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Displaying posts with tag: Professional (reset)
How to find MySQL developers?

Brian wrote recently Where did all of the MySQL Developers Go?, while over in Drizzle land they have been accepted for the Google Summer of code along with many other open source projects. MySQL from my observation a noticeable absentee.

Historically, the lack of opportunity to enable community contributions and see them implemented in say under 5 years, has really hurt MySQL in recent times. There is plenty of history here so that’s not worth repeating. The current landscape of patches, forks and custom MySQL binaries for storage engine provider has provided a boom of innovation that sadly is now lost from the core MySQL product.

In Drizzle, community contribution is actively sought and a good portion of committed code is not from the core Drizzle …

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Understanding Drizzle user authentication options – Part 2

A key differentiator in Drizzle from it’s original MySQL roots is user based authentication. Gone is the host/user and schema/table/column model that was stored in the MyISAM based mysql.user table.

Authentication is now completely pluggable, leveraging existing systems such as PAM, LDAP via PAM and Http authentication.

In this post I’ll talk about HTTP authentication which requires an external http server to implement successfully. You can look at Part 1 for …

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Understanding Drizzle user authentication options – Part 1

A key differentiator in Drizzle from it’s original MySQL roots is user based authentication. Gone is the host/user and schema/table/column model that was stored in the MyISAM based mysql.user table.

Authentication is now completely pluggable, leveraging existing systems such as PAM, LDAP via PAM and Http authentication.

In this post I’ll talk about PAM authentication which is effectively your current Linux based user security.

This information is based on the current …

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Using ext4 for MySQL

This week with a client I saw ext4 used for the first time on a production MySQL system which was running Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala). I observe today while installing 9.10 Server locally that ext4 is the default option. The ext4 filesystem is described as better performance, reliability and features while there is also information about improvements in journaling.

At OSCON 2009 I attended a presentation on Linux Filesystem Performance for Databases by Selena Deckelmann in which ext4 was included. While providing some improvements in sequential reading and writing, there were issue with random I/O which is the key for RDBMS products.

Is the RAID configuration (e.g. RAID 5, RAID 10), strip size, buffer caches, LVM …

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Drizzle’s Data Dictionary and Global Status

With the recent news by Brian about the Data Dictionary in Drizzle replacing the INFORMATION_SCHEMA, I was looking into the server status variables (aka INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_STATUS) and I came across an interesting discovery.

select * from data_dictionary.global_status;
| Table_locks_immediate      | 0              |
| Table_locks_waited         | 0              |
| Threads_connected          | 8134064        |
| Uptime                     | 332            |
| Uptime_since_flush_status  | 332            |
51 rows in set (0 sec)

This only retrieved 51 rows, which is way less then previous. What I wanted was clearly missing, all the old com_ status variables. Looking at what the data_dictionary actually has available revealed a new table.

drizzle> select * from data_dictionary.global_statements; …
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How do I identify the MySQL my.cnf file?

As part of my upcoming FREE my.cnf check advice I first need to ask people to provide the current MySQL configuration file commonly found as a file named my.cnf

If only that question was easy to answer!

Use of configuration files

MySQL will by default use at least one configuration file from the following defaults. MySQL also uses a cascade approach for configuration files. When you have multiple files in the appropriate paths you can see unexpected behavior when you override certain values in different files.

You can however for example specify –no-defaults to use no configuration file, or add options to your command line execution, so even looking at all configuration files is no guarantee of your operating configuration.

However for most environments, these complexities do not exist.

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Don’t Assume – Per Session Buffers

MySQL has a number of global buffers, i.e. your SGA. There are also a number of per session/thread buffers that combined with other memory usage constitutes an unbounded PGA. One of the most common errors in mis-configured MySQL environments is the setting of the 4 primary per session buffers thinking they are global buffers.

Global buffers include:

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Free advice on your my.cnf

Today, while on IRC in #pentaho I came across a discussion and a published my.cnf. In this configuration I found some grossly incorrect values for per session buffers (see below).

It doesn’t take a MySQL expert to spot the issues, however there is plenty of bad information available on the Internet and developers not knowing MySQL well can easily be mislead. This has spurred me to create a program to rid the world of bad MySQL configuration. While my task is potential infinite, it will enable me to give back and hopefully do a small amount of good. You never know, saving those CPU cycles may save energy and help the planet.

Stay tuned for more details of my program.

sort_buffer_size = 6144K
myisam_sort_buffer_size = 1G
join_buffer_size = 1G
bulk_insert_buffer_size = 1G
read_buffer_size     = 6144K
read_rnd_buffer_size = 6144K
key_buffer_size         = 1024M
max_allowed_packet      = 32M
thread_stack            = …
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MySQL is crashing, what do I do?

Let me start by saying the majority of environments never experience problems of MySQL crashing. I have seen production environments up for years. On my own server I have seen 575 days of MySQL uptime and the problem was hardware, not MySQL.

However it does occur, and the reasons may be obscure.

Confirming mysqld has crashed

To the unsuspecting, MySQL may indeed be crashing and you never know about it. The reason is because most MySQL installations have two running processes, these are mysqld and mysqld_safe.

ps -ef | grep mysqld
root     28822     1  0 Feb22 ?        00:00:00 /bin/sh bin/mysqld_safe
mysql    28910 28822  0 Feb22 ?        00:30:08 /opt/mysql51/bin/mysqld --basedir=/opt/mysql51 --datadir=/opt/mysql51/data --user=mysql --log-error=/opt/mysql51/log/error.log --pid-file=/opt/mysql51/data/

One of the functions of mysqld_safe is to restart mysqld if it fails. Unless you review …

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Advanced reporting options for MySQL

I’m seeking help from the MySQL community for what tools are used today to generate complex reports for enterprise applications that use MySQL. In an Oracle world, you have Oracle Report Writer, in Microsoft Crystal Reports.

In the open source world there is Jasper Reports, Pentaho Reports and BIRT however I don’t know the power of complex reporting with these.

If anybody has experience using or evaluating these tools please let me know. This may lead to possible work.

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