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Displaying posts with tag: Technical Writing (reset)
How to Retrieve MySQL Last Insert ID in CodeIgniter 4

I use CodeIgniter 4 a great deal for learning, personal projects, and application development. In this post, I cover 2 different methods you can use and retrieve the MySQL Last Insert ID value after executing an INSERT statement in CodeIgniter. Continue reading for more information…


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Model Setup

Starting out, I use the CLI Generator feature and create a Model by executing this code in the terminal in the project root:

php spark make:model user --suffix

I have removed much of the …

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MySQL Table DDL file with phpMyAdmin

If you need a structure only .sql file of a MySQL tables’ Data Definition Language (DDL), phpMyAdmin makes this super-easy with just a few clicks. Continue reading and learn how…


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Why use a DDL file?

Why would you need a structure-only .sql DDL file anyway?

Maybe you want to build out a tables’ structure on another server to bring in different data or something comparable, and want it void of any existing data.

Rather than creating the …

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Medium Cross Post – CodeIgniter 4 CRUD: Delete

When the time comes that you no longer have a need for specific data, use DELETE to remove it completely from your table. CodeIgniter 4 Models have a delete() method that is super-easy to use. Continue reading for more information…


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CodeIgniter 4 CRUD Series with MySQL

I have written a now complete 4-part series over on my Medium account about CodeIgniter 4 Model CRUD operations. Feel free and visit any of the previous posts in the series to get up to speed:

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Medium Cross-post – CodeIgniter 4 CRUD: Update

In some applications, data may never change. Yet, in others, data changes numerous times in its lifecycle. In SQL the UPDATE command changes existing rows of data. CodeIgniter 4 Models have 2 methods available for update operations: update() and save(). Continue reading and learn more about update()


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CodeIgniter 4 CRUD Series with MySQL

This post is a re-share of an article I originally published on my Medium account and is part 3 in the CodeIgniter 4 CRUD with MySQL series. Be sure and …

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Medium Cross-post – CodeIgniter 4 CRUD: Read

Storing data is but one part of many in application development. Once data is stored, interested parties will likely want to see it. This is the Read aspect of CRUD – reading (or viewing) the data. Continue reading and see examples using CodeIgniter 4 built-in Model methods…


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In part 1 of this series, CodeIgniter 4 CRUD with MySQL: Create, I used the Model insert() method to store new rows of data. Now that the data is present in the table, we want to see that data.

There are 2 built-in Model …

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Medium Cross-post: CodeIgniter 4 CRUD – Create

I’m studying and beginning to use CodeIgniter 4 in ‘real-world‘ projects and want to share what I learn, as I pick up on concepts of the framework. I’m posting a series of CRUD-related posts over on Medium and resharing them here for any readers who are interested…

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MySQL BETWEEN Operator Queries – Are they inclusive?

I recently learned of some odd behavior using MySQL BETWEEN operator queries, filtering by a DATETIME column. I wrote about this over on Medium so I am sharing the post for any readers here who are interested…

Image by _Alicja_ from Pixabay 


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MySQL Searched CASE Expression – with examples

During many decision-making phases in programming code (conditional logic), there are times execution depends on several different factors. Multiple conditional tests are powerful and constraining, oftentimes requiring more than one test to be passed in order for program flow to proceed. For MySQL (and standard SQL in general) the CASE expression is used for IF/THEN/ELSE conditional logic. The post, MySQL Simple CASE Expression – with examples, covered Simple CASE queries which are essentially equality tests. MySQL Simple CASE is but one variant of 2, with the other being a MySQL Searched CASE Expression.  A MySQL Searched CASE Expression can have multiple conditional tests in each WHEN

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MySQL Simple CASE Expression – with examples

Programming logic is foundational in any application or piece of software. Without it, software wouldn’t really do much of anything. Everything happens off of choice. In the end, some truthy or falsy value is what makes stuff work. For IF/THEN/ELSE logic in standard SQL, there is the CASE expression. There are 2 variations of the CASE Expression: Simple and Searched. In this post, I cover the Simple MySQL CASE expression with example queries…

Image by Nika Akin from …

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MySQL Column Aliases using the AS keyword

Be it running reports or displaying data in some other visualization, SQL SELECT column expressions should be meaningful and understandable. To provide those valuable query results, SQL Developers, use a multitude of available functions, adjacent columns, or other means not readily apparent to end-users. All that being said, the column names often suffer the most as far as readability is concerned, taking on long function call names or other combined expressions. But, as luck would be on our side, there is an easy fix and that is aliasing columns using the AS keyword. Although AS is optional – in this particular context – I err on the side of readability and use it when aliasing SELECT column expressions.

Image by …

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