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Displaying posts with tag: webinar (reset)
New webinar recordings available

A couple of new webinar recordings are available from our web site:

Like our live webinars, the recordings are of course free of charge. Enjoy!

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Webinar today – Scaling Web Services with MySQL Cluster, Part 1: An Alternative to MySQL Server & memcached

The replay of this webinar is now available from

MySQL and memcached has become, and will remain, the foundation for many dynamic web services with proven deployments in some of the largest and most prolific names on the web. There are classes of web services however that are update-intensive, demanding real-time responsiveness and continuous availability. In these cases, MySQL Cluster provides the familiarity and ease-of-use of the regular MySQL Server, while delivering significantly higher levels of write performance with less complexity, lower latency and 99.999% availability. This webinar will discuss the use-cases for both approaches, and provide an insight into how MySQL Cluster is enabling users to scale their update-intensive web services.

The …

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Reminder: Pacemaker/Debian webinar, today 1400 UTC

For those of you who haven’t yet registered, this is our reminder for today’s Clustering in Debian webinar at 1400 UTC. If you’re planning to run Pacemaker on the upcoming Debian squeeze release, don’t miss this!

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MySQL and Java - Free Webinar on Using MySQL Connector/J

Mark Matthews, Todd Farmer and Rebecca Hansen are giving a free webinar tomorrow entitled: Better Java Application Scalability and Reliability Using MySQL Connector/J Features.

Mark is the original creator of MySQL Connector/J and author of the book MySQL and Java Developer's Guide, Todd is the manager for the America's Support team for MySQL and Rebecca is the Product Marketing Manager for MySQL.

You only need your browser to attend; webinar is free but …

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Upcoming webinar: migrating to Pacemaker on Debian squeeze

Martin Loschwitz, the longest-serving Debian Developer in our ranks, will present a walk-through of going from Linux clustering on Debian lenny (with Heartbeat 2.1.3, shudder) to squeeze (with Heartbeat 3 and Pacemaker). In this webinar you will learn everything you need to know about a painless migration to the new Linux cluster stack.

This webinar will be held on Monday, June 7, at 1400 UTC. You must provide a valid email address to receive a meeting key. Register below!

The widget …

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Upcoming webinar: Oracle high availability with DRBD and Pacemaker

We’re sticking with databases for our current round of webinars. Up next is an overview of Oracle high availability clustering on Linux.

In this 45-minute presentation, we will show you how to quickly and easily configure an Oracle database with an associated TNS Listener in a failover configuration, how to monitor both your database and your listener for failures, and how to have Pacemaker automatically intervene and recover from outages.

Brought to you in association with our friends over at Novell, we’ll showcase Oracle in combination with SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension.

This webinar is scheduled for April 28, 2010 at 1500 UTC.

As all of our webinars, this one requires registration — but we’ve made things easier for you. …

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MySQL/Pacemaker scaleout webinar recording available

Yesterday’s webcast is now available for playback.

If you want a PDF of the slides, please leave a note on our web site.

Update, July 19, 2010: We have switched our webinar service provider. The webinar recordings are still available, albeit under a different URL, see this page for details.

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Reminder: MySQL/Pacemaker scaleout webinar Wednesday 1500 UTC

As announced previously, our MySQL/Replication/Pacemaker webinar is on tomorrow (Wednesday April 7) at 1500 UTC. A few seats are still left; you may want to register quickly.

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Cluster Performance Tuning Webinar - EMEA

The 2nd of February, 0900GMT/1000CET I will have a webinar on Cluster Performance Tuning for people located in EMEA timezone.

For more information and registration:

In addition to what is mentioned in the Agenda I will also present numbers on typical operations, how to design requests, explain how the optimizer works with MySQL Cluster etc etc.

See you there!


Webinar securite pour applications Web

Mercredi 10 Février, 11h00 (Paris) : Sécurité pour les applications Web. Pour les startups du Web, la protection et la sécurisation de leurs applications, de leurs données, et de celles de leurs clients est un véritable facteur clé de succès.  Ce Webinar couvre les différents challenges liés à la sécurité ainsi que les solutions associées telles que l'encryption, l'authentification, les certificats, la sécurisation du stockage et le stockage à tolérance de panne, les environnements étanches. Les architectes de Sun Startup Essentials présenteront des implémentations économiques basées sur des composents standards et ouverts tel qu'Apache, MySQL et ZFS. Ce webinar fait partie de l'accompagnement du programme Sun Startup Essentials et est réservé à ses membres.

Votre société a moins de 6 ans et moins de  150 …

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