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Displaying posts with tag: ha (reset)
The Full Monty – Version 2

Installing MySQL on CentOS 6.2 with PaceMaker, MHA and more

When I work with High Availability software, I’m reminded of the maze in the original computer adventure game “You are Lost in a maze of twisty-turny passages all alike…”.

If you search the web for HA programs you will find many well maintained projects all related that refer each other. The goal of this document is to give you with a step by step guide to a production worthy MySQL system. It should provide at least 99.999% access to your data and be able to scale read requests as you grow.

I have chosen these programs and utilities because they are free (as in beer) and each has enterprise support available. (When you make the money to pay for it.) If you start with this MySQL platform you will avoid many common problems. Just write your application to read and write data from different servers.

Here is what we’ll be …

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The State of High Availability

Searching for the Holly GrailFor months I have been writing and rewriting an blog post called “The Full Monty”. It’s a kind of how to build complete production system from scratch. I’m still not done. Maybe I’m fullish thinking I can build a one type fits all database server. But that’s not the problem. I’ve found myself chasing the Holly Grail of HA and replication.I’ve build many virtual clusters with all the HA / replication package I could find. I’ve tried DRBD, Heartbeat,  Multi Master Management (MMM), Tungsten, …

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MySQL Cluster training Jan 24 - 26 in DC

We still have a few seats left for our MySQL Cluster training in Washington DC January 24 - 26. If you're interested in learning about MySQL Cluster, the architecture, how to install it, administer it and troubleshoot it this is the course for you. The course will also cover replication and optimization and we will also discuss the exciting new features coming in version 7.2 of MySQL Cluster. For more information about the course contents visit and to sign up to the course go to

See you there!


What’s new in MySQL 5.6 Replication – free webinar

Global Transaction IDs - simplifying replication management

There will be a webinar this Wednesday where you can get the latest information on all of the great new content that has been included in the MySQL 5.6 Development Releases as well as some features that are still being developed. As always, the webinar is free but you need to register here in advance. Even if you can’t attend the live event it’s worth registering so that you get sent the replay.

Some of the topics we’ll be discussing are:

  • Enhanced data integrity: Global Transactions Identifiers, Crash-Safe Slaves and Replication Event Checksums;
  • High performance: Multi-Threaded Slaves, Binlog Group Commit and Optimized …
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MySQL HA Solutions – webinar replay

If you were unable to attend the live webinar (or you want to go back and listen to it again) then it’s now available to view on-line here.

Databases are the center of today’s web and enterprise applications, storing and protecting an organization’s most valuable assets and supporting business-critical applications. Just minutes of downtime can result in significant lost revenue and dissatisfied customers. Ensuring database highly availability is therefore a top priority for any organization. Tune into this webcast to learn more.

The session discusses:

  1. Causes, effect and impact of downtime
  2. Methodologies to map applications to HA solution
  3. Overview of MySQL HA solutions …
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Replication stars

Working with replication, you come across many topologies, some of them sound and established, some of them less so, and some of them still in the realm of the hopeless wishes. I have been working with replication for almost 10 years now, and my wish list grew quite big during this time. In the last 12 months, though, while working at Continuent, some of the topologies that I wanted to work with have moved from the cloud of wishful thinking to the firm land of things that happen. My quest for star replication starts with the most common topology. One master, many slaves.

Fig 1. Master/Slave topology


It looks like a star, with the rays extending from the master to the slaves. This is the basis of most of the replication going on mostly everywhere nowadays, and it has few surprises. Setting aside the …

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Have you ever heard about “Read Masters” in MySQL??? Enterprise ready SchoonerSQL provides it.

Typical MySQL environment involves one Master receiving writes and multiple slaves to scale the reads. The “slave” term has been used in MySQL because the Slave servers have to perform every task in copying from the Master binlog, then updating their relay logs and finally committing to the Slave databases. The Master plays no role in replication here other than storing the replication events in the binlog.
With this kind of Master- Slave set up, there are several limitations-
-       Slave lag -       Stale or old data -       Data loss -       Manual failover which is error-prone and time consuming
In SchoonerSQL, there is no concept of “Slaves” inside synchronous cluster. We refer to it as "Read Masters" because of our synchronous approach and different replication architecture. It is …

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MySQL Cluster 7.2 (DMR2): NoSQL, Key/Value, Memcached

70x Higher Performance, Cross Data Center Scalability and New NoSQL Interface

Its been an exciting week for all involved with MySQL Cluster, with the announcement of the second Development Milestone Release (7.2.1) at Oracle Open World. Highlights include:

- Enabling next generation web services: 70x higher complex query performance, native memcached API and integration with the latest MySQL 5.5 server

- Enhancing cross data scalability: new multi-site clustering and enhanced active/active replication

- Simplified provisioning: consolidated user privileges.

You can download the DMR for evaluation now from: (select Development Milestone Release tab).

You …

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MySQL Cluster 7.2 (DMR2): NoSQL, Key/Value, Memcached

70x Higher Performance, Cross Data Center Scalability and New NoSQL Interface

Its been an exciting week for all involved with MySQL Cluster, with the announcement of the second Development Milestone Release (7.2.1) at Oracle Open World. Highlights include:

- Enabling next generation web services: 70x higher complex query performance, native memcached API and integration with the latest MySQL 5.5 server

- Enhancing cross data scalability: new multi-site clustering and enhanced active/active replication

- Simplified provisioning: consolidated user privileges.

You can download the DMR for evaluation now from: (select Development Milestone Release tab).

You …

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Synchronously Replicating Databases Across Data Centers – Are you Insane?


Well actually….no. The second Development Milestone Release of MySQL Cluster 7.2 introduces support for what we call “Multi-Site Clustering”. In this post, I’ll provide an overview of this new capability, and considerations you need to make when considering it as a deployment option to scale geographically dispersed database services.<?xml:namespace prefix = o />

You can read more about MySQL Cluster 7.2.1 in the article posted on the MySQL Developer Zone

MySQL Cluster has long offered Geographic Replication, distributing clusters to remote data centers to reduce the affects of geographic latency by pushing data closer to the user, as well as providing a capability for disaster recovery.

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