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Displaying posts with tag: skysql (reset)
5.6..10. How does it matter?

Sitting at the Hilton in San Francisco, listening to the MySQL Connect opening Keynotes, sparks interesting thoughts. Thoughts about the future of MySQL, the Oracle stewardship, the MariaDB alternative and the advantage of the solutions provided by the MySQL Ecosystem.
But there is something missing. I know something is not part of this picture, but I can't figure out what it is.
At the end of keynotes and pane,l I turn to the exhibitors area, an approx 800 sq ft., 50% occupied by Oracle. At the bottom left corner stands my answer. 
The small yellow cubic hive of AWS was at the top of the rollup that reminds of MySQL and RDS, admittedly the most used version of MySQL in the cloud so far. And here is the missing part. 

New great features in 5.6 Release Candidate and in MySQL Cluster 7.3
The new features packed into …

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SkySQL™ Cloud Data Suite: Ts&Cs for Dummies


The SkySQL® Cloud Data Suite Agreement is, like any set of terms and conditions, written in legalese. But what does it really say, in broad strokes?   While the legalese terms and conditions constitute the valid agreement, I think it's a good idea to condense some key thoughts into plain English. So here goes:

  1. We give you the right to remotely access our SkySQL Cloud Data Suite and use it to configure and download the MariaDB database for your use on your own Amazon AWS account.
  2. We provide you with a 30-day trial license to use MONyog.
  3. Although you need to have your own AWS account, we don’t need access to any of your data.
  4. If you ask for the SkySQL Cloud Data Suite to automatically download your configured MariaDB dbms, we won’t store your AWS credentials.
  5. Downloaded software is made …
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When You’re Ready for the Cloud, SkySQL Will Be There To Help You Make the Most of It

When SkySQL opened its doors two years ago, we purposely set out with the goal to build trusted and value-for-money services for users of MySQL and MariaDB databases. We focused on offering a quality alternative for those deploying open source systems - and we feel that we have succeeded. Our plan was to build a service business and customer base that will create a strong platform on which to develop our own products in collaboration with key customers. Red Hat is the only other successful start-up that I am aware of having taken a similar approach of first building a successful services business before developing products.

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SkySQL Cloud Data Suite - Enterprise meets the Cloud

Look! You can see the heart beating!
In case you are wondering, no, nobody in the family is expecting another baby…

I thought I had to start the post with this picture. Today I feel a bit like the day I went to the hospital for a pregnancy scan. As you may expect, seeing the baby moving was incredibly emotional, and I can feel some similar emotions with this announcement.

Many of you already know that today SkySQL has announced and will release the very first version of our very first product, the SkySQL Cloud Data Suite. Before I enter into more details about the product, let me add a couple of points.
First of all, this is still a …

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Hone Your MySQL Skills and Meet the SkySQL Team!

Latest training class schedule & events calendar just published

We’re excited to see that it’s going to be a busy time for the MySQL & MariaDB communities over the coming months! Plenty of community events are taking place, and we’re doing our best to support and attend most of them.
With that in mind, this is where you’ll find the SkySQL Team, often in cooperation with the MariaDB Team, at the following events in the coming months:

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Monty’s team announces the availability of MariaDB Galera Cluster!

We’re delighted to share the news that our friends at MariaDB today announced the availability of MariaDB Galera Cluster!

We’ve been talking a good bit about MariaDB in the past few months and it’s great to see the MariaDB & Codership partnership result in today’s announcement.

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Changing Roles

"Life is", goes a saying in my native Finland, a country not known for using superfluous words. While this saying may take compactness a tad too far, it's a great way to say "things happen", mostly to stoically adapt, sometimes to justify actions taken in order to adapt. The brevity of the expression adds not just to the perceived wisdom, but also makes resistance futile. The expected and usual reaction is agreement; I have yet to experience a situation where somebody would counterargue that "life is not".

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Database Marketing Manager Position Now Open at SkySQL

SkySQL is Looking for a Senior Marketing Manager for North America!

If you or someone you know is looking for this kind of position, then this is a great opportunity.

I’ll spare all of the details, but if you’re interested, you can read more about the position here:

And as always, you can view all of SkySQL’s open positions here (as we’re also looking for Engineers and Consultants):


Join SkySQL and MariaDB at LinuxCon North America!

As Patrik noted last week, MariaDB is taking a leading role in the trend of keeping the MySQL ecosystem an open one. The SkySQL and MariaDB teams work together closely on this, and we even travel together!

Join both SkySQL and MariaDB at this week’s LinuxCon North America conference in sunny San Diego to learn more about how MariaDB is directly communicating with users (including SkySQL enterprise customers) to not only identify and help fix issues with current releases of the MySQL database, but to also further enhance MariaDB to become even more technologically advanced.

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SkySQL and MariaDB Working Together to Keep MySQL an Open Ecosystem

I pledged, in my first post last month, that SkySQL will do its part to promote the best of MySQL and its community. Given the recent discovery that Oracle is no longer publishing test cases for bug fixes, and the dialogue surrounding it, it feels like the right time to share my thoughts on what this means to the open source collective, and what we can do – and are doing – about it.

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