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Displaying posts with tag: Replication (reset)
Some bugs and spring pilgrimage to Percona Live Santa Clara 2018

I am now in an airport, waiting for one of the four flights that will bring me to Percona Live Santa Clara 2018.  This is a good time to write some details about my tutorial on parallel replication.  But before talking about Percona Live, I will share thoughts on MySQL/MariaDB bugs that caught my attention in the last weeks/months (Valeriy: you clearly have an influence on me).


MySQL 8.0: New Features in Replication

It is with extreme delight and a big smile on our face that we share the news that a new major MySQL release has been declared Generally Available (GA). The road to MySQL 8 was pretty eventful, sometimes painful and sometimes hard, always challenging, but nonetheless a great ride and an extremely rewarding journey for the engineers that have worked on it.…

Tungsten Clustering 5.3.1 and Tungsten Replicator 5.3.1 are now available!

Continuent are pleased to announce that the new 5.3.1 release is now available for all our customers.

This is a key bug fix and feature release, the key component of which is the final piece of the support for extracting data types from MySQL 5.7 with the Geometry data type.

Key improvements within Tungsten Clustering:

  • Full Support for MySQL data types with the addition of Geometry datatype
  • Fixed an issue where large memory dumps could be collected during a failure
  • Fixed some issues to ensure compatibility with upcoming products

Key improvements within Tungsten Replicator:

  • Full Support for MySQL data types with the addition of Geometry datatype

It’s important to note that due to the addition of support for the geometry datatype, THL written with Geometry data will no longer be readable by …

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Test MySQL 8.0 right in your computer

MySQL 8.0 GA is right around the corner. I don't have precise information about its release, as I don't work at Oracle. If I did, I would probably know, but I couldn't tell when the release is scheduled to appear because of company policies. I can, however, speculate and infer, based of my experience with previous releases. My personal assessment is that the release will appear before 9:00am PT on April 24, 2018. The "before" can be anything from a few minutes to one week in advance.
Then, again, it may not happen at all if someone finds an atrocious bug that needs to be fixed asap.

Either way, users are keen on testing the new release in its current state of release candidate. Here I show a few methods that allow you to have a taste of the new …

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Multi-Source Replication Performance with GTID

In this blog post, we’ll look at the performance of multi-source replication with GTID.

Multi-Source Replication is a topology I’ve seen discussed recently, so I decided to look into how it performs with the different replication concepts. Multi-source replication use replication channels, which allow a slave to replicate from multiple masters. This is a great way to consolidate data that has been sharded for production or simplify the analytics process by using the same server. Since multiple masters are taking writes, care is needed to not overlook the slave. The traditional replication concept uses the binary log file name, and the position inside that file.

This was the standard until the release of global transaction identifiers (GTID). I have set up a test environment to validate which concept would perform better, and be a better choice for use in this topology.


My test suite …

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Percona XtraDB Cluster, MySQL Asynchronous Replication and log-slave-updates

Recently, I’ve been looking into issues with the interactions between MySQL asynchronous replication and Galera replication. In this blog post, I’d like to share what I’ve learned.

MySQL asynchronous replication and Galera replication interactions are complicated due to the number of factors involved (Galera replication vs. asynchronous replication, replication filters, and row-based vs. statement-based replication). So as a start, I’ll look at an issue that came up with setting up an asynchronous replication channel between two Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) clusters.

Here’s a view of the desired topology:

The Problem

We want to set up an asynchronous replication channel between two PXC …

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ProxySQL Series: Seamless Replication Switchover Using MHA

This is our second blog in the ProxySQL Series ( Blog I MySQL Replication Read-write Split up ). Will cover how to integrate ProxySQL with MHA to handle failover of Database servers.

We already have Master – Slave replication setup behind ProxySQL from previous blog [ProxySQL On MySQL Replication]

For this setup we have added one more node for MHA Manager , Which will keep eye on Master and Slave status.

  • node5 ( , MHA Manager

ProxySQL can be greatly configured with MHA for …

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The Multi-Source GTID Replication Maze

In this blog post, we’ll look at how to navigate some of the complexities of multi-source GTID replication.

GTID replication is often a real challenge for DBAs, especially if this has to do with multi-source GTID replication. A while back, I came across a really interesting customer environment with shards where multi-master, multi-source, multi-threaded MySQL 5.6 MIXED replication was active. This is a highly complex environment that has both pros and cons, introducing risks as a trade-off for specific customer requirements.

This is the set up of part of this environment:

I started looking into this setup when a statement broke replication between db1 and db10. Replication broke due to a statement executed on a schema that was not present on db10. This also …

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dbdeployer release candidate

The latest release of dbdeployer is possibly the last one with a leading 0. If no serious bugs are found in the next two weeks, the next release will bear a glorious 1.0.

Latest news

The decision to get out of the stream of pre-releases that were published until now comes because I have implemented all the features that I wanted to add: mainly, all the ones that I wished to add to MySQL-Sandbox but it would have been …

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Concurrent sandbox deployment

Version 0.3.0 of dbdeployer has gained the ability of deploying multiple sandboxes concurrently. Whenever we deploy a group of sandboxes (replication, multiple) we can use the --concurrent flag, telling dbdeployer that it should run operations concurrently.

What happens when a single sandbox gets deployed? There are six sets of operations:

  1. Create the sandbox directory and write down its scripts;
  2. Run the initialisation script;
  3. Start the database server;
  4. Run the pre-grants SQL commands (if any;)
  5. Load the grants;
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Showing entries 181 to 190 of 1055
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