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Displaying posts with tag: skysql (reset)
MySQL 5.0.96 is Now Available (for 5.0 Users)

This is just a post to let you 5.0 users know that 5.0.96 is now available.

You may have read about some of the security bugs fixed in the recent 5.0.95, and now 5.0.96 is available (it’s been nearly 9 months since 5.0.94 was released – so this is quite a lot of activity as far as 5.0 is concerned).

So if for some reason you’re still running MySQL 5.0, you should at least upgrade to the latest 5.0.96.

The upgrade process should be smooth and simple if you’re already running 5.0 (just be safe and backup your data first though).

You can download 5.0.96 from here:

And if you’re interested in the 5.0 changelogs, I have direct links to them here (just look for MySQL 5.0):

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SkySQL and MariaDB Consulting Lounge and Solutions Day this Friday

If you’re attending the conference, be sure to stay the extra day (this Friday) for the SkySQL and MariaDB Consulting Lounge and Solutions Day.

You can register for the Free Solutions Day here (just name, email, company, and country):

And if you’re around that day, there will be a SkySQL and MariaDB Consulting Lounge open all day long, so feel free to stop by and speak directly with the SkySQL and MariaDB Experts.

More about the Consulting Lounge can be found here too.


Tick-tock, tick-tock … 5 days to go until MySQL Week kicks off!

Great speaker line up at SkySQL & MariaDB: Solutions Day for the MySQL Database and Percona Live MySQL Conference & Expo

If you haven’t yet registeredfor next week’sSkySQL & MariaDB: Solutions Day for the MySQL Database, do it today so you don’t miss any of these important discussions about MariaDB, MySQL & related technologies:

  • Opening keynote from Monty Widenius and David Axmark

  • SkySQL, MySQL, MariaDB & the Cloud, withUlf Sandberg, Kaj Arnö, and Ivan Zoratti of SkySQL

  • Automating master failover and …

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Complex multi-master solutions made easy with Tungsten - at SkySQL & MariaDB Solutions Day for the MySQL® Database, April 13

Complex multi-master solutions made easy with Tungsten by Robert Hodges & Giuseppe MaxiaFriday, April 13 at 1:00 pmTungsten has broken new ground how to make previously complex or completely unattainable solutions very simple and easy to deploy. Tungsten Replicator offers improvements in replication topologies and performance, using technologies that were either unknown or not used together

More MariaDB after Percona Live Santa Clara

Right after Percona Live Santa Clara (which MariaDB is quite present for), its worth noting there are a few more events happening on Friday, April 13, 2012 at the Hyatt Regency Santa Clara. MariaDB will be present at 2/3 of those events.

The one event MariaDB won’t be present at is the Drizzle Day. …

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April talks at Percona and SkySQL events

The second week of April will be quite a busy one

Tuesday, April 10

April 10th is Tutorial day at the Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo.

On that day, I will present a classic: MySQL Replication 101. This is a topic traditionally presented by a MySQL engineer. However, since Oracle seems not to be eager to send anyone to the conference, I volunteered to the task, and I have let everyone know that, if Oracle change its mind and sends some engineers at the conference, I will happily have one of my former colleagues from the replication team as co-speaker.

Wednesday, April 11

The conference will be in full swing when the regular sessions (and the keynotes!) start. From my side, it is noteworthy the talk about …

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Speaker Update for SkySQL & MariaDB: Solutions Day for the MySQL Database

We're excited to announce new additions to the list of expert speakers at the upcoming SkySQL & MariaDB: Solutions Day for the MySQL Database on April 13.

Building on the already announced keynote from Michael (Monty) Widenius and David Axmark, and speakers from SkySQL, Monty Program, Webyog, Continuent, ScaleDB, Severalnines, Calpont InfiniDB and Sphinx Search, attendees will also gain valuable insight from Constant Contact, Sheeri C. Cabral, and MySQL expert Yoshinori Matsunobu. For the latest details on speakers and their presentations, check our event schedule and featured speakers pages.

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Save 10% on Percona Live MySQL Conference & Expo

If you still have not signed up for the Percona Live MySQL Conference & Expo (week of April 9th), use the following discount code from SkySQL to receive 10% off when registering:


And while you’re there, don’t forget to attend the following events on the day-after (4/13/2012) the Expo:


Sessions I want to see at the MySQL User Conference

Oh boy, I'm starting to feel the stress of having to prepare a little bit of this and a little bit of that for the upcoming MySQL User Conference (Santa Clara, April 10 to 13). But I wanted to also jump on this meme and list a few sessions I definitively want to attend:

I'm speaking, so I suppose I need to attend:

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SkySQL is Coming to a City Near You!

Now that the snow is melting and spring is in the air, the SkySQL Team is hitting the road and making the rounds of key industry events, trade shows, and meetups around the globe.  Come meet the team, pick-up a few tips and tricks for using the MySQL database, network with your peers, and learn more about SkySQL’s products and services.  Here are some the events we’ll be at this spring:

BIG Data, A New Horizon for Data Analysis
March 20 - 21, 2012
Cité Internationale Univeritaire de Paris, Paris, France

March 28-29, 2012
Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center, Columbia, South Carolina

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Showing entries 181 to 190 of 271
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