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Displaying posts with tag: conference (reset)
MySQL Shell : the best DBA tool?

Last week I presented the following session at the pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day:

MySQL Shell : the best DBA tool ? from Frederic Descamps

The audience seemed very interested on how the MySQL Shell can be extended.

During the presentation I showed how I extended the MySQL Shell with two new modules in Python:

Both projects are on github and are waiting for ideas, feature requests, pull requests, …

Here is …

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Friday Feb 1st it is MySQL Day !

We are less than 48h before the more and more popular pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day !

Unfortunately one of our speaker won’t be able to deliver his talk. Indeed, Giuseppe had ton cancel is talk on containers (Automating MySQL operations with containers) but he will be present during the day and during the Community Dinner, so if you have questions, I’m sure he will gladly answer them.

So we have replace this great speaker by another great one: Shlomi Noach !

Shlomi will present a very new session: Un-split brain (aka Move Back in Time) MySQL.

Here is the updated …

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Have a nice MySQL Season Holidays

I wish you all the best for this end of 2018 and of course a nice start of 2019’s edition !

For the best possible start of 2019, I already invite you to these different events where I will have to honor to talk about MySQL:

Take some rest and see you soon again ! …

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pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day 2019

For the third year in a row, we will take advantage of the mass presence of our MySQL Engineers during FOSDEM to organize the pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day.

The program of this 3rd edition is already on track, thank you to all the speakers who already confirmed their participation.

Start End Event Speaker Company Topic
Friday 1st February
09:30 10:00 MySQL Community Team Welcome
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MySQL at Oracle Open World and Oracle Code ONE

We are 6 weeks away of Oracle Open World and Oracle Code ONE in San Francisco. Once again, and maybe even more than ever, the MySQL Team and MySQL Community will present you very interesting sessions, tutorials and hands-on labs !

The Official Agenda is available here and here.

If you plan to attend this conference, I prepared one single pdf with all the MySQL sessions: MySQLCommunity_OOW18_Schedule

and, if you want to see just …

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Meet MySQL Support at Oracle OpenWorld and Code One 2018


Oracle MySQL Support will this year again take part in the Oracle OpenWorld conference in San Francisco. Additionally, we will present at the developer focused Code One that is held at the same time. Oracle OpenWorld and Code One 2018 takes place at the Moscone Center and nearby hotels in San Francisco on Monday 22 October to Thursday 25 October.

MySQL Support will be represented by Lig Isler-turmelle and myself (Jesper Wisborg Krogh), and we will organize three hands-on labs (HOL) in Oracle OpenWorld, two talks in Code One, and two mini-briefings at the …

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MySQL at Oracle Open World and Oracle Code One Oct 22-25 2018 !

This year again, the MySQL Team is eager to participate in the Oracle Open World conference. This is a great opportunity for our engineers and the entire MySQL Team to highlight what we’ve done, and also what we are working on. Another reason to be excited this year is our new participation to Code One, the Oracle developer focused conference. Oracle Code One will include a full track dedicated to MySQL.

This is very good news for everybody attending, from DBAs to developers, as we will offer even more great content ! This year, in both events, we will highlight how NoSQL+SQL=MySQL.

Our MySQL Engineers will deliver fantastic sessions about …

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Percona Live Europe 2018 Call for Papers is Now Open

Announcing the opening of the Percona Live Europe Open Source Database Conference 2018 in Frankfurt, Germany call for papers. It will be open from now until August 10, 2018. The conference takes place November 5–7.

Our theme this year is
Connect. Accelerate. Innovate.

As a speaker at Percona Live Europe, you’ll have the opportunity to CONNECT with your peers—open source database experts and enthusiasts who share your commitment to improving knowledge and exchanging ideas. ACCELERATE your projects and career by presenting at the premier open source database event, a great way to build your personal and company brands. And influence the evolution of the open source software movement by demonstrating how you INNOVATE!

Community initiatives …

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MySQL 8.0 InnoDB Cluster – the quick hands-on manual

I’m just back from a trip in Barcelona where I presented MySQL 8.0 InnoDB Cluster (at dataops and Barcelona MySQL Meetup) and the majority of feedback was great, but I also had some comments on the demos I showed. The first one was:

This is a joke of course (maybe it’s true for some), people found it very easy and they liked it.

But then, the second one was that all I showed wasn’t easy to find, some people who already played with the solution didn’t succeeded in creating a cluster so easily… not because they had errors or encountered bugs, but more because they just didn’t know how to do it.

The goal of this …

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Next week in Barcelona

Next week I will be speaking at DataOps in Barcelona about MySQL 8.0 Document Store. If you don’t know it yet, I really invite you to join this talk, you will be very surprised about all MysQL can do in the NoSQL world !

There will be also a lot other MySQL related sessions by many good speakers of the MySQL Community.

As I will be in Barcelona, the Barcelona MySQL Meetup invited me to give a session about MySQL InnoDB Cluster and Group Replication and I will also share the stage with my friend and colleague …

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