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Displaying posts with tag: Databases (reset)
Simple Settings for a Saner MySQL – Part I

One day, after taking a job using MySQL, I was writing a query quietly at my desk. It was around quittin’ time, and I was whipping up a new report on the monthly sales figures that the CEO needed for his board meeting in the morning. I, in my ignorance, wrote a nice query with a simple little sum() function. What I did not realize is this caused all my rows to sum up to one row when it really should’ve show several rows. This made my report completely inaccurate. Blindly trusting me as I had blindly trusted MySQL, the CEO presented my report to the board who decided that the company was grossly unprofitable and voted to shut it down. Only when I was waiting in the bread line at my local workhouse did I realize my mistake.

That’s me in the bowler.

Okay, so that’s totally made up. Mostly. I caught the error …

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MySQL Connect presentations on MySQL Fabric available on SlideShare

Going to MySQL Connect was truly a blast. We got a lot of good questions and feedback in the sessions and there were a lot of interest in both MySQL Fabric and the MySQL Applier for Hadoop.

A big thank you to all that attended the talks, I got a lot of good questions and comments that will help us build good solutions.

The talks are available on SlideShare:

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An unexplained connection experience

The “Too many connections” problem is a common issue with applications using excessive permissions (and those that grant said global permissions). MySQL will always grant a user with SUPER privileges access to a DB to investigate the problem with a SHOW PROCESSLIST and where you can check the limits. I however found the following.

mysql> show global variables like 'max_connections';
| Variable_name   | Value |
| max_connections | 2000  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show global status like 'max%';
| Variable_name        | Value |
| Max_used_connections | 6637  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

How can the max_used_connection exceed max_connections? This is possible because you can dynamically change max_connections in a normal MySQL environment. However …

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Learn MySQL for Free with MySQL Marinate, Season 3!

The 3rd season of MySQL Marinate begins October 1st! Join the meetup group and RSVP at season 3 to join! You can do the work on MySQL, or if you prefer, MariaDB or Percona.

If you do not have the book yet, you can still do the first week by using the online material from Browse Contents on the OReilly book page for Learning MySQL. There is homework for week 1, see the master list for all the information.

If you would like to learn MySQL from the ground up, consider joining us. This is for beginners If you have no experience with MySQL, or if you are a developer that wants to learn …

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A friday MongoDB funny

I had to laugh (just a bit) at this on the exhibitor floor at Oracle Open World 2013. There was a large MongoDB presence at the Slot 301. There are a few reasons.
First, the identity crisis remains. There is no MongoDB in the list of exhibitors, it’s 10gen, but where is the 10gen representation in the sign. 99.99% of attendees would not know this.
Second, the first and only slide I saw (as shown below), tries to directly compare implementing a solution to Oracle. The speaker made some comment but I really zoned out quickly. Having worked with MongoDB, even on one of my own projects, contemplated the ROI of being proficient in this for consulting, even discussing at length with the CEO and CTO, and hearing only issues with MongoDB with existing MySQL clients, I have come to the conclusion that MongoDB is a niche product. It’s …

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SQL to Hadoop and back again, Part 1: Basic data interchange techniques

I’ve got a new article, which is part of a new three-part series, on moving data between SQL and Hadoop, both the export to Hadoop and importing processed content back into an SQL store.

In this first one, we look at the basic mechanics and considerations before you start the migration of data, such as the data format, content, and export techniques.

Read: SQL to Hadoop and back again, Part 1: Basic data interchange techniques

MySQL Puppet Module and Slides

Brian Aker gives the “zinger” lightning talk about the newly announced “Drizzle”. This short (under 8 minutes) video captures Aker’s highlights of why he started the Drizzle project and how Drizzle is different from MySQL — both in what has been removed from MySQL and what features Drizzle can accomodate.

Play the video directly in your browser at or download the 116 Mb file at

Brian Aker gives the “zinger” lightning talk about the newly announced “Drizzle”. This short (under 8 minutes) video captures Aker’s highlights of why he started the Drizzle project and how Drizzle is different from MySQL — both in what has been removed from MySQL and what features Drizzle can accomodate.

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Upgrading to MySQL 5.6 Slides

I am about to give a talk at MySQL Connect about what you need to know before upgrading to MySQL 5.6.

The PDF slides are online at I will be posting a video in the next few weeks!

A Brief Introduction to MySQL Fabric

As you saw on the keynote, we are introducing an integrated framework for managing farms of MySQL servers with support for both high-availability and sharding. It should be noted that this is a very early alpha and that it at this point is not ready for production use.

MySQL Fabric is an integrated system for managing a collection of MySQL servers and is the framework on which high-availability and sharding is built. MySQL Fabric is open-source and is intended to be extensible, easy to use, and support procedure execution even in the presence of failure, an execution model we call resilient execution.

To ensure high-availability, it is necessary to have redundancy in the system. For database systems, the redundancy traditionally takes the form of having a primary server acting as a master and using replication to keep secondaries available to take over in case the primary fails. This means that the "server" …

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Second Madrid MySQL Users Group taking place tomorrow Thursday, 12th September

If you happen to have some free time tomorrow and are in Madrid please come along to the second Madrid MySQL Users Group.

Details can be found here. The meeting will be in Spanish. I look forward to seeing you.

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