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Displaying posts with tag: debian (reset)
MySQL 5.1.23 uploaded to Debian

Today I uploaded MySQL 5.1.23 to Debian experimental. It is currently waiting in the NEW queue for manual approval, because thanks to Monty Taylor the libndb parts are now in separate binary packages libndbclient3 and libndbclient-dev. Until it is getting approved to experimental, the updated package is available (amd64 only) from my home directory on gluck.

MySQL 5.0.51a uploaded to Debian

Last week I uploaded MySQL 5.0.51a-1 to Debian unstable. Usually not worth a separate blog entry, but in this release I included the patch for MySQL bug #4541, which was opened more than three years ago. The problem results in an error like this, e.g. when migrating a database from latin1 to utf8:Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytesThe patch from Ingo Strüwing now included in Debian raises the maximum key length to 4005 bytes or 1001 UTF-8 characters. It will not go into the official MySQL source repositories because it results in bigger buffers and as such increases memory footprint and decreases performance. See the bugreport for further details.

Update: After some criticism …

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24 Hours with an SSD and MySQL


No need to hurry for MySQL 5.0.51a in Debian

MySQL 5.0.51a was released today, which is a security hotfix release without any new features compared with 5.0.51. It fixes CVE-2007-6303, CVE-2007-6304, CVE-2008-0226 and CVE-2008-0227. These problems are already fixed in Debian with 5.0.32-7etch4 and …

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How To Install MySQL 4.1 And PHP4 On Debian Etch

How To Install MySQL 4.1 And PHP4 On Debian Etch

MySQL 4 and PHP 4 are quite old, but you might have PHP applications on your server that require PHP4 and MySQL 4. The problem is that Debian Etch comes with MySQL 5 only, and its PHP4 packages depend on MySQL 5 and don't work with MySQL 4. This guide shows how you can install MySQL 4.1 on Debian Etch along with PHP4 packages that work with MySQL 4.1.

How To Install MySQL 4.1 And PHP4 On Debian Etch

How To Install MySQL 4.1 And PHP4 On Debian Etch

MySQL 4 and PHP 4 are quite old, but you might have PHP applications on your server that require PHP4 and MySQL 4. The problem is that Debian Etch comes with MySQL 5 only, and its PHP4 packages depend on MySQL 5 and don't work with MySQL 4. This guide shows how you can install MySQL 4.1 on Debian Etch along with PHP4 packages that work with MySQL 4.1.

Small Tip: How to set up two interface Xen machine

This will be one of those posts I’d like to publish primarily to be able to coma back later and check it out instead of reading docs again

So, we have a server with two (or more) network interfaces are we need to be able to use more than one interface in our VDS machines. How do we set it up?


MySQL 5.0.51 uploaded to Debian

Yesterday in the evening I uploaded MySQL 5.0.51-1 to Debian unstable. Unfortunately it took a bit longer to prepare the updated package than expected, mainly because 5.0.51 was not MySQL's best release, and I had to backport and include some fixes from 5.0.52 and 5.0.54 to get it working (see the changelog for details). Then I had to wait a few more days until 5.0.45-5 got into testing before I could finally upload 5.0.51-1 to unstable.

The most important changes are:

  • Testsuite is now enabled during build process, which requires some time, but it ensures that everything is fine with the build. I already found two gcc 4.2.x related bugs in 5.0.51 which were fixed before 5.0.51-1 was uploaded to Debian.
  • Manpages re-added, MySQL AB has put them under the GPL so we could include …
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IRC channel related to the MySQL packages in Debian

If you are interested in the MySQL packages in Debian, join #debian-mysql on OFTC. Most people involved into the packages are hanging around there.

MySQL Community vs. Enterprise Edition

Last week I wrote about CVE-2007-5925, a vulnerability in MySQL 5.0.51 (current version of the MySQL Community Edition), which is fixed in 5.0.52 (current version of the MySQL Enterprise Edition, released on the same day as 5.0.51) and was known for more than three weeks when 5.0.51 got released. 5.0.51 is also affected by CVE-2007-6303 and CVE-2007-6304, both as well already fixed in 5.0.52. While preparing 5.0.51-1 (not yet uploaded to unstable) for …

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