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Displaying posts with tag: 8.0 (reset)
preFOSDEM MySQL Days: summary and slides

What a great event ! I got very positive feedback for this extended preFOSDEM MySQL Day 2020.

Before my summary, I wanted to thank again all speakers and attendees. Without you this event won’t even exist. And thank you to ICAB for hosting us yet another time !

As you may know, we had 2 parallel tracks for 2 consecutive days. We had very valuable technical content from the MySQL developers and also from the external community members who talked about their favorite database.

There was a large interest in MySQL NDB Cluster and it was obvious that the nice presentations we had, encouraged people to try the worlds highest performance open source in-memory database (and they can even test it on their laptop with DBDeployer). The NDB users were also happy with the new stuff and impressive numbers that Bernd

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MySQL 8.0 Certification is available !

The MySQL 8.0 DBA Certification is now available. 85 questions to get the first MySQL 8.0 certification ! You can find details on the Oracle Exam 1Z0-908 page.

This exams covers mostly all relevant topics for all MySQL 8.0 Administrator and you can register for it on Pearsonvue’s website.

Good luck if you are taking the exam !

Artwork credits: student by Wilson Joseph and Certificate by Berkah Icon from the Noun Project

MySQL 8.0 & PHP on RedHat, CentOS and Fedora

As you could read in this previous post, PHP 7.4 is now completely supporting MySQL 8.0 and the new default authentication plugin.

I wanted to make a summary table providing and overview of all PHP versions and how they supported MySQL 8.0 and the different authentication plugins.

As I am a RPM based distribution user, I’m using the famous repository of remi since a lot of years, and I use it then also to install PHP 7.4.0 and 7.4.1

I created a new user to test to …

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preFOSDEM 2020 MySQL Days: the schedule

The schedule of the preFOSDEM Day is now available !

We had a lot of proposals to deal with. Also this is a MySQL event where we, the MySQL Team has the possibility to show to you, our Community, all what we have working on to improve MySQL but also new stuff. We also invite some of our friends from the MySQL Community to talk about their experience.

I think we did a good selection and propose you new content. We are extremely happy to have Saverio Miroddi from TicketSolve talking about MySQL 8.0, Uber talking about InnoDB Cluster, and Facebook about Binlog.

As you can see, we will have 2 rooms, where one will be dedicated mostly to SQL and Optimizer topics but also tutorials.

You can also see that this year we also want to put some spot lights to MySQL NDB Cluster. You will see what is it, how is it used and what’s new. We will also have 2 community speakers sharing their MySQL NDB knowledge: Giuseppe Maxia, …

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MySQL 8.0 & PHP

See some update at the end: 23 Dec 2019

MySQL and PHP is a love story that started long time ago. However the love story with MySQL 8.0 was a bit slower to start… but don’t worry it rules now !

The support of MySQL 8.0’s new default authentication method in PHP took some time and was added in PHP 7.2.8 but removed in PHP 7.2.11.

Now it’s fully supported in PHP 7.4 !

If you have installed PHP 7.4, you can see that the new plugin auth_plugin_caching_sha2_passwordis now available:

# php -i | grep "Loaded plugins\|PHP Version " | tail -n2
PHP Warning:  Module 'mysql_xdevapi' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
PHP Version => 7.4.0
Loaded plugins => mysqlnd,debug_trace,auth_plugin_mysql_native_password, …
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MySQL 8.0 and Magento

In my road trip of the Open Source projects using MySQL, after having tested WordPress, Drupal and Joomla, let’s try to install Magento using MySQL 8.0 !

In Magento’s manual, we can see that the project requires MySQL 5.6 and supports 5.7.x since versoin 2.1.2.

In my test, I will use Magento 2.3.3, the latest stable when writing this article.

The manual stipulates that we should use ROW based replication but not GTID because Magento 2 is using CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE inside transactions. …

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MySQL GTID: restore a master from a replica’s backup

To avoid infinite replication loops MySQL doesn’t allow you to have log_slave_updates and replicate-same-server-id.

When using GTIDs that may lead to something not expected that you may not be aware of.

In this scenario, we have 2 MySQL servers using GTID. The sever uuid part of the GTID has been modified in the illustration to make it more clear. Both servers have log_slave_updates enabled too:

So far nothing unusual. So let’s write data on the master (MySQL A):

We can see that this first …

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Upgrading from MySQL 5.7 to 8.0 on Windows

As you may know, I’m using MySQL exclusively on GNU/Linux. To be honest for me it’s almos 20 years that the year of Linux on the desktop happened. And I’m very happy with that.

But this week-end, I got a comment on an previous post about upgrading to MySQL 8.0, asking how to proceed on Windows. And in fact, I had no idea !

So I spent some time to install a Windows VM and for the very first time, MySQL on Windows !

The goal was to describe how to upgrade from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0.

So once MySQL 5.7 was installed (using MySQL Installer), I created some data using MySQL Shell:

Of course I used latest MySQL Shell, 8.0.18 in this case. Don’t forget that if you are using MySQL Shell or MySQL Router, you must always use the latest …

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pre-FOSDEM MySQL Days 2020: registration is now open !

Hello dear MySQL Community ! As you know FOSDEM 2020 will take place February 1st and 2nd. After having received many, many requests we decided to organize for the 4th year in a row the pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day… with a big change, for this edition the event will be called “pre-FOSDEM MySQL Days” !

We have decided to extend that extra day related to the world’s most popular open source database to 2 days: 30th and 31st of January at the usual location in Brussels.

We will also have the usual sessions track but most probably a second room for those who would like to get their hands dirty in the code !!

Please don’t forget to register as soon as possible as you may already know, the seats are limited !

Register on eventbrite: …

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MySQL Shell Plugins: InnoDB

Today, we will cover a totally different MySQL Shell plugin: InnoDB.

Currently only 3 methods have been created:

Those related to the Table space fragmentation, have already been covered in this recent article.

Let’s discover the getAlterProgress()method. This method allows us to have an overview of the progress of some alter statements status like:

  • stage/innodb/alter table (end)
  • stage/innodb/alter table (flush)
  • stage/innodb/alter table (insert)
  • stage/innodb/alter table (log apply index)
  • stage/innodb/alter table (log apply table)
  • stage/innodb/alter table (merge sort)
  • stage/innodb/alter table (read PK and internal sort)
  • stage/innodb/alter tablespace (encryption)

This is an output of the method:

As …

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