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Displaying posts with tag: Percona Software (reset)
Say Hello to Libcoredumper – A New Way to Generate Core Dumps, and Other Improvements

In a perfect world, we expect all software to run flawlessly and never have problems such as bugs and crashes. We also know that this perfect world doesn’t exist and we better be as prepared as possible to troubleshoot those types of situations. Historically, generating core dumps has been a task delegated to the kernel. If you are curious about how to enable it via Linux kernel, you can check out Getting MySQL Core file on Linux. There are a few drawbacks that pose either a limitation or a huge strain to get it working, such as:

  • System-wide configuration required. This is not something DBA always has access to.
  • Inability or very difficult to enable it for a specific binary only. Standards ways enable it for every software running on the box.
  • Nowadays, with cloud and containers, this task has become even …
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MySQL New Releases and Percona XtraBackup Incompatibilities

Earlier this week, Oracle released their Q4 releases series. As on the previous releases, backward compatibility has been broken with previous versions of the server. This time on both MySQL 5.7 and 8.0:

MySQL 5.7.32

While our QA team was performing an extensive test on it,  we found out this version introduced a new compression format version. This change breaks backward compatibility with older versions of MySQL, which is expected on the 8.0 series but is not on 5.7. As Percona XtraBackup (PXB) is based on MySQL code, it makes MySQL 5.7.32 incompatible with current versions of Percona XtraBackup 2.4.20 and prior.

The issue does not affect only Percona XtraBackup but also prevents users from downgrading the server from 5.7.32 to any lower version on the 5.7 series – More details at …

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Using Volume Snapshot/Clone in Kubernetes

One of the most exciting storage-related features in Kubernetes is Volume snapshot and clone. It allows you to take a snapshot of data volume and later to clone into a new volume, which opens a variety of possibilities like instant backups or testing upgrades. This feature also brings Kubernetes deployments close to cloud providers, which allow you to get volume snapshots with one click.

Word of caution: for the database, it still might be required to apply fsfreeze and FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK or



It is much easier in MySQL 8 now, because as with atomic DDL, MySQL 8 should provide crash-safe consistent snapshots without additional locking.

Let’s review how we can use this feature with Google Cloud Kubernetes Engine and …

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Danger of Changing Default of log_error_verbosity on MySQL/Percona Server for MySQL 5.7

Changing the default value (3) of log_error_verbosity in MySQL/Percona Server for MySQL 5.7 can have a hidden unintended effect! What does log_error_verbosity do exactly? As per the documentation:

The log_error_verbosity system variable specifies the verbosity for handling events intended for the error log.

Basically a value of 1 logs only [Errors]; 2 is 1)+[Warnings]; and 3 is 2)+[Notes].

For example, one might be tempted to change the default of log_error_verbosity since the error.log might be bloated with thousands (or millions) of lines with [Notes], such as:

2020-10-08T17:02:56.736179Z 3 [Note] Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
2020-10-08T17:04:48.149038Z 4 [Note] Aborted connection 4 to db: 'unconnected' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (Got timeout reading communication packets)

(P.S. you can read more about those Notes on this other Percona blog posts):

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Dangerous Edge Case Warning for Percona Toolkit and pt-online-schema-change

Recently I was dealing with an unexpected issue raised by our Support customer, in which data became inconsistent after a schema change was applied.

After some investigation, it turned out that affected tables had a special word in the comments of some columns, which triggered an already known (and fixed) issue with the library of Percona Toolkit.  The problem is that the customer was using an outdated Toolkit version, where pt-online-schema-change was using that buggy parser.

This bug applies only to Percona Toolkit versions up to 3.0.10, so if you have already 3.0.11 or newer installed, you can skip the rest of this post as these are no longer affected.

I am writing this post to warn every user of pt-online-schema-change who has not upgraded the toolkit, as …

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How to Find Query Slowdowns Using Percona Monitoring and Management

Visibility is a blessing, and with databases, visibility is a must. That’s true not only for metrics but for the queries themselves. Having info on all the stats around query execution is priceless, and Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) offers that in the form of the Query Analytics dashboard (QAN).

But where to start? QAN helps you with that by calculating the query profile. What is the profile? It’s a rank of queries, ordered by Load, so it is easy to spot the heaviest queries hitting your database. The Load is defined as the “Average Active Queries” but can also be defined as a mix of Query Execution Time Plus Query count. In other words, all the time the query was alive and kicking.

The Profile in PMM 2.10.0 looks like this:

The purpose of this profile is to facilitate the task of finding the …

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Various Ways to Perform Schema Upgrades with Percona XtraDB Cluster

Schema changes are the big challenges in Galera replication. So, it is recommended to understand the schema changes operation for everyone who uses the Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXB)/Galera clusters. In this blog, I am going to explain the operation and impact of the various schema changes methods used in the PXB/Galera cluster.

  • Schema changes with “wsrep_OSU_method = TOI”
  • Schema changes with “wsrep_OSU_method = RSU”
  • Schema changes with “ONLINE ALGORITHMS”
  • Schema changes with “pt-osc”
  • Schema changes with “gh-ost”

For testing:

  • I have configured the 3-node Percona Xtradb Cluster (8.0.19).
  • Executing read/write load using the sysbench.
mysql> select @@wsrep_cluster_address\G
*************************** 1. row …
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Diagnosing and Fixing “MySQL Server Has Gone Away” Messages

We all like when error messages are descriptive and give a clear idea about what is happening; however, there are some cases when a few possible reasons lay behind one error message. “MySQL server has gone away” is one of them. Most of the cases when the error occurs are described in MySQL documentation, but it can get tricky. And here, I’d like to talk about “tricky”.

There are only a few major cases when this happens:

1. MySQL Thread Was Killed by an Administrator or a Utility Such as pt-kill

The manual intervention is likely to be intermittent and, as it is a one-time thing in certain situations (e.g., a bad long-running query), probably would be known to a DBA. Pt-kill might be less noticeable, as it is often left running as a workaround to prevent those bad long queries from taxing system resources. Checking the system …

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How to Upgrade to MySQL 8.0 – Free Course at Percona University Online

MySQL 8.0 General Availability release was launched in April 2018, and since then there have been ten versions of MySQL 8 and Percona Server for MySQL released. The MySQL Community expressed a high opinion of the MySQL 8.0 advantages, so a lot of databases have been successfully upgraded to the new version. But many of them still need to be up to date.

Percona has prepared a free course “How to Upgrade to MySQL 8.0” that helps you with this task.

It is a series of useful videos for 3-4 minutes. At the end of the course, you can pass the QUIZ and get a certificate. 

Follow the link to take the course:

You can also join the course manually. Just open Google Classroom and click “Join class” and enter the code of the class “zjsst4l”. …

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How Much Memory Does the Process Really Take on Linux?

One of the questions you often will be faced with operating a Linux-based system is managing memory budget. If a program uses more memory than available you may get swapping to happen, oftentimes with a terrible performance impact, or have Out of Memory (OOM) Killer activated, killing process altogether.

Before adjusting memory usage, either by configuration, optimization, or just managing the load, it helps to know how much memory a given program really uses.

If your system runs essentially a single user program (there is always a bunch of system processes) it is easy.  For example, if I run a dedicated MySQL server on a system with 128GB of RAM I can use “used” as a good proxy of what is used and “available” as what can still be used.

root@rocky:/mnt/data2/mysql# free -h …
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