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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL 8 (reset)
MySQL Queries No Waiting

Last time we looked at SKIP LOCKED where rows locked by another process were skipped. NOWAIT informs the server to return immediately IF the desired rows can not be locked.

How To Use NOWAIT Start a connection to your MySQL 8 server, start a transaction, and make a query to lock up part of the data. mysql>START TRANSACTION; mysql>SELECT * FROM city WHERE countryCode = 'USA' FOR UPDATE;
On a second connection, start a transaction and issue a SELECT query with NOWAIT. mysql>START TRANSACTION; mysql>SELECT * FROM city WHERE countryCode = 'USA' FOR UPDATE NOWAIT;
The second connection will get a message saying 'statement aborted because lock(s) could not be acquired immediately and NOWAIT is SET
So if you can come back later to lock the records or just can not …

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SKIP LOCKED is a new feature in MySQL 8 that many will find valuable.  If allows you to not wait about for locked records and work on what is available -- the unlocked records.
How To Use SKIP LOCKED The MySQL world database has 274 records in the city table where the countryCode field equals 'USA' there are 274 records. From past interactions, we somehow know there are some records with the ID field greater than 4000.
On MySQL shell number 1, start a transaction and lock some records mysql>START TRANSACTION; mysql>SELECT * FROM city WHERE ID > 4000 and countryCode = 'USA'; There will be 66 records.
On MySQL shell number number 2, start a transaction and lets try to lock the records starting at IS 3990 and up. mysql>START TRANSACTION; mysql>SELECT FROM city WHERE id > 3990 and countryCode='USA'
There will be 10 records.  The records …

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MySQL Shell with Command Completion

MySQL ShellCLI Interfaces are usually boring, ASCII-ish functional interfaces that are as about as exciting as paint drying or end user license agreements for your rice steamer. They get the job done but no excitement. The new MySQL Shell (mysqlsh instead of mysql at the command line is a great new tool but like its predecessor it is not exactly visually dynamic.

Until Now.

At there is a new version of the MySQL Shell that adds some new functionality and some visual enticements. I was in a session at Oracle OpenWorld and was impressed by not only the visually stunning upgrade but by the fact that we now get command auto-completion!

You can login as you did with the old shell but then you see that little bit …

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MySQL 8's Windowing Function Part 1

MySQL will have Windowing functions and CTEs which will mean it will be easier to do data analysis with MySQL. You can now make calculations on data from each row in a query plus rows related to that row. Windows will make it easier to group items when GROUP BY does not meet needs. This is a great breakthrough but the new documentation has a steep learning curve if you are starting from zero. Hopefully this and following blogs will make it easier to get started with Windowing Functions. OVER & WINDOW as a keywords Let's start with the world_x sample database. The sample below orders the city table by the CountryCode but notice the window w as (order by CountryCode) phrase. This sets up a group for analysis, or a window on the data. For this example we will get the row number, rank, and dense rank of the data in that group. So for CountryCode of ABW we get a row number of 1, rank of 1, …

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From MySQL 8.0.0 to MySQL 8.0.1 – or any other dev milestone

Disclaimer: This post is aimed to you, the curious developer, sys-admin, technologist, whatever-title-you-use. DO NOT run the following lines on production. Not even in a stable environment, do this if you don’t care about the outcome of the current data.

If you want to keep up with the newest MySQL developer milestones I have news for you: there is no upgrade available for milestone versions. The way to go is to remove old version and install new one, according to their website:

Upgrades between milestone releases (or from a milestone release to a GA release) are not supported. For example, upgrading from 8.0.0 to 8.0.1 is not supported, as neither are GA status releases.

So if you, like me, had the 8.0.0 version and want to test the 8.0.1 (alhtough 8.0.3 milestone is already in development) …

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Testing MySQL 8.0 – let me create a ton of undo files

This is the late blog post about 2 recent bug reports

The basic idea came after reading ->

So the result of test ->
After each restart of MySQL the new undo log files are going to be created + keeping old files.

shahriyar.rzaev@qaserver-06:~/sandboxes/msb_8_0_1/data$ du -hs
# The count of undo files
shahriyar.rzaev@qaserver-06:~/sandboxes/msb_8_0_1/data$ ls | grep undo | wc -l

After new restart:

# New count
shahriyar.rzaev@qaserver-06:~/sandboxes/msb_8_0_1/data$ ls | grep undo | wc -l

So how to …

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Replication filter per channel is now available in MySQL!

On the same day last year, I wrote a post about replication filters in MySQL Multi Source Replication and whether we can set the filters per replication channel or not (Bug #80843). My feature request – as well as some others – has been implemented in MySQL 8.0.1. Thanks Oracle for the implementation. (Full list of changes can be checked out here)

In this post, I’ll demonstrate how to set replication filters per channel in MySQL Multi Source Replication.

Setting up and configuring Multi Source …

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Roles on MySQL 8.0

This is a blogpost about MySQL 8.0.0, the content here could be subject to changes in the future since this is not a stable release.

This is a feature that will make life the many DevOps and DBAs easier. Believe it or not, a lot of people control access to the database by sharing the same username and password. Which is completely insecure for a number of reasons:

  • If someone is fired, they still have access
  • If you get hacked for using the same password, well, I only can say: good luck

That also means: no more querying to Stack Overflow to get that giant GRANT statement for each user you need to create. (Thank you @mwop for reminding me of this).

Creating a Role

This is a group of privileges that will be assigned to users:

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MySQL 8.0 (dev): what to look for

This is an unstable release, please don’t use in production.

It was rumored that the new MySQL version would be 8 and not as 5.8 as a lot of people thought, and it appears the rumors were true.

Below are some of the features that caught my eye at first glance:


Although password expiration was implemented 5.7, the newer version bring a set of collective privileges as a Role. No need to have to copy paste that massive GRANT command you had when creating new users.

UTF-8 as default Charset

This is not yet the default charset coming with the server, but utf8mb4 will be the main charset instead of latin1, and the default collation will change from latin1_swedish_ci to utf8mb4_800_ci_ai. The plan is to do that before General Availability.

Invisible Indexes

Giving an …

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MySQL 8.0

If you haven’t heard the news yet, MySQL 8.0 is apparently the next release of the world-famous database server.

Obviously abandoning plans to name the next release 5.8, Percona Server’s upstream provider relabelled all 5.8-related bugs to 8.0 as follows:

Reported version value updated to reflect release name change from 5.8 to 8.0

What will MySQL 8.0 bring to the world?

While lossless RBR has been suggested by Simon Mudd (for example), the actual feature list (except a Boost 1.60.0 upgrade!) remains a secret.

As far as bug and feature requests go, a smart google query revealed which bugs are likely …

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