CodeIgniter 4 Query Builder class has an update() function used to process UPDATE Data Manipulation Language (DML) commands. Using update() as a standalone function call is perfectly valid. However, there is also a set() function used for setting column values as you would with the SET keyword in an SQL UPDATE statement. Used in conjunction with the Query Builder where() function, you can easily UPDATE column values for an individual row or multiple rows. Continue reading for more information…
[Read more]Over the weekend I’ve published another issue of, the newsletter for PHP/MySQL developers. There is plenty of great curated content for you so dive right in and enjoy!
If you’re a PHP/MySQL developer, this free weekly newsletter is for you.
I’ve curated some great reads for you this week from around the web. Stories you can enjoy in this issue are:
- Distance querying with MySQL geospatial functions in Laravel
- Cursors and for loops in MySQL stored procedures
- Great YouTube channel/video recommendations for learning PHP
Don’t wait on me each week to repost here. Sign up and have each issue delivered directly to your inbox so you don’t miss any.
The monthly deep-dive featured issue releases on the last Friday …
[Read more]Issue #3 of, the newsletter for PHP/MySQL developers, is now available. This is the deep-dive/featured piece edition, 5 MySQL String Functions You Should Know, and you don’t want to miss it…
Image by Harish Sharma from Pixabay
Deep Dive – Feature Edition
On a monthly basis, in addition to the weekly curated content, …
[Read more]I recently learned how to use MySQL to generate MySQL statements for several admin-type Data Definition Language (DDL) SQL queries I needed to execute on the server. For many DBA’s this is likely nothing new and in fact, is a well-used tool in their kit. However, I mostly focus on developer-related tasks, so it is a fresh-in-my-mind learning experience. Continue reading for more information…
Some backstory for context
I’ve recently been porting over an existing vanilla PHP application to CodeIgniter 4. One of the new features is bootstrapping all of the necessary MySQL CREATE TABLE statements dynamically based on information parsed from a .fxl file (which is close kin to a .xml file structure-wise).
Each CREATE TABLE statement is complete with FOREIGN KEY constraint clauses to ensure data integrity between linking …
[Read more]Hey friends over the weekend (Friday actually) I’ve published another issue of my weekly newsletter, Continue reading for more information…
This issue is full of great curated reads as well as a specific question I’ve asked readers and the community. Looking for some suggestions on planned migrations for upgrades to my WordPress site.
The Newsletter for PHP and MySQL Developers
In this weeks newsletter, there’s information on:
Here’s the full issue for you to read. You can always subscribe (it’s free) and have the weekly issue of delivered directly to your inbox. Just think, no more waiting for me to post it here each Monday.
Visit the sign-up form below to …
[Read more]Generally, most all web applications are going to follow the elements of CRUD: Create, Read, Update, and Delete. CodeIgniter 4 is a powerful PHP web development framework that provides a rapid development environment. The CodeIgniter 4 Models come enriched with built-in CRUD functionality, which is covered in this compilation of Medium posts…
Image by Dariusz Sankowski from Pixabay
Disclaimer: I originally published these articles first over on …
[Read more]I use CodeIgniter 4 a great deal for learning, personal projects, and application development. In this post, I cover 2 different methods you can use and retrieve the MySQL Last Insert ID value after executing an INSERT statement in CodeIgniter. Continue reading for more information…
If you enjoy the content written here, by all means, share this blog and your favorite post(s) with others who may benefit from or like it as well. Since coffee is my favorite drink, you can even buy me one if you would like!
Model Setup
Starting out, I use the CLI Generator feature and create a Model by executing this code in the terminal in the project root:
php spark make:model user --suffix
I have removed much of the …
[Read more]If you need a structure only .sql file of a MySQL tables’ Data Definition Language (DDL), phpMyAdmin makes this super-easy with just a few clicks. Continue reading and learn how…
If you enjoy the content written here, by all means, share this blog and your favorite post(s) with others who may benefit from or like it as well. Since coffee is my favorite drink, you can even buy me one if you would like!
Why use a DDL file?
Why would you need a structure-only .sql DDL file anyway?
Maybe you want to build out a tables’ structure on another server to bring in different data or something comparable, and want it void of any existing data.
Rather than creating the …
[Read more]When the time comes that you no longer have a need for specific data, use DELETE to remove it completely from your table. CodeIgniter 4 Models have a delete() method that is super-easy to use. Continue reading for more information…
If you enjoy the content written here, by all means, share this blog and your favorite post(s) with others who may benefit from or like it as well. Since coffee is my favorite drink, you can even buy me one if you would like!
CodeIgniter 4 CRUD Series with MySQL
I have written a now complete 4-part series over on my Medium account about CodeIgniter 4 Model CRUD operations. Feel free and visit any of the previous posts in the series to get up to speed:
- …
In some applications, data may never change. Yet, in others, data changes numerous times in its lifecycle. In SQL the UPDATE command changes existing rows of data. CodeIgniter 4 Models have 2 methods available for update operations: update() and save(). Continue reading and learn more about update()…
If you enjoy the content written here, by all means, share this blog and your favorite post(s) with others who may benefit from or like it as well. Since coffee is my favorite drink, you can even buy me one if you would like!
CodeIgniter 4 CRUD Series with MySQL
This post is a re-share of an article I originally published on my Medium account and is part 3 in the CodeIgniter 4 CRUD with MySQL series. Be sure and …
[Read more]