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Displaying posts with tag: Replication (reset)
ProxySQL Series: MySQL Replication Read-write Split up.

At Mydbops we always thrive to provide the best MySQL Solutions. We are exploring the modern SQL load balancers. We have planned to write a series of blog on ProxySQL.

The first blog in this series is  how to set up ProxySQL for MySQL Replication Topology including Read / Write Split and some background over ProxySQL.

What is ProxySQL ?

  • ProxySQL is a open-source high-performance SQL aware proxy. It runs as a daemon watched by a monitoring process.
  • ProxySQL seats between application and db servers.
  • The daemon accepts incoming traffic from MySQL clients and forwards it to backend MySQL servers.

A few most commonly used features are : …

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One year of MySQL Replication Contributions

Since January 2017, the MySQL Replication Team has been involved in processing many Community Contributions !

We are really happy to receive contributions (and not only in the replication team), but this also implies a lot of work from our engineers, as more than resolving a bug or developing a new feature, code contributions need to be analyzed, the code needs to be understood and validated.…

This Week in Data with Colin Charles 27: Percona Live Tutorials Released and a Comprehensive Review of the FOSDEM MySQL DevRoom

Join Percona Chief Evangelist Colin Charles as he covers happenings, gives pointers and provides musings on the open source database community.

Percona Live Santa Clara 2018 update: tutorials have been announced. The committee rated over 300+ talks, and easily 70% of the schedule should go live next week as well. In practice, then, you should see about 50 talks announced next week. There’s been great competition: we only have 70 slots in total, so about 1 in 5 talks get picked — talk about a competitive ratio.


FOSDEM was truly awesome last week. From a Percona standpoint, we had a lot of excellent booth traffic (being outside of the PostgreSQL room on Saturday, and not too far out from the MySQL room on Sunday). We gave away bottle openers — …

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Product Management Newsletter January 2018


Welcome to the January 2018 Continuent Product Management newsletter. It’s the start of the year, and so a good opportunity to look forward, as well as back a little to see how we did. Let’s start with the immediate future first.

  • Tungsten Clustering 6.0 is Coming!
  • Tungsten Replicator 6.0 is Also Coming!
  • Looking at the Year Ahead
  • Tungsten Backup, Tungsten Connector
  • Tungsten GUI
  • End-of-Life Policy
  • Release Schedule
  • Internal Tweaks

Tungsten Clustering 6.0 is Coming!

The development and restructuring of the product has taken a year to come to fruition, as there are quite a lot of different components, but the new version of Tungsten Clustering 6.0 is due out in February and we’re really pleased with the result.

The focus of this release of the product is to unify the components that previously …

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Replicating into Elasticsearch Webinar Followup

We had a great webinar on Wednesday looking at how we can use Tungsten Replicator for moving data into Elasticsearch, whether that’s for analytics, searching, or reporting.

You can ahead and watch the video recording of that session here

We had one question on that session, which I wanted to answer in full:

Can UPDATE and DELETE be converted to INSERT?

One of the interesting issues with replicating databases between databases is that we don’t always want the information in the same format when it goes over another side. Typically when replicating within a homogeneous environment the reason we are using replication is that we want an identical copy over on the other side of the process. In heterogeneous, especially when we move the data out to an analytics environment like Elasticsearch, we might not. That covers a whole range of …

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Next week in Brussels: Parallel Replication at the MySQL Pre-FOSDEM Day

FOSDEM is next weekend and I am talking about Parallel Replication on Friday, February 2nd at the MySQL Pre-FOSDEM Day (there might be tickets left in case of cancellation, attendance is free of charge).  During this talk, I will show benchmark results of MySQL 8.0 parallel replication on real production environments.  I thought I could share a few things before the talk so here it

How to convert galera node to async slave and vice-versa with MariaDB Galera Cluster.

Recently, I was working with one of our customer and this is what their requirement as they want to automate this process for converting galera node to async slave and make async slave to galera node without shutting down any server. ———- Here are the steps for how to do that. I assumes that you already have working 3 nodes galera cluster if not, then for the testing purpose you can create it from my previous post. setup-three-nodes-mariadb-galera-cluster-on-single-server-with-mysql-sandbox ———- Btw, there is no matter how many nodes you have. Now, create one test1 table and add 3 records in galera cluster.

MariaDB [nil]> select * from test1;
| id   | name      |
|    1 | nilnandan |
|    2 | joshi     |
|    3 | niljoshi  |
+------+-----------+ …
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Replication Features in MySQL 8.0.4

MySQL 8 second release candidate is out (MySQL 8.0.4). Besides fixes to replication issues we have also delivered a couple of enhancements in this release. Let me quickly summarize them.

  • Additional instrumentation for Group Replication (WL#9856). We have instrumented mutexes and condition synchronization objects on the group communication library.

Crash-safe MySQL Replication

MySQL crash-safe replication is an old feature (~4 years as of MySQL 5.6), but it’s not consistently understood or applied. The MySQL manual on the topic, 16.3.2 Handling an Unexpected Halt of a Replication Slave, is correct and authoritative, but unless you grok MySQL replication that page doesn’t make it obvious why crash-safe replication works. Other blog posts explain why, but sometimes add other considerations, making it unclear which settings are necessary and sufficient.

Crash-safe MySQL Replication

MySQL crash-safe replication is an old feature (~4 years as of MySQL 5.6), but it’s not consistently understood or applied. The MySQL manual on the topic, 16.3.2 Handling an Unexpected Halt of a Replication Slave, is correct and authoritative, but unless you grok MySQL replication that page doesn’t make it obvious why crash-safe replication works. Other blog posts explain why, but sometimes add other considerations, making it unclear which settings are necessary and sufficient.

Showing entries 201 to 210 of 1055
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