A while back I wanted to test the ARCHIVE Engine in MySQL 5 on
FreeBSD, well I had to do some jinkying around with the Makefile
to add the options i needed to turn on the ARCHIVE Engine. I
haven't seen it committed to the port yet so here it is:
# diff Makefile Makefile.orig
< .if defined(WITH_ARCHIVE_ENGINE)
< CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--with-archive-storage-engine
< .endif
< @${ECHO} " WITH_ARCHIVE_ENGINE=yes Enable Archive Table
Engine Support."
After getting it compiled i ran a series of tests to see how it
was working and to check the speed and how it compared to storing
my data in a MyISAM table. Here is some of the stats...
mysql> SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'campaign_16_long_myisam';
: Name : Engine : Rows :