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Displaying posts with tag: primary (reset)
InnoDB’s multi-versioning handling can be Achilles’ heel

I believe InnoDB storage engine architecture is great for a lot of online workloads, however, there are no silver bullets in technology and all design choices have their trade offs. In this blog post I’m going to talk about one important InnoDB limitation that you should consider.

InnoDB is a multiversion concurrency control (MVCC) storage engine which means many versions of the single row can exist at the same time. In fact there can be a huge amount of such row versions. Depending on the isolation mode you have chosen, InnoDB might have to keep all row versions going back to the earliest active read view, but at the very least it will have to keep all versions going back to the start of SELECT query which is currently running.

In most cases this is not a big deal – if you have many short transactions happening you will have only a few row versions to deal with. If you just use the system for reporting queries but do not …

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Recover MySQL root password without restarting MySQL (no downtime!)

Disclaimer: Do this at your own risk! It doesn’t apply if you’re using Pluggable authentication and certainly won’t be usable if/when MySQL system tables are stored on InnoDB

Recover your root password with care!

What is the situation?

The situation is the classic “need to recover MySQL root password” but you cannot restart MySQL (because it is the master production server, or any other reason), which makes the –skip-grant-tables solution as a no-no possibility.

 What can I do?

There is a workaround, which is the following:

  •  Launch another instance of mysqld, a small one (without innodb).
  •  Copy your user.[frm|MYD|MYI] files from the original datadir to the datadir of the new instance.
  • Modify them and then copy …
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MySQL 5.6 Transportable Tablespaces best practices

In MySQL 5.6 Oracle introduced a Transportable Tablespace feature (copying tablespaces to another server) and Percona Server adopted it for partial backups which means you can now take individual database or table backups and your destination server can be a vanilla MySQL server. Moreover, since Percona Server 5.6, innodb_import_table_from_xtrabackup is obsolete as Percona Server also implemented Oracle MySQL’s transportable tablespaces feature which as I mentioned gives you the ability to copy tablespace (table.ibd) between servers. Let me demonstrate this through one example where I am going to take partial backup of selective tables instead of an entire MySQL server and restore it on a running MySQL …

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What happens when your application cannot open yet another connection to MySQL

Have you ever experienced a situation where one moment you can connect to the MySQL database and the next moment  you cannot, only to be able to connect again a second later? As you may know one cannot open infinite connections with MySQL. There’s a practical limit and more often than not it is imposed by the underlying operating system. If you’re getting:

ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (99)

…there’s a good chance you’re hitting such limit. What might be misleading in the information above is whom (which side) is preventing the connection from being established.

Understanding the problem at hand

Whenever a client uses the network to connect to a service running on a given port of a server this connection is established through the creation of a socket:

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Auto-bootstrapping an all-down cluster with Percona XtraDB Cluster

One new feature in Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) in recent releases was the inclusion of the ability for an existing cluster to auto-bootstrap after an all-node-down event.  Suppose you lose power on all nodes simultaneously or something else similar happens to your cluster. Traditionally, this meant manually re-bootstrapping the cluster, but not any more.

How it works

Given the above all-down situation, if all nodes are able to restart and see each other such that they all agree what the state was and that all nodes have returned, then the nodes will make a decision that it is safe for them to recover PRIMARY state as a whole.

This requires:

  • All nodes went down hard — that is; a kill -9, kernel panic, server power failure, or similar event
  • All nodes from the last PRIMARY component are restarted …
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Tips from the trenches for over-extended MySQL DBAs

This post is a follow-up to my November 19 webinar, “Tips from the Trenches: A Guide to Preventing Downtime for the Over-Extended DBA,” during which I described some of the most common reasons DBAs experience avoidable downtime. The session was aimed at the “over-stretched DBA,” identified as the MySQL DBA short of time or an engineer of another discipline without the depth of the MySQL system. The over-stretched DBA may be prone to making fundamental mistakes that cause downtime through poor response time, operations that cause blocking on important data or administrative mishaps through the lack of best practice monitoring and alerting. (You can download my slides and view the recorded webinar here.)

Monitor the things
One of the aides to keeping the system up and …

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Faster restarts for MySQL and Percona Server 5.6.21+

By default in MySQL 5.6, each time MySQL is started (regular start or crash recovery), it iterates through all the binlog files when GTIDs are not enabled. This can take a very long time if you have a large number of binary log files. MySQL and Percona Server 5.6.21+ have a fix with the simplified-binlog-gtid-recovery option. Let’s explore this issue.

Understanding the issue

It was first reported by Yoshinori @ Facebook (bug #69097).

Let’s start by looking at a MySQL 5.6 instance where binary logging is enabled but GTIDs are disabled.

If we restart MySQL with strace, we’ll see:

# strace -e open service mysql start
open("/var/lib/mysql5621/mysql-bin.000004", O_RDONLY) = 13 …
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MySQL benchmarking: Know your baseline variance!

Often enough I find MySQL benchmark results where the difference between results is 1% or even less and some conclusions are drawn. Now it is not that 1% is not important – especially when you’re developing the product you should care about those 1% improvements or regressions because they tend to add up. However with such a small difference it is very important to understand whenever this is for real or it is just the natural variance for your baseline test.

Take a look at this graph:
Click the image for a larger view)


This is the result for a simple in-memory, read-only “select by primary key” SysBench benchmark on dedicated physical hardware that is otherwise idle, simple 1 socket system. I tried to stabilize it as much as possible, for example …

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(More) Secure local passwords in MySQL 5.6 and up

I log into a lot of different servers running MySQL and one of the first things I do is create a file in my home directory called ‘.my.cnf’ with my credentials to that local mysql instance:


This means I don’t have to type my password in every time, nor am I tempted to include it on the command line with -p and get the dreaded (but completely accurate):

Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

MySQL 5.6 introduces a utility to make this easier and more secure. First, let’s start with a new mysqld instance with a blank root password and make it more secure:

[vagrant@localhost ~]$ mysqladmin -u root password
New password:secret
Confirm new password:secret
[vagrant@localhost ~]$ mysql -u root
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user …
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Schema changes in MySQL for OpenStack Trove users

People using OpenStack Trove instances can hit a common issue in the MySQL world: how to perform schema change operations while minimizing the impact on the database server? Let’s explore the options that can allow online schema changes.


With MySQL 5.5, pt-online-schema-change from Percona Toolkit is your best option for large tables while regular ALTER TABLE statements are only acceptable for small tables. Also beware of metadata locks.

With MySQL 5.6, almost all types of schema changes can be done online. Metadata locks can also be an issue. pt-online-schema-change can still be worth using as it is also online on read replicas.

Regular ALTER TABLE with MySQL 5.5

If you are still using MySQL 5.5, almost all schema changes will require a table …

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