We had a great response to our call for papers, thank you!
However great we believe having the conference in Austin, TX will
be, moving to a new area of the US is still a leap of faith until
we see the numbers. So we’re thankful that so many of you
continue to support and take part in our Open Source Database
Conference. We have great plans for the event going forward, and
look forward to sharing them with you.
In fact, one new initiative is already underway. Instead of
having one relatively small committee that reviews all of the
papers for all tracks, we are taking a different approach this
year. Each track is led by a Percona engineer or manager in the
role of “Track Champion”, and they each are establishing a Track
Steering Committee to review the submissions for that one track.
There are many benefits to this approach. First of all, it means
that folk with in-depth knowledge of a technology review a
smaller number of …
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