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Displaying posts with tag: json (reset)
Drizzle JSON interface merged

Currently a very early version of course, but it’s there in trunk if you want to play with it. Just have libcurl and libevent installed and you can submit queries via HTTP and JSON. Of course, the next steps are getting a true non-sql interface going and seeing how people go with it.

MQL-to-SQL: A JSON-based query language for your favorite RDBMS - Part III

This is the third article in a series providing background information to my talk for the MySQL User's conference, entitled MQL-to-SQL: a JSON-based Query Language for RDBMS Access from AJAX Applications.

In the first installment, I introduced freebase, an open shared database of the world's knowledge and its JSON-based query language, the Metaweb Query Language (MQL, pronounced Mickle). In addition, I discussed the …

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MQL-to-SQL: A JSON-based query language for your favorite RDBMS - Part II

This is the second article in a series to provide some background to my talk for the MySQL User's conference.
The conference will be held April 11-14 2011 in the Hyatt Regency hotel in Santa Clara, California.

Abstract: MQL is a JSON-based database query language that has some very interesting features as compared to SQL, especially for modern (AJAX) web-applications. MQL is not a standard database query language, and currently only natively supported by Freebase. However, with …

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MQL-to-SQL: A JSON-based query language for your favorite RDBMS - Part I

Yesterday, I wrote about how I think this year's MySQL conference will differ from prior editions. I also wrote that I will attend and that I will be speaking on MQL-to-SQL.

I promised I would explain a little bit more background about my talk, so here's the first installment.

Abstract: MQL is a JSON-based database query language that has some very interesting features as compared to SQL, especially for modern ( …

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Optimized way of getting subqueries at once using JSON

<p>Imagine we have a user table in MySQL and similarly, a products table. Each user can now busily buy items. But this is not what this article is all about. This article is more about, that users can also favor articles they like. From a database point of view, this represents a <em>m:n</em> relation, which is resolved by an additional table. We now want to display a list of all products and all users who favor a specific article. In real world scenarios, this can be a really big amount of data, but let's bring an approximation later into play and focus on the main idea for the moment. In addition we want to know, if the person who is actually logged in into the system, already favors a certain product.</p>

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Liveblogging at Confoo: Blending NoSQL and SQL

Persistence Smoothie: Blending NoSQL and SQL – see user feedback and comments at

Michael Bleigh from Intridea, high-end Ruby and Ruby on Rails consultants, build apps from start to finish, making it scalable. He’s written a lot of stuff, available at @mbleigh on twitter

NoSQL is a new way to think about persistence. Most NoSQL systems are not ACID compliant (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability).

Generally, most NoSQL systems have:

  • Denormalization
  • Eventual Consistency
  • Schema-Free
  • Horizontal Scale

NoSQL tries to scale (more) simply, it is starting to go mainstream – NY …

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RESTful PHP Web Services – reviewed

I’ve been using a lot of RESTful services these days and have been waiting for a good book that is dedicated to the topic. I recently received a copy of ‘RESTful PHP Web Services’, which does a successful job of outlining proven concepts in current web technology. If you want to learn the methods for creating and consuming RESTful services then you will find many examples in this book. From the architectural plans to well thought out code samples, the book covers a lot of ground in a relatively quick read.

The first chapter gives the reader a quick introduction to RESTful services and the most common PHP frameworks in use at the time of writing. I particularly enjoyed the section on the Zend framework due to the explanation of benefits over the other frameworks. …

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Drizzle query monitoring

Disclaimer: This blog post is about things I did on my own free time, not endorsed by my employer.
A little over a month ago, Ronald posted a blog about the different query logging plug-ins that are available for Drizzle. This was pretty exciting news, especially when I saw the details that were included in the logs.

Meanwhile, a few weeks ago, I started looking at the REST API that comes with the MySQL Enterprise Monitor.

The result is that we can now see most of the information returned by the plug-in, on the Dashboard.

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