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Displaying posts with tag: amazon (reset)
Shaking things up

It’s been a hectic week, and it’s only Tuesday.

My wife and I recently made a decision to move on from MySQL. My passion is software development, and my experience doesn’t lend itself well to database development. Therefore, I’m returning to Amazon on Monday, if my intel is correct.

Through a strange series of coincidences, my resume was submitted to the same group which I left 14 short months ago. I will be returning to HTML, JavaScript, Perl, shell script and a tad bit of Java development.

It has been a pleasure working for and with MySQL AB. They make a wonderful database, and their support folks are top notch. I’ll miss them all. But heck, I can stay in touch just as easily as ever. That’s one nice thing about working in a virtual company: you learn to keep in touch by any means necessary.

The roses are blooming. The lawn is mowed. Summer vacation starts Real Soon Now™, and I’ll be taking …

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