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Greetings from Sorrento, Italy!

I finally managed to hook into our wireless LAN here at our conference hotel. The flight from Hamburg to Naples via Munich was uneventful, I met Jan at Hamburg airport and we bumped into a whole bunch of MySQLers at the Munich airport already. From Naples airport it was another exciting hour to Sorrento in a small bus - I completely forgot that Italians have a slightly different driving style than us germans

I am looking forward to the meeting which officially starts tomorrow. I will be giving a presentation about the MySQL Community work and hope to encourage some more of our developers to become more active in there...

Call for Papers for the FrOSCon ends on March 15th!

FrOSCon is a two-day conference on free software and open source, which takes place on 24th and 25th June 2006 at the University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, in St. Augustin near Bonn, Germany.

The Call for Papers ends on March 15th - so you better hurry if you want to give a presentation there! I proposed two MySQL-related talks and also asked some other colleagues to file a few submissions. There is enough stuff happening here to talk about

By the way, their registration frontend is very slick - it's called pentabarf (which I personally think is a weird name) and is powered by Ruby on Rails.

Meeting with the MySQL Development Team in Sorrento, Italy

Next week, the MySQL Development Team (around 100 people) will meet for our internal annual development conference in Sorrento, Italy (between Naples and Salerno).

On Tuesday evening (19:30), we would like to meetup with local MySQL users and affiliated OSS developers to chat about MySQL and OSS and go out for dinner together. So if you are located close to Sorrento, please get in touch with us at community at for further details! Looking forward to meet you there - I will be attending the conference until Wednesday.

Thanks for a great first Hamburg MySQL User Group Meeting!

The first Hamburg MySQL User Group meeting was held yesterday evening. It took place at 19:00 in a chinese restaurant named Ni Hao - they had a separate room for us that also provided a video projector. The location was suggested by Jens Bollmann, thanks a lot for the hint! We had a pretty good lineup from the MySQL side: Jens Bollmann (Consulting), Jan Kneschke (MySQL Network Development), Kai Voigt (Training/Consulting), Ulf Wendel (MaxDB) and myself (Community) were present. We had a total of 35 people attending.

I started the meeting with introducing myself and the community relations team and giving a short presentation about MySQL (the company - some facts and figures). I then asked everbody to shortly introduce himself to the …

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FOSDEM writeup

I had an exciting weekend at the FOSDEM Conference in Brussels. Initially I planned on writing a few blog entries while at the event (while memory was still fresh), but the Internet access there was very flaky and it was almost impossible to get a working wireless connection. So here is my (slighly belated) writeup.
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Reminder: Hamburg MySQL User Group Meeting next Monday!

This is just remind you that the first Hamburg MySQL User Group meeting will take place on Monday, 6th of March, 19:00. For more details please see my initial announcement and join our mailing list!

Currently, we have about 30 people that will attend. I will give a short general presentation about MySQL (the company), later Kai will give a presentation on MySQL Cluster.

If you'd like to join us, please register via or OpenBC. Looking forward to meeting you!

Leaving for FOSDEM in Brussels today

Later today I will be heading off to the sixth Free and Open source Software Developers' European Meeting in Brussels, Belgium. I look forward to the various sessions and meeting with the members of other Open Source projects, especially the folks from the openSUSE team. I hope this meeting allows me to build closer relations to other OSS projects that use or support MySQL in any way.

See you there! After having checked into my hotel tonight, I'll try to find my way to Le Roy d'Espagne to meet with others that arrived today.

Hamburg-Altona MySQL-PHP User Group Meeting

Georg, Sandro and I followed one handwritten sign that pointed to another til we soon found ourselves in a cozy little bar hidden away at the back of an industrial space. In the corners and near the bar, a few groups of people chatted easily.

A projector waited on one of the tables, perched atop a couple empty plastic beer crates. The PowerBook connected without fuss - though I have yet to be able to coax 1024 x 768 out of the damn thing when connected to a projector.

After a quick restart of X, all was ready to go. We waited for the room to fill in a bit. The screensaver rotated pictures from our vacation at the Hallig and we joked about the various photos. It was quite pleasant - especially since friend, colleague and MySQL buildmeister Lenz Grimmer took some time from his move to come and visit.

By the time that Ulf arrived, there were about 25 people in the room and Georg and I started the …

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