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Displaying posts with tag: optimization (reset)
Personal Summary of the Percona Live Amsterdam 2015 Conference

Last week, 21-23 September, it took place the European MySQL Conference, or “Data performance Conference” as this year’s subtitle was “MySQL. NoSQL. Data in the cloud.”. This year, it changed its location from London to Amsterdam and, as most people I talked to agreed, the change was for good. As every year, Percona was the company organizing it, but it had the participation of all the major players in the open source MySQL/MongoDB/Cloud data world. Special mention goes to, which had more …

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MySQL Performance and Tuning Best Practices

Users are complaining about slowness in your system, MySQL load is always high… The more your database has access, the more it may get slow or worse: slowness even if it is running with low load. You are starting to get desperate! The consequences of slowness and high load are disastrous: If your site is slow,... Read More

The post MySQL Performance and Tuning Best Practices appeared first on Devops for Dummies.

MySQL Security Best Practices

If you install a MySQL Database Server with the default options, your data are insecure and your server is in risk of invasion and some performance issues will appear shortly. With some best practices, your MySQL database becomes secure and the performance goes well. 1 – Set root password and change its login name As... Read More

The post MySQL Security Best Practices appeared first on Devops for Dummies.

Homebrew: The best friend for developers on MacOS X

When I came from Linux world to Mac OS, I’ve got frustrated in not having a package management system as there are in Ubuntu (with Apt-get) or in CentOS ( YUM ). The world was so fantastic, if I need to install MySQL Database on Ubuntu, I’d just type: $ sudo apt-get install mysql-server On Mac, the […]

Aggregation queries 10x slower on MySQL compared to Postgres??

How can this be? I am shocked. I have looked at query plans, confirmed indexes, checked handler status variables after query execution to figure out what MySQL is up to, and I don’t think there is anything wrong with it. MySQL is using the right index, using ICP, Batched Key Access. Basically, everything that we can throw at it. I even tried MariaDB and it used the new Batched Hash Join. Same result. Postgres is done in 150ms and MySQL 5.6 takes 3s!

We had a customer who was migrating from Postgres to MySQL approach us about a slow running query. Here’s the situation. They have a fleet of cars, which are loaned out to customers for short periods of time. The cars have sensors that report mileage periodically. They want to figure out which customer drove how many miles during a certain time period. Easy enough, right?

The cust_car table (25K rows) captures which customer had which car and what was the odometer reading when it was …

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3 Simple Patterns for Tighter MySQL Code

Join 8000 others and follow Sean Hull on twitter @hullsean. SQL is derided by many and for good reason. It’s key to scalability yet terribly difficult to write good code. Here’s a few quick tips to write tighter queries in MySQL 1. Get rid of those Subqueries! Subqueries are a standard part of SQL, unfortunately […]

The post 3 Simple Patterns for Tighter MySQL Code appeared first on Scalable Startups.

3 Ways to Optimize for Paging in MySQL

Join 6100 others and follow Sean Hull on twitter @hullsean. Lots and lots of web applications need to page through information. From customer records, to the albums in your itunes collection. So as web developers and architects, it’s important that we do all this efficiently. Start by looking at how you’re fetching information from your [...]

How to Optimize MySQL UNION For High Speed

Join 6100 others and follow Sean Hull on twitter @hullsean. There are two ways to speedup UNIONs in a MySQL database. First use UNION ALL if at all possible, and second try to push down your conditions. [mytweetlinks] 1. UNION ALL is much faster than UNION How does a UNION work? Imagine you have two [...]

Running Standard Deviation in MySQL

Calculating the standard deviation in MySQL is a no-brainer by using the build-in aggregate function STDDEV(). If you don't need the original data and only want to save aggregated values in your database, the whole matter is getting more complicated - but is worth from a space and performance point of view.

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Running Standard Deviation in MySQL

Calculating the standard deviation in MySQL is a no-brainer by using the build-in aggregate function STDDEV(). If you don't need the original data and only want to save aggregated values in your database, the whole matter is getting more complicated - but is worth from a space and performance point of view.

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