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Displaying posts with tag: High Availability (reset)
ProxySQL Native Support for Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC)

ProxySQL in its versions up to 1.x did not natively support Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC). Instead, it relied on the flexibility offered by the scheduler. This approach allowed users to implement their own preferred way to manage the ProxySQL behaviour in relation to the Galera events.

From version 2.0 we can use native ProxySQL support for PXC.. The mechanism to activate native support is very similar to the one already in place for group replication.

In brief it is based on the table [runtime_]mysql_galera_hostgroups and the information needed is mostly the same:

  • writer_hostgroup: the hostgroup ID that refers to the WRITER
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Installing WordPress 5 on ZEIT Now with MySQL Hosting

Want to deploy WordPress 5.0 on the Now platform by ZEIT? Our friends over at ZEIT’s Now global serverless deployment platform whipped up a great tutorial for WordPress5-on-Now using cheap MySQL hosting instances from ScaleGrid. With such strong interest in this installation, we decided to write up the steps to configure your MySQL database on the ScaleGrid side to get you up and running ever faster with WordPress on Now.

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@now/wordpress summary:
◆ λ size = 13mb
◆ Just needs `wp-config.php`
◆ All static assets output directly to CDN …

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binlog-row-event-max-size system variable in MySQL 8.0.14

As you may have noticed by now, we are continuously improving and enhancing the experience of managing a MySQL server. Furthermore, we have also released tools, such as MySQL shell, that make advanced and distributed setups like creating, deploying, and running clusters of InnoDB instances, seamless to the end user.…

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MySQL Tutorial – Understanding The Seconds Behind Master Value

In a MySQL hosting replication setup, the parameter Seconds_Behind_Master (SBM), as displayed by the SHOW SLAVE STATUS command, is commonly used as an indication of the current replication lag of the slave. In this blog post, we examine how to understand and interpret this value in various situations.

Possible Values of  Seconds Behind Master

The value of SBM, as explained in the  MySQL documentation, depends on the state of the MySQL slave in general, and the states of MySQL slave SQL_THREAD and IO_THREAD in particular. While IO_THREAD connects with the master and reads the updates, SQL_THREAD applies these updates on the slave. Let’s examine the possible values of SBM during different states of the MySQL Slave.

When SBM Value is Null

  • SBM is …
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Server version in the binary log

Replication topologies, whether master-slave or group replication setups, may be composed of servers using different MySQL versions.

In MySQL 8.0.14, each transaction’s immediate and original server versions are now visible in the binary log as session variables. These two new variables, fully managed by the replication infrastructure, are used to support cross-version replication by transmitting the MySQL server release numbers associated with each transaction through the replication topology:

  • original_server_version stores the MySQL Server release number of the server where a transaction was originally committed (for example, 80014 for a MySQL 8.0.14 server instance).

Group Replication – Consistent Reads

As we showed on the introduction post, in MySQL 8.0.14 Group Replication was once again improved. Now the developer can specify which is the consistency level of all group transactions or even of a single transaction.

Note that this is about consistency in terms of the global synchronization of transactions in the group.…

MySQL InnoDB Cluster – Extended cluster information and rescan

This blog post completes the series that we have been composing to detail every single new feature added in the latest MySQL InnoDB Cluster release, as mentioned in the release announcement of 8.0.14. We’ll close the series now with the details about the new features that improve the management capabilities of MySQL Shell: “Extended status information available from <Cluster.>status()” and “Redesigned and extended <Cluster.>rescan()”.

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MySQL InnoDB Cluster – Controlling data consistency and expel timeouts

This blog post follows the series that we have been composing to detail every single new feature added in the latest MySQL InnoDB Cluster release. As listed in the release announcement of 8.0.14, we’re very happy with new features that greatly enhance the whole experience and capabilities of InnoDB cluster!…

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Group Replication – Consistency Levels

The MySQL Group Replication (GR) feature is a multi-primary update anywhere or single-primary replication plugin for MySQL with built-in conflict detection and resolution, automatic distributed recovery, and group membership.

Its goal it is to make high-availability (HA) simple with off-the-shelf hardware, not only to new applications but also existing ones – that was one of the motivations of the single-primary mode.…

MySQL InnoDB Cluster – Changing cluster options “live”

As listed in the release announcement of the latest MySQL InnoDB Cluster release, 8.0.14 brings exciting new features! This blog post integrates a series detailing every single new feature added. We’ll follow up now with two very desired and useful features: Checking current cluster configuration options” and “Changing cluster members or global cluster options ‘live'”.

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