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Displaying posts with tag: Tools (reset)
Flashback Recovery in MariaDB/MySQL Servers

In this blog, we will see how to do a flashback recovery or rolling back the data in MariaDB, MySQL and Percona.

As we know the saying  “All humans make mistakes”, following that in Database environment the data modified accidentally can bring havoc to any organisations.

Recover the lost data

  • The data can be recovered from the latest full backup or incremental backup when data size is huge it could take hours to restore it.
  • From backup of Binlogs.
  • Data can also be recovered from delayed slaves, this case would be helpful when the mistake is found immediately, within the period of delay.

We can use anyone of the above ways or other that can help to recover the lost data, but what really matters is, What is the …

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Innotop – A Monitoring tool for MySQL

Monitoring MySQL server has never been an easy task. Monitoring also needs to go through many Complex and difficult queries to get the details.

All these problems can be overcome by an excellent command line monitoring tool  called “Innotop”. Innotop comes with many features and different types of modes/options, which helps to monitor different aspects of MySQL  (InnoDB) performance and also helps database administrator to find out what’s wrong going with MySQL server. Innotop helps in monitoring user statistics, mysql replication status,query list, InnoDB I/O informations etc. Another important thing about innotop is it refreshes the data continuously , so we can view realtime statistics.

Innotop is one of the designed based on top utility for linux.

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dim_STAT : Collect MySQL & System stats @Linux locally

Generally you have much bigger benefit with dim_STAT when you're collecting and analyzing your data live (online). However, there maybe still many situations when this is simply not possible (due security restrictions, wide remote distance, or simply externally inaccessible hosts, etc.) -- for such cases dim_STAT has special tool EasySTAT allowing you to collect all the needed stats locally on the given machine, and then later to upload them to your dim_STAT server for post-analyze. To simplify overall setup, EasySTAT is integrated into STAT-service of dim_STAT and can be directly involved from there, also following the same rules for MySQL access and so on (e.g. if your STAT-service is already operational, then your EasySTAT will be too ;-))

The following article is explaining how to deploy and start EasySTAT

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Configuring efficient MySQL Logrotate

I am a Junior DBA at Mydbops. This is my first blog professionally, I would like to brief my encounter with Log-rotate in first few weeks of my work,  Hope it will help other beginners as well. This Blog will cover the following sections.

  • Introduction to Log-rotate

  • Issues Faced

  • Solutions (Fix for the above issues)

  • Best practices

    • How to configure the Log-rotate

    • Operation of Log-rotate

    • Files responsible for the Log_rotate utility.

1.0. Introduction to Log-rotate:

  • Log-rotate is a utility and …

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ProxySQL Series : Query Cache with ProxySQL

We know that MySQL query cache is deprecated as of MySQL 5.7.20 and removed in MySQL 8.0 and It has been recommended to use ProxySQL (or other) external query cache instead.

In this blog post, we’ll present the ProxySQL query cache functionality and how does it help us.

How to setup ProxySQL between client and database servers is out of the scope of this article.

If you are looking for other articles on ProxySQL Series :

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MySQL Setup at Hostinger Explained

Ever wondered how hosting companies manage their MySQL database architecture? At Hostinger, we have various MySQL setups starting from the standalone replica-less instances to Percona XtraDB Cluster (later just PXC), ProxySQL routing-based and even absolutely custom and unique solutions which I’m going to describe in this blog post.

We do not have elephant-sized databases for internal services like API, billing, and clients. Thus almost every decision ends up with high availability as a top priority instead of scalability.

Still, scaling vertically is good enough for our case, as the database size does not exceed 500GB. One and the top requirements is the ability to access the master …

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GH-OST for MySQL Schema Change.

Schema change is one of the crucial tasks in MySQL with huge tables. Schema change can cause locks.

What is gh-ost?

                         gh-ost is a triggerless online schema change for MySQL by Github Engineering .It produces light workload on the master during the schema changes . We need online schema change to alter a table without downtime (locking) in schema change is the most widely used tool for making changes in the is just an alternative to pt-online schema change.

Why we have to use gh-ost?

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Percona Live Europe Presents: pg_chameleon MySQL to PostgreSQL Replica Made Easy

What excites me is the possibility that this tool is giving to other people. Also, the challenges I’ve faced and the new ideas for the future releases are always source of interest that keep me focused on the project. So I’m looking forward to sharing this with the conference delegates.

pg_chameleon can achieve two tasks in a very simple way. It can setup a permanent replica between MySQL and PostgreSQL, giving the freedom of choice for the right tool for the right job, or can migrate multiple schemas to a PostgreSQL database.

Anybody that want to extend their database experience, taking the best of the two worlds, or who is seeking a simple way to migrate data with minimal downtime will find the presentation interesting.

What else am I looking forward to at Percona Live Europe?

I’m …

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Generating Identifiers – from AUTO_INCREMENT to Sequence

There are a number of options for generating ID values for your tables. In this post, Alexey Mikotkin of Devart explores your choices for generating identifiers with a look at auto_increment, triggers, UUID and sequences.


Frequently, we happen to need to fill tables with unique identifiers. Naturally, the first example of such identifiers is PRIMARY KEY data. These are usually integer values hidden from the user since their specific values are unimportant.

When adding a row to a table, you need to take this new key value from somewhere. You can set up your own process of generating a new identifier, but MySQL comes to the aid of the user with the AUTO_INCREMENT column setting. It is set as a column attribute and allows you to generate unique integer identifiers. As an example, consider the …

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Percona Live Europe Tutorial: Elasticsearch 101

For Percona Live Europe, I’ll be presenting the tutorial Elasticsearch 101 alongside my colleagues and fellow presenters from ObjectRocket Alex Cercel, DBA, and Mihai Aldoiu, Data Engineer. Here’s a brief overview of our tutorial.

Elasticsearch® is well known as a highly scalable search engine that stores data in a structure optimized for language based searches but its capabilities and use cases don’t stop there. In this tutorial, we’ll give you a hands-on introduction to Elasticsearch and give you a glimpse at some of the fundamental concepts. We’ll cover various administrative topics like …

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