Tools (Wednesday 4:25PM)
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MySQL Conference Liveblogging: Portable Scale-out Benchmarks For MySQL (Wednesday 10:50AM)
  • Robert Hodges from Continuent presents
  • About Continuent
    • leading provider of open source database availability and scaling solutions
  • solutions
    • uni/cluster - multi-master database clustering that replicates data across multiple databases and load balances reads
    • uses "database virtualization"
  • scale-out design motivation
    • protection from db and site failures
    • continuous operation during upgrades
  • how come not everyone has it already?
  • creating identical replicas across different hosts is hard
    • Brewer's conjecture
  • trade-offs
    • DDL support
    • inconsistent reads between replicas
    • deadlocks
    • sequences …
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Kickfire Launch

Today, we officially launched Kickfire. As part of our announcement we published, together with Sun Microsystems, record-breaking TPC-H benchmark numbers (data warehousing industry benchmarks) as well as a series of significant partnerships in the Open Source world.

There has been a lot of work here over the last two years to get us to this point and I am very proud of the team for getting us to where we are today. Two years ago we just had a vision; today that vision became reality – one substantiated by independent industry benchmarks.

For those of you unfamiliar with these benchmarks let me give you a brief overview to explain why we …

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Sysbench fileio vs EC2 Part 1

Overview:Peter Zaitsev's recent article about Evaluating IO subsystem performance for MySQL spurred my interest in doing something similar on EC2.I have covered running sysbench against MySQL on EC2 however not specifically used sysbench to test IO. Rather I had used bonnie++ and iozone to do that.I don't have a lot of respect for the EC2 small instance. Whilst it was reasonable in the middle of

Sysbench fileio vs EC2 Part 1


Peter Zaitsev’s recent article about Evaluating IO subsystem performance for MySQL spurred my interest in doing something similar on EC2.

I have covered running sysbench against MySQL on EC2 however not specifically used sysbench to test IO. Rather I had used bonnie++ and iozone to do that.

I don’t have a lot of respect for the EC2 small instance. Whilst it was reasonable in the middle of 2006 when Amazon EC2 was launched, you can (even in Australia) pick up Dual and Quad Core CPUs with enough memory for 32 …

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sysbench - Linux Test Bench

sysbench - Linux test bench. Easy as pie to test CPU, memory, threads, mysql, and disk performance.

Full description is available here:

install mysql, mysql-devel
tar xvzf sysbench*gz
cd sysbench*
./configure && make install

mysql tests

This will run 10 separate consecutive mysql tests using an InnoDB table type, each with 100 mysql threads, doing a total of 1000 various SQL operations per test. Then it will print the total time they took to finish:

sysbench --test=oltp --mysql-user=USER --mysql-password=PASS --mysql-db=test \\
  --mysql-host='HOST' --mysql-table-engine=innodb prepare
time perl -e "foreach(1..10){print \`sysbench --max-requests=1000 --test=oltp \\
  --mysql-user=USER …
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Looking For Optimal Solution: Ruby On Rails and Mongrel

This article is part of “Looking For Optimal Solution” series, devoted to testing various Ruby On Rails deployment schemes and doing some simple benchmarks on these schemes. General idea of testing is to find subset of most optimal RoR deployment schemes for different situations.

This small article is about Rails+Mongrel setup and its performance. List of other tested deployment schemes, description of testing methodology and, of course, all benchmark results you can find on “Ruby On Rails Benchmark Summary and Findings” page.


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