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Displaying posts with tag: ec2 (reset)
Public Clouds: Trust but Verify

Review of Thursday’s Cloud Events in Boston

Everyone is well aware by now of the EC2 outage that Amazon had back in April and it would have surprised no one if that high profile had put a damper on cloud adoption. But judging what we heard yesterday at Boston’s two cloud events (MassTLC’s Cloud Computing Summit and Vilna’s Moving Your Data to the Cloud Panel), cloud solutions can work just fine. For example, there was the customer story told by Douglas Kim, Managing Director, Global Head, PaaS & Cloud Computing at PegaSystems. Pegasystems is a Boston tech company that started …

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Specialty Technology Consultant – New York Scalability Consultant – MySQL & EC2 Scalability

Amazon EC2 and cloud computing offer great promise for startups to ramp up their online presence quickly.  Navigate those challenges with an strong partner.  We bring 20 years experience to the table with each new client.

  • Scaling Web Applications
  • MySQL High Availability in Amazon EC2
  • Amazon Multi-AZ Deployments
  • Amazon RDS Deployments
  • Migrating to Amazon EC2
  • Migrating to MySQL
  • Managing Backups and Disaster Recovery in the Cloud
  • Horizontal Scalability of MySQL on EC2
  • Horizontal Scalability on Cloud Hosted Servers
  • Evaluating Cloud Providers
  • Evaluating MySQL Distributions and Platforms
  • Strong Customer Facing Skills
  • Integrate Directly with Development Team
  • Agile …
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RAID 10 your EBS data

When I spoke at Percona Live (video here) on running an E-commerce database in Amazon EC2, I briefly talked about using RAID 10 for additional performance and fault tolerance when using EBS volumes. At first, this seems counter intuitive. Amazon has a robust infrastructure, EBS volumes run on RAIDed hardware, and are mirrored in multiple availability zones. So, why bother? Today, I was reminded of just how important it is. Please note that all my performance statistics are based on direct experience running a MySQL database on a m2.4xlarge instance and not on some random bonnie or orion benchmark. I have those graphs floating around on my hard drive in glorious 3D and, while interesting, they do not necessarily reflect real-life performance.

Why? …

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How to replace a NDB node on EC2

NDB cluster is a very interesting solution in term of high availability since there are no single point of failure. In an environment like EC2, where a node can disappear almost without notice, one would think that it is a good fit.

It is indeed a good fit but reality is a bit trickier. The main issue we faced is that IPs are dynamic in EC2 so when an instance restarts, it gets a new IP. What the problem with a new IP? Just change the IP in the cluster config and perform an rolling restart! no? In fact this will not work, since the cluster is already in degraded mode, restarting the surviving node of the degraded node group (NoOfReplicas=2) will cause the NDB cluster to shutdown.

This can be solved by using host names instead of IPs in the config.ini file. What needs to be done is to define, in /etc/hosts, on entry per cluster member. The API nodes are not required. Here is an example:

$ more /etc/hosts …
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Another reason to avoid RDS

My list of reasons for never using or recommending Amazon’s MySQL RDS service grows every time I experience problems with customers. This was an interesting and still unresolved issue.

ERROR 126 (HY000): Incorrect key file for table '/rdsdbdata/tmp/#sql_5b7_1.MYI'; try to repair it

You may see this is a MyISAM table. The MySQL database is version 5.5, all InnoDB tables and is very small 100MB in total size.
What is happening is that MySQL is generating a temporary table, and this table is being written to disk. I am unable to change the code to improve the query causing this disk I/O.

What I can not understand and have no ability to diagnose is why this error occurs sometimes and generally when the database is under additional system load. With RDS you have no visibility of the server running the production database. While you have SQL access, an API for managing MySQL configuration options (I also add not all …

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Shard-Query EC2 images available

Infobright and InnoDB AMI images are now available

There are now demonstration AMI images for Shard-Query. Each image comes pre-loaded with the data used in the previous Shard-Query blog post. The data in the each image is split into 20 “shards”. This blog post will refer to an EC2 instances as a node from here on out. Shard-Query is very flexible in it’s configuration, so you can use this sample database to spread processing over up to 20 nodes.

The Infobright Community Edition (ICE) images are available in 32 and 64 bit varieties. Due to memory requirements, the InnoDB versions are only available on 64 bit instances. MySQL will fail to start on a micro instance, simply decrease the values in the /etc/my.cnf file if you really want to try micro instances.

The storage worker currently logs too much …

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Basic scalability principles to avert downtime

In the press in the last two days has been the reported outage of Amazon Web Services Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) in just one North Virginia data center. This has affected many large website includes FourSquare, Hootsuite, Reddit and Quora. A detailed list can be found at

For these popular websites was this avoidable? Absolutely.

Basic scalability principles if deployed in these systems architecture would have averted the significant downtime regardless of your development stack. While I work primarily in MySQL these principles are not new, nor are they complicated, however they are fundamental concepts in scalability that apply to any technology including the …

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Oh no, what have I done! Or: My cloud evangelism got cloudy. Or: The dog ate my network..

At the recent MySQL User Conference, I had a talk on how we at Recorded Future use Amazon EC2 to keep our servers humming (the slides for the talk are available here). And of cource, Amazon EC2 turned back on me (and us all at RF) about a week later. I will not go into details, but somehow, we still don't know exactly why ("The cleaning lady unplugged THE SERVER to plug in the vacuum-cleaner", "The dog ate my network"?).

The thing has been down for 24+ hours now, and there is no end in sight, as far as I can tell. As I said in my talk, we are considering a move to Amazon RDS instead of running our MySQL servers ourselves, and one of my first reactions to this trouble was that we really should have done that already. That was until I realized that the Amazon RDS service was affected as well. Which …

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Scaling-out OLTP load on Amazon EC2 revisited.

It's been long known that Galera optimistic replication and enterprise-size databases are a match made in heaven. Today we're going to get a little closer to testing this statement.
We'll have look at how Galera can scale out Sysbench OLTP complex 60 million rows workload in EC2. This is a first proper benchmark for 0.8 series and also the first benchmark of MariaDB/Galera port, so I'll start modest, just to see how it goes. I chose m1.large instances with 7.8Gb of RAM for server nodes and c1.xlarge instance for a client - I don't want the client to be a bottleneck.

For comparison I have also measured performance of a stock standalone MariaDB 5.1.55 server. I used the standard my.cnf that comes with MariaDB Debian package with the following alterations:


Galera nodes also add

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Hey, it's time for the MySQL User Conference again! Come see me!

And I mean that, come see me, say hello, buy me a beer (extra points!). Or even more so, come see my session at 10:50 on tuesday morning April 12. I'll be speaking on how to manage large datasets in an Amazon EC2 environment, and this is largely based on my experiences at doing just that at my new job (or new, I've been doing it for more that 6 months now) as Database Architect at Recorded Future.

This will not be an incredibly technical presentation, in terms of showing actual code and things. Rather, I will look at some of the issues when running in an EC2 environment, and how we manage it here at Recorded Future. Also, I will present a bit of how our architecture works, which is more relevant that one may thinks, as we have Cloud based architectures on mind all the time, all our development, testing and productions servers run in the cloud.

Anyway, this is …

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