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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL 101 (reset)
MySQL 101 - Retrieving data: SELECT and JOIN

In our last episode we started building up our online bookshop database, with tables for publishers, authors, formats and books.  At the moment we only have one book in there, so before we go too far, lets add a few more:

( NULL, 'The Big Score', 2, 4, 1, '2007-01-01', 9781741752236, 29.95 ),
( NULL, 'Split', 3, 2, 1, '2003-01-01', 0732268133, 29.95 );

So what is this NULL thing, and why have I used it?  If you remember we set the first field to an auto_increment id.  Because we don't want to supply a value for this, but let the database create the next value, we need to give a value that indicates we want this to happen.  For this instance, NULL is the value to use.  We must supply a value because we didn't restrict our insert by supplying a …

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MySQL 101 - Creating your first database

In our last episode we found out how to connect to a MySQL server.  This time we learn how to lay out a database and start creating it. For this, and following episodes, we will be looking at creating a database to support an online bookshop.

Creating the database

Using the mysql command line client, you can connect to the server and then create the database.  We need a name for the database, and in this case we'll call it 'bookshop'.   We'll also create a user who is specifically allowed to add and update the database, but not alter its structure:

mysql> CREATE DATABASE `bookshop`;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> GRANT INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE ON `bookshop`.* to 'bookuser'@'localhost' identified by 'bookpass';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) …
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MySQL 101 - Connecting to a MySQL server

In our last episode we looked at getting MySQL, today we will be looking at how you connect to a MySQL server and what that implies.

Connection basics

Before a client can connect to a MySQL server it needs a path by which that connection can be made. One method that is almost universal is the 'socket'.  As its name implies it is a way of plugging two (or more) applications together.  Sockets can either be end points for a network connection (for instance a TCP socket) or can use the same system-level functions but use a local connection.  This is sometimes called a UNIX socket, and relies on there being a special file that the two applications can use to initiate a connection.  MySQL can use both.

For a network connection you need a number of pieces of information.  As a connection …

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MySQL 101 - Getting MySQL

This is the first in a series of posts on MySQL® for those new to the database, or those migrating from another DBMS.

So you've made the decision to try MySQL.  Now you just have to get it installed. Luckily for most purposes MySQL is quite often already available.  If you have a Linux installation then chances are that both the server and client are installed.  If you are planning on using MySQL for your website, chances are the hosting provider gives you several MySQL databases for your use.

Before diving in too deep though, let's get some background and terminology out of the way.

What is MySQL?

This depends.  MySQL was a company, is a trademark, is an ecosystem and is the name of arguably the most popular relational database management system (RDBMS) on the planet.  Originally developed by MySQL AB, MySQL (both the database and the trademark) are now owned by Oracle Corporation. But …

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